
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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475 Chs

Chenchen Grew Taller; Northwest Base Asked for Help

"Well, you do need to be careful with the baby. What about the land? Can we grow crops there this year?"

Yun Yao was amused, holding the hand of Chenchen and entering the house with him. It was already freezing outside. Everyone had put on down clothing, and air conditioners had long been turned on at home.

"We've hired a lot of people, and the greenhouse would be completed tomorrow. Before the new year, we will be able to plant wheat, so we'll harvest in March or April next year. The land in other bases might not be able to grow crops for now."

The military had promised the land handed over to everyone would be installed with greenhouses and they would be able to plant crops immediately. It was such a large area, so it would be lucky for them to finish the construction before the new year. If ordinary survivors could join them, they might be able to make it, but they would still have to wait to the next year to plant crops. There were indeed advantages for waiting till the next year, as they would be able to grow early season rice then and harvest in April or May. As long as there were harvests, people would have confidence in the future and the base would be more stable and solid.

"Haste makes waste. Let's take one step at a time. I meant to tell you last time that the superfunction possessors are better at enduring cold, so instead of thinking about how to help ordinary people through the winter, why not mobilize them to work and assign the military men with other tasks. In this way, we can save the people from freezing and offer them a way to earn some money."

"Sis, I think you are becoming clever."

"Screw you…"

They joked while taking off their coats and hanging them in the foyer. The air conditioner at home was on and it was warm inside, so they wouldn't feel cold even if they didn't wear coats. When taking off clothes for Chenchen, Yun Yao suddenly asked, "This is strange. Is Chenchen getting skinnier.

She remembered that in the snowstorm last time, this coat was tight on Chenchen, and now it seemed to have loosened a little.

"Well, maybe he has grown taller. He naturally looks thinner when he is taller."

Yun Che carefully inspected his little nephew, and measured him with his fingers. He realized that Chenchen was quite a lot taller. They spent every together, so he didn't notice it at all.

"Haha…our Chenchen is slowly growing up too."

Making sure that her son had really grown taller, Yun Yao happily rubbed his chubby little face. they would protect him as best as they could this time so that those horrible things would never happen to him.

"Well, I have to grow up quickly to protect mom, uncle, and my little brother."

As soon as he heard that he was thinner and taller, Chenchen was so happy that he became even sweeter. Yun Che happily picked him up, "Okay, Chencehn, then your little brother and I will rely on your protection. You have to grow up safely and be a powerful man!"

"Che, put him down, put him down –"

Yun Yao was shocked and hurriedly went forward to take Chenchen from him, "Don't you know about your own physical situation? Don't you know how much Chenchen weighs?"


Originally, Chenchen was on the same side with her, but once he heard her say that he was heavy, he compressed his mouth. Yun Yao was rendered speechless. Her brother and son were driving her crazy.

"Alright sis, I was happy just now. besides, our Chenchen is just a little bit baby fat, and he is not heavy at all, right, Chenchen?"

Yun Che put one arm around his sister, while not forgetting to find himself some backup. Chenchen pursed his lips and nodded, "Indeed, I am not heavy at all."

"Fine – you guys win!"

Yun Yao was speechless. There was simply nothing she could do. Ignoring her presence, the nephew and the uncle high-fived in front of her, both displaying a victorious smile.

The just unified the base integrated and planned in an orderly manner. Xing Feng and Yun Che had also been busy with the matters concerning the land and the community. In the opening day of the of the quilt and clothing factory, antidote and nutrient solution were also made available to everyone. All people in the whole base were exhilarated. By the mid December, the ground was finally covered with crops, and those ordinary people hired had also earned the food and supplies for the new year. In general, everyone was satisfied.

"What do you think of the request for help from the Northwest Base?"

The temperature was dropping and now it had reached tens of degrees below zero. For the southwest people who were not used to the cold, it was undoubtedly a quite difficult time to survive. Luckily, the base had been relocated to the city, and the houses in the city had already been equipped with heating facilities such as air conditioners, and the houses were better in keeping the freezing air outside than the ones built by superfunction possessors of earth. Moreover, many ordinary people were helping the military to build greenhouses, and no one had been freezing to death up till now. But not a while ago, the military received a request for help from the Northwest Base.

"You are the base commander. Shouldn't that be something you should think of? Just tell me if you need help or not. Why bother asking us to come here in such a cold day?"

Sitting in Mo Wenyang's heated office, Yun Che leaned against Xing Feng. He was almost five months pregnant and still didn't look like a pregnant man. His belly was still flat. But only Xing Feng and he knew that after all clothes were taken off, the bulge in his belly was visible, and it changed every day. Soon enough, he would not be able to casually walk outside.

"We have heaters in your home and here, and your car is heated as well. So when exactly can you feel the cold?"

Throwing him a stare, Mo Wenyang took a sip of hot tea. He said in a serious way, "The Northwest Base is the largest base close to us. It is adjunct to the Russian territory, and has huge geographical advantage so there are relatively fewer zombies there. However, they have many zombie beasts and mutant beasts, and the city has been attacked by the zombie beasts for multiple times. They were in a dire situation, and the Central China Base and we were the only ones capable of rescuing them. If we don't help them now, they won't help us when we are in danger. Then everyone just cares about their own business and China will collapse."

