
Military Academy: Special Forces System

When Zhao Rui was reborn in a parallel universe, he was rewarded with a Special Forces System. He decided to join the military academy without any hesitation when he realized he had a unique system. The moment he joined, the border battlefield had welcomed the strongest recruit of all time. The recruit could climb mountains and run through minefields while carrying weapons that weighed more than 100kg in total. His shot never missed its target, even when he was a mile out. He could pilot anything that needed a pilot. He could command the military K9 to sweep for mines and could converse in 8 languages. He could write poems and perform traditional martial arts. He could hack into the network of an international group of terrorists. He could charge into battle at the frontline and would always return safely with merits. This is a story of a recruit that could do anything.

Earth Azuki-man · Urban
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40 Chs

Reciting Rules

Translator: Li_Voon_Loke

Everyone finally understood Instructor He's intention, but even so, it was still very difficult to memorize all of them in ten minutes.

Instructor He handed a pile of A4 paper to the front row, and everyone passed it back in order.

After everyone received it, Instructor He explained the confidential contents one by one.

"Do you all understand the above ten rules? If there are students who don't understand, they can raise their hands and ask questions." Instructor He's expression was unusually serious.

"Since you all understand, the ten-minute countdown begins now." As he spoke, he raised the stopwatch in his hand and started the countdown.

"The ten rules of secrecy are: 1. No one is allowed to reveal secrets to any organization or individual."

"2. No non-personnel are allowed to illegally learn secrets for any reason or through any means."

"3. No..."

Everyone studied seriously and made good use of the time to recite. Their voices echoed in the classroom.

"The fifth rule is that you are not allowed to use the USB drive..." At this moment, the classroom was like a high school morning self-study. Everyone was using their own methods to quickly memorize in a low voice.

This state made Zhao Rui feel nostalgic, and he immediately put his mind into memorizing.

However, after he memorized a few of them, he was surprised to find that the system had not shown any notifications.

"That's weird. Why isn't it working this time? Could it be that my system can only improve my stamina when I train or do something physical?"

Zhao Rui was stunned. This was the first time that the system did not appear. Could it be that the system was broken? Frozen?

In the past, no matter what kind of training he did, even if it was just the task of folding the quilt, the system would give him a reward, allowing him to quickly increase his proficiency and fold the quilt that was shaped like a tofu block.

But this time, when he recited it, it was not working. Zhao Rui was filled with questions.

"It seems that this system is only useful for physical fitness, but it will be ineffective for thinking and using the brain." Zhao Rui seemed to have found the pattern.

So, Zhao Rui quickly recited it in his mind. This time, without the system's support, he had to work even harder!

"6. Do not process files on computers connected to the Internet."

"7. Do not use computers with wireless internet access to process files."

Just as he was memorizing, Instructor He's voice suddenly came from the podium, "Time's Up! Everyone Stop!"

Then, Instructor He called out a few names. Most of them were from other dormitories, but one of them was Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei smiled bitterly and muttered, "Why am I always the unlucky one..."

The few people who were picked stood up. Some looked confident, while others looked miserable.

Bai Xiaofei could only bite the bullet and recite the rules.

The first person who was picked started reciting, "Firstly, you are not allowed to reveal secrets to any organization or individual."

"Secondly, you are not allowed to..." "Fourthly, you are not allowed to... What are you not allowed to do again?"

Seeing that person anxiously scratching his head in a comical manner, everyone burst into laughter.

This guy actually only memorized three. Instructor He instantly flew into a rage and directly ordered him to do thirty push-ups.

While he was doing these push-ups, Instructor He said sternly to everyone, "Memorizing ten in ten minutes might be a little difficult. I intend for you to try your best to break through your own limits."

"But you only memorized three. It's not that the time was too short, but you didn't memorize them seriously. You're just trying to muddle through. You felt that you wouldn't get picked because there are so many people. You were hoping for luck. This kind of behavior is absolutely not allowed!"

Instructor He asked the student, "Do you know your mistake? !"

The student shouted, "Reporting to Instructor He! I know my mistake. There won't be a next time."

"Sit back down."

"Yes! Instructor." As he said that, the student scratched his head awkwardly and returned to his seat.

Following that, the second and the third student recited the rules.

The other students who were picked did not finish reciting all ten rules to varying degree.

Instructor He said, "It's still not enough to recite to this extent. Although ten minutes is short, all of you should not only recite this little bit."

"I'll give you another ten minutes. Everyone, try to memorize all ten of them for me."

Before he finished his sentence, everyone immediately got into it and started to recite them again. The entire classroom once again entered the "morning self-study" mode.

"Seventh..." Zhao Rui was reciting them like a madman.

"Ding, memory enhanced, + 1"

Zhao Rui was shocked. He did not expect the system to have this function. It seemed that the system was not broken or frozen. He might not have been able to activate the system's memory function before.

He had to work hard before the system could activate the memory function.

"Number eight..." After getting the memory enhanced effect, Zhao Rui felt that it was easier to recite than before.

In just two minutes, he had memorized the content of the tenth item.

"Congratulations, host. Your memory has been enhanced. + 1"

The system's voice sounded again. His memory had increased again.

Zhao Rui repeated it twice and realized that he had memorized the tenth item thoroughly. He could even say that he had memorized it very well.

"That's great. I didn't expect it to be so easy." At this moment, a familiar voice sounded in his ear again.

Qian Jiang whispered confidently. He looked quite relaxed.

Zhao Rui adjusted his sitting posture. Qian Jiang had a good memory. He finished memorizing so quickly.

Instructor He had been scanning the crowd. When he saw that Zhao Rui had put the paper in his hand on the table and looked up confidently, he raised his hand to look at the timer.

Instructor He clapped his hands to signal for everyone to stop.

At this moment, Instructor He looked at Zhao Rui and said, "Student Zhao Rui, I see that you have already placed the paper down. Have you already memorized it?"

Zhao Rui stood up and shouted, "Reporting to Instructor He, I have already memorized it."

"What? How is this possible!"

He was already the first in terms of physical fitness and long distance running. How was that fair? Everyone cast envious glances at him.

They couldn't help but admire Class Monitor Zhao. He was indeed the prodigy of Odin Academy.

Amidst the waves of praise, Zhao Rui began to recite very rhythmically.

Everyone was astonished. How was this reciting? It was so smooth! It was simply incomparable.

"Is this the memory of an immortal?" Bai Xiaofei was completely stunned. Moreover, he felt as if he had come to this world just to make up the numbers.

Instructor He said with a smile, "Very good, Zhao Rui. You are responsible for going through everyone's progress. No one is allowed to leave without memorizing it."

As he said this, Instructor He walked out of the classroom with his hands behind his back. Behind him, the sounds of students' reciting began to rise.