
Milan the Breeder: Pokémon EroFic

Milan is a now retired Gym Leader and Elite Four Member in Sinnoh. Finding that life boring and tedious, she bought a large plot of land where she now enjoys a life among Pokémon. However, not in the way people think. She is a registered breeder, but due to her lineage, she herself tends to be the in charge of all breeding on her land. This is a fanfic that I just want to write to get all my various urges out, and just have fun. So, if you are uncomfortable with things like Bestiality, Futa, and Pregnancy, then don't read. Like the synopsis states, Milan, the main character, is now a 'breeder' in Sinnoh. This EroFic will explore her relationships with her former Pokémon and all the wild ones living on her lands, as well as people from her past. AGAIN, IF YOU ARE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THE IDEA OF TRAINERS AND POKEMON GETTING IT ON, DON'T READ!

Ketsueki_Hasu · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Meeting Some People

When we all woke up the next morning, we all groaned as our muscles screamed at us, the effects of having such rough, passionate sex slowly catching up to us.

Getting up, we all hobbled over to the bath, which was more like a mini pool.

Lowering ourselves into the heated water, we all sighed as our muscles healed.

Since I was half ditto, I healed much faster than they did, so after personally cleaning off my wife's magnificent cock, I made my way over to the kitchen, where I sorted through the ingredients and started to prepare a meal.

Going with some Magikarp filets and drizzling it with a lemon sauce, I steamed some rice and prepared each of us a bowl, giving the dead Pokemon a quick prayer of thanks.

While I usually refrained from eating Pokemon, I wasn't totally against it; some were just delicious, and others had parts of themselves that were edible.

Apparently there's this pile of cream that became a Pokemon in this region called Galar, and it offered its cream to the world... if it trusted you.

It doesn't get harmed by that, but the cream is FROM a Pokemon...

Anyways, Magikarp reproduce easily enough, are weak, and are the bottom of the food pyramid in most ecosystems...

Until they evolve.

Though, even Gyarados eat Magikarp, so...

Shaking my head, I sat down when Cynthia and Lusamine walked in, both dressed in clean clothes.

Taking a seat beside me, they dug into the meal with gusto, and I smiled as I watched the mountain of food disappear before me.

Eating my own fill, I got up and went to put on some proper clothes, shrugging on a loose dress before returning to Cynthia's side, where she promptly wrapped her arm around my waist.

Giving her a deep kiss, I chuckled as she did the same to Lusamine, making me say "You're going to look insufferable, Cyn~! Two beautiful women in your arms..."

Smirking at me, she nodded, her voice low as she said "Well, you're my women, so of course I want to indulge a little. Now come on, we need to go see Mister Boreas before we go out again today..."

Rolling my eyes as she slid her hand under my dress, I wrapped my arms around hers and followed her outside, where the bellhop waited.

Seeing us exit, he gave us a warm smile as he said "Mister Boreas wanted to know if you were available this morning, Miss Cynthia?"

"Yes, I'm free now; I had a few things that needed to..."

Glancing between Lusamine and I, she smirked as she finished, her eyes shining with lust.

"Be done last night. I'll apologize to him in person..."

Nodding, the bellhop guided us to the elevator, taking us down to the lobby.

Then he led us through the extravagant, high ceilinged rooms and gestured to a large set of deep brown wooden doors, the surface engraved with elaborate patterns.

Grasping the golden handles, Cynthia opened the doors to reveal a large, open room, where an older man sat at in a wooden throne.

Hearing the door open, he grinned over at us, his lush white beard immaculately groomed.

His sharp, piercing violet eyes bored into Cynthia's, and his booming voice echoed in the room.

"Miss Cynthia~! It's a pleasure to meet you! I've been a fan of you ever since you managed to put that old bat Jericho Maroon in his place a decade ago!"

Slowly getting to his feet, Mister Boreas shuffled over to us, his wooden cane crisply clacking against the floor as he approached us.

"Why, I even had a party when you managed to usurp his throne, dear! In fact, I had-"

"Papa, please. You tell this story all the time."

Walking out from behind him, I held in a chuckle as I recognized the woman; not by name or anything, but from a photo that that Burnet woman sent me.

With long, whiteish blue hair and sharp pale blue eyes, the woman that Burnet had given a messy creampie to.

She was wearing a set of sky-blue golfers clothes; a short skirt and tight shirt with short sleeves, while her orange knee high socks only made her toned thighs stand out more.

"Kahili, you might know it, but they don't! Bah, whatever..."

Turning back to us, Mister Boreas rolled his violet eyes as he said "This here is Kahili, my daughter. Now, Miss Cynthia, have you eaten yet? I'm feeling rather peckish, so..."

She smirked as she gestured to me, saying "We had a light meal; Milan's a good cook, and she was raving about all the incredible ingredients in the Penthouse."

Bowing to the man, I smiled warmly as I said "Cynthia can always eat more, Mister Boreas! I'm sure I can fit a bit more as well~!"

He chuckled, nodded as he gestