
Milan the Breeder: Pokémon EroFic

Milan is a now retired Gym Leader and Elite Four Member in Sinnoh. Finding that life boring and tedious, she bought a large plot of land where she now enjoys a life among Pokémon. However, not in the way people think. She is a registered breeder, but due to her lineage, she herself tends to be the in charge of all breeding on her land. This is a fanfic that I just want to write to get all my various urges out, and just have fun. So, if you are uncomfortable with things like Bestiality, Futa, and Pregnancy, then don't read. Like the synopsis states, Milan, the main character, is now a 'breeder' in Sinnoh. This EroFic will explore her relationships with her former Pokémon and all the wild ones living on her lands, as well as people from her past. AGAIN, IF YOU ARE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THE IDEA OF TRAINERS AND POKEMON GETTING IT ON, DON'T READ!

Ketsueki_Hasu · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs


While I lay on the large bed naked, I stared out the open window and watched the waves crash against the beach, the moon lighting the crystal blue water and golden sand.

Taking the time to rest, I wondered what Cynthia and Lusamine were doing currently, my mind wandering towards our newest lover.

With Cynthia's personality, as well as my own, the petite blonde wouldn't hold that title for long; most likely, we would set our sights on someone new in just a few days, bedding them and giving them the same offer we gave her.

Whether or not they take it as on them, but my own cultivated sex drive and Cynthia's newer, but equally large pit of lust guaranteed that we would need a large harem of women to keep us occupied, and with the money she had, as well as the potential revenue of my Ranch, well...

Grinning as I felt my cock spring up, I got up and stretched, approaching the balcony.

Plopping down on the lounge chair outside, I sighed in contentment at the soft cushion and cool breeze over my bare skin and closed my eyes.

Drifting off to sleep to the sounds of the ocean and cawing of birds, I was awoken later by someone shaking my shoulder.

opening my eyes, I saw Cynthia staring down at me, her black shirt hugging her modest breasts while her gold rimmed sunglasses rested in her equally golden hair.

"So? How was it?"

Grinning at her, I took her hand and got up, not resisting as she pulled me into her arms.

"Great~! Bastet and Hecate are all taken care of~!"

She grinned back at me, and I peered over her shoulder, looking for Lusamine.

"She's in the bath; I did try to refrain myself, but she seduced me at the end, so..."

Chuckling at her wry smirk, I placed my hand on her toned stomach and coyly asked "Oh~? How'd she seduce you, hmm~?"

Raising a brow, Cynthia slid her hand to my waist and said "Simple, really... she suggested we tour a small ruin nearby, and while I was taking in the sight of the island below us, she clung to my back and started whispering sweet nothings to me..."

Leaning closer to her, my breath tickled her cheek as I asked "Tell them to me..."

Dropping her hand to my ass, she nodded.

"Hmm~ I think the one that really set me off was..."

Glancing up, her smirk widened as her voice turned seductive, and she said "Doesn't this place remind you of where we first met~? Should we... recreate that day~?"

Chuckling, I kissed her lips and replied "I can see why that would get you going... you get to remember the day that you planted your seed deep inside a fertile woman~!"

She nodded, before glancing at my own flat stomach, her voice hesitant as she asked "Are... are you sure about... what you said this morning?"

Following her gaze, I grinned and nodded, my thoughts turned towards my womb.

"Not a hundred percent sure, but I feel like I am... Y'know, my body isn't as... fluid as it usually is, and there's the fact that I can't confidently say that my womb is unoccupied... When I have eggs, I KNOW as soon as they form, but since I've never had a kid, well..."

Cynthia nodded again, slight worry in her eyes as she finished my sentence.

"You don't know what to expect from a human child, got it... Milan, I really-"

Placing a finger on her lips, I looked lovingly up at my childhood friend.

"Cynthia... I never thought I'd have the chance to be in this position. I... You don't know how much I wanted this to happen; how often I prayed for this to happen. I wanted you more than anything, and now..."

Moving my hand to her cheek, I smiled up at her and said "Now it's happening... I'm with you, and likely... likely with child. Your child. Our child..."

Raising my other hand, I held her face gently, getting on my tiptoes to kiss her.

"Words can't describe how lucky I feel, Cynthia... how lucky I am that you finally saw me as a woman, that you still chose me after that, chose me after I told you what I am... how blessed I- no, we'll be when it's definite that I'm pregnant."

She stared down at me, her golden eyes warm as she placed another kiss on my lips.


Seeing her eyes water slightly, I chuckled as I gently stroke her cheek.

"I love you, Cynthia. I really do. I just hope that-"

I didn't get the chance to respond, my lover slamming her lips against mine and pulling me inside, towards the large bed.

Pushing me down, she ravished my lips as she fumbled with her clothes, stripping.


She would moan my voice as she smothered my body with kisses, her desperate, raging desire for me making me moan as well.

The heat coming off her skin as she began to gently take me, her love washing into me as the night passed by.

When Lusamine joined us, I watched as Cynthia showered us both in her boundless love, with me sometimes joining in when the stimulation grew too great.

Our rampant lust for one another turned the room from a wonderful, opulent sleeping quarters into a dirty, stained mess, one that only fueled us more.

When I eventually exhausted myself out, I laid in Cynthia's arms, the woman panting beside me, her other arm around Lusamine's stained body.

With such a large filling of her seed, I gulped and rubbed my stomach, my heart pounding as I felt something.

Glancing at my lover, I grinned to her as I whispered "I... I really am pregnant..."

I could feel something growing inside of me, and since there was no other seed inside my womb besides hers...

Cynthia pulled me deep into her embrace, and I eventually fell asleep when the joy faded, our faces beside one another.

While we slept, none of us noticed something small wriggling out of our bags, it's small brown head glancing around the dirty room with wonder.


Wanted to make this more of a... 'wholesome'-ish chapter, and use it as a way to let the readers and characters know that Milan is, indeed, pregnant.

Now, how will that work?

Due to her... half ditto blood, the kid'll pop out in half the time, so 4.5 months.

Which will also make them a quarter to a half ditto, but that's besides the point.

How will this affect the story?

Not much; Milan will still be going out and enjoying life, as will Cynthia.

They'll care for the child, but besides that, I don't plan on focusing a whole bunch of time on the kids, since it's a smut book.

With Dawn, Johanna, and Lusamine being pregnant all at the same time, their is enough surrogate mothers to pamper the kid, and Milan and Cynthia will still be around often to care for the child, but I don't plan on making this change the story.


Feels kinda weird for it to NOT happen; like they love each other a lot, and Milan's obviously fertile, so, y'know...

Anyways, yeah, that's that.



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