Although usually they were managed by different governments, in a time when the life and death of the whole base were on the line, he personally felt that they should watch out for and help each other. Last month in northern China, a base managed by the military was broken in less than three days in a zombie attack because no one in the neighboring bases offered to help them. Most of the people there died and it was such a tragic scene. People should be united just like the zombies. They would only have a real future if they stood together.

"Then go and help them. You are the base commander and you made the call."

Yun Che didn't say this to pick on him. He sincerely meant so. Mo Wenyang was a man of wisdom and he treated people nicely. The survivors in the southwest were lucky to have him.

"Well, do as you think. We will also dispatch superfunction possessors over level 5 to go with you."

Looking up at him, Xing Feng offered his support in the most direct way. Currently everyone in the main squad of Chaoyang and Peak had reached level 5, while the others apart from the new recruits of Peak were level 3. Everyone was trying to reach level 5 as soon as possible.

"I know, what I mean is … Yun Che, can you send Cheng with us? His superfunction can restrain the zombies, and I hope to minimize casualties and speed up the process."

This was his real purpose for asking them here. A lot of people knew that Yun Cheng's superfunction could restrain zombies, so did Mo Wenyang. What he didn't know was that Yun Cheng was the zombie emperor in the first place.


Yun Che did not immediately agree. He had heard about the mutant beasts and zombie beasts in the northwest in his previous life. They were especially fierce and tough. He would worry if only Cheng and the others went there, but this was a fabulous opportunity to train them. It would be such a pity to miss it.

"How about this. You go ahead and gather a group of people, and prepare their food. Leave the rest to me and I'll guarantee that they will arrive in the northwest unharmed. As for whether there will be casualties later, it is up to you guys."

A few moments later, Yun Che lifted his head. It would only take a few hours travelling to and back from the Northwest Base and it wouldn't take them more than three days to eliminate the zombie beasts so it was not a bit deal. He was not willing to miss such a great chance for training. Meanwhile, they would pass Tibetan region and they could take the chance and found two Tibetan Mastiff for Xingchen as warbeasts. Of course, if there were other suitable mutant beasts, he believed Xingchen would not mind have a few more.

"You can't be thinking…no, you can't go!"

Xing Feng, who was the first one to realize what he was up to, rejected it without a second thought. Yun Che was five months pregnant so how could he run to the northwest now? Besides, they were going there as reinforcement, so they would not even have time to rest before going into the battle. What if something happened to him?

"What's wrong?"

Mo Wenyang looked at Xing Feng in confusion. He didn't understand Xing Feng's strong opposition. As far as he knew, Yun Che was the strongest one in the Southwest Base. When did Xing Feng become so macho that he couldn't allow his love to fight?

"It'll be fine. I'm just a transportation tool. I'll go with you guys for some fun, and I definitely won't get involved. Or I'll ask Cheng to protect me, and we'll bring Chenchen along."

Ignoring Mo Wenyang's doubts, Yun Che pulled Xing Feng, trying to convince him. If he went with them, they wouldn't spend too much time on road, and there wouldn't be too much trouble. And he would help them in time when they encountered a danger. He believed that Xing Feng would understand. It was not that he didn't care about his own health. He was really not planning to get involved. Instead, he was only there to function as a transportation tool.

"Save it. Who doesn't know that Cheng and Chenchen do everything you say?"

Xing Feng was so angry the he almost laughed. He tried hard to remain serious and stop himself from laughing out. Yun Che took him by the arm, and begged, "Then I'll keep Heiyu with me as well. I won't get myself into a fight. We don't know if there are already level-6 zombies outside. What if they encounter one on the road? How can I not be worried if I am left at home alone? Feng, please, let me come with you. I promise I won't get involved. As soon as there is a danger, I'll hide in the Space, alright?"


Having no other way, Xing Feng helpless poked his head. Then he continued in a serious manner, "Remember what you've said. You will not fight and you can only stand at the end of the squad, with Heiyu as companion. If there is any danger, you'll go right inside the Space. If you break your promise on the road…"

"No, never. Look at my sparkling eyes. I'm sincere, am I not?"

Before he could finish, Yun Che immediately waved his hand, and also pointed to his own eyes. Xing Feng was dumbfounded. He would not be able to say no to Yun Che for his whole life.

"What's happening? Can either of you be the kind one to explain to me why Yun Che can't fight?"

Seeing that the two had reached an agreement, Mo Wenyang asked with a confused look. Why did he feel as if he had missed something very important? Also, what did they mean by going right inside the Space if there was danger? Could anyone really go inside a space?

Turning around to look at him, Xing Feng calmly raised his eyebrows, "Didn't I tell you? Che is already five months pregnant."



Hearing that, Mo Wenyang fell off the sofa. What did he mean that Che was five months pregnant? The home-guarding beast was a man, wasn't he? It was difficult for women to get pregnant in the doomsday, so how could he, a man, possibly get pregnant? Had the home-guarding beast become so strong that he could even ignore the laws of nature? Damn. It was frightening, wasn't it?