
Military Academy: Special Forces System

When Zhao Rui was reborn in a parallel universe, he was rewarded with a Special Forces System. He decided to join the military academy without any hesitation when he realized he had a unique system. The moment he joined, the border battlefield had welcomed the strongest recruit of all time. The recruit could climb mountains and run through minefields while carrying weapons that weighed more than 100kg in total. His shot never missed its target, even when he was a mile out. He could pilot anything that needed a pilot. He could command the military K9 to sweep for mines and could converse in 8 languages. He could write poems and perform traditional martial arts. He could hack into the network of an international group of terrorists. He could charge into battle at the frontline and would always return safely with merits. This is a story of a recruit that could do anything.

Earth Azuki-man · Urban
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40 Chs


Translator: Li_Voon_Loke

Seeing Instructor He leave, the few of them took a deep breath.

After that, they looked at Zhao Rui and started to praise him crazily.

"Class Monitor, you're too awesome. In just ten minutes, you've memorized all of that. You're like fish in water."

"Yeah, your memory is too good."

"As expected of the pride of our dormitory."

"Be humble." Although Zhao Rui was very happy to be praised by them, he still pretended to be unfazed.

"By the way, Class Monitor, now that the instructor has left, do we not have to memorize anymore?"

"No, we have to memorize. Otherwise, what would you do if he picked you again?"

"However, I'm not like Instructor He. I can give you more time. For the rest of the time, work harder, everyone. I can explain after I finish memorizing."

Bai Xiaofei and the others were helpless. The sound of memorizing echoed in the classroom.

Although everyone was not willing to memorize these rules, in the end, they all passed.

"Yes, everyone knows how to memorize this. Even if it's over, Instructor He will pick you again. You won't be embarrassed then."

Zhao Rui nodded.

Later, he went to He Yingbo's office and told Instructor He about the situation.

"Instructor He, do you want to see their results?"

"No need. If you still don't know how to memorize these things, it's better not to be a soldier. Zhao Rui, you guys go to the shooting range with the other teams and prepare to practice shooting."

Zhao Rui nodded. After he went back, he brought the news to everyone.

When Bai Xiaofei and the others heard about the shooting, they were all very excited and happy. It was not because of anything else, but because everyone wanted to grab a gun and show off their shooting skills.

In their eyes, if soldiers could not touch a weapon, they had no soul.

However, they were soon disappointed.

At the shooting range, Instructor He gave each of them a gun. However, he did not ask them to shoot. Instead, he asked them to familiarize themselves with the structure of the gun.

"Ah, Instructor He, didn't you say we are going to practice shooting? Why did you only let us touch the gun?"

Bai Xiaofei could not help but ask at this time.

Instructor He said, "You don't even know the structure of the gun. You just want to shoot. Have you ever seen a person who became good at shooting just like that?"

These words made everyone sigh. It was not easy for everyone to see a gun. They thought that they could experience the feeling of firing a gun, but they did not expect that in the end, they could only touch the gun.

It was as if he had seen through everyone's minds, Instructor He said in a deep voice, "Alright, Alright. No one wanted to see that ugly face of yours. Once you are all familiar with it, I will let you experience shooting. Now, all of you take apart the guns and familiarize yourselves with the structure inside."

Instructor He then set an example and taught them how to take apart the guns. After hearing that, they also began to take apart the guns.

Later on, He Yingbo began to tell everyone about the parts and structure of the guns. As they were all using the same gun, there was no difference in the structure.

These were especially boring for some people, such as Bai Xiaofei, Chi Heng, and the others,

Bai Xiaofei complained in private, "Aiya, I thought I could play with the guns, but in the end, it was all for nothing. It's so boring to know what the things inside are for."

"Yeah, you can't shoot. It's really boring." Chi Heng nodded and agreed with him.

After the explanation, He Yingbo asked everyone to assemble the gun.

"Do you understand? If you understand, then assemble the gun for me. When you're done, show it to me. It's like disassembling it. If you can't assemble it properly, you'll be punished."

After everyone heard this, they began to assemble the guns.

Because they felt bored, Bai Xiaofei and the others didn't pay attention to how to disassemble the guns. This was great. They were momentarily stunned.

Seeing that everyone was starting to assemble the guns, they thought of sneaking glances at the others.

Bai Xiaofei, for example, glanced at his class monitor, Zhao Rui, whom he had always thought highly of.

However, at this moment, a gloomy voice rang in his ears, "Bai Xiaofei, don't look at others. Do it yourself!"

Bai Xiaofei was so scared that he started to tremble. This made his hands shake, and one of the parts rolled away.


Seeing that the part had rolled away, he hurriedly went to look for it. However, there were many people at the shooting range, which made him feel like he's searching for a needle in a haystack.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Bai Xiaofei panicked. He was so anxious that his forehead was covered in sweat.

When Zhao Rui and the others saw Bai Xiaofei stand up, they didn't know what he was looking for. They were also puzzled.

However, they couldn't go up and ask because Instructor He was walking around them. They couldn't stand up without orders.

"Bai Xiaofei, what are you doing? !"

Instructor He saw Bai Xiaofei wandering around alone. He frowned and scolded him.

"Reporting to the instructor, I'm looking for the missing parts!"

Bai Xiaofei immediately stood straight and gave Instructor He a military salute.


Seeing that Instructor He didn't pay attention to him after he finished speaking, Bai Xiaofei felt lucky. He thought he was going to be punished.

He had to find the parts quickly. For now, he did not care if he could assemble the gun properly.

However, as time passed, he still could not find the parts.

When he saw that people were showing the assembled guns to He Yingbo one after another, his originally anxious heart became even more anxious.

He gritted his teeth and did not care about the parts anymore. He turned around and returned.

What he meant was that he didn't care anymore. He would just go with the flow.

If this dragged on, wouldn't he be finished?

In reality, even if he didn't stall for time and did what he remembered to assemble the guns, he would still be finished in the end.

He didn't really listen to what Instructor He had said before. The parts inside the guns were numerous and complicated. It's impossible for him to assemble it without knowing what he's doing.

In the end, Zhao Rui and the others sent the gun up, but he still hadn't finished assembling it.

Of course, other than him, Chi Heng was the same. He hadn't listened to Instructor He before, and now he was scratching his head and still couldn't assemble the gun properly.

"Brother, how are you doing?"

"It's hard, it's too hard. What about you?"

"I don't know how to do it either."

The two of them whispered to each other while Instructor He was inspecting the other people's guns.

In the end, there were only those in Dorm 314 left on the shooting range.

The other classes were sent to the cafeteria by Instructor He for dinner.

"Are you two ready?"

"Sir, there's one more part."

Bai Xiaofei raised his hand and said. Actually, it was a lie to say that there was one more part. He didn't even know how to assemble it. There were still a lot of parts that hadn't been put in yet.

He Yingbo was not tired of waiting. When he came up and saw the guns that the two of them had assembled, he frowned and said in a deep voice, "Did you listen to me carefully before? Tell me the truth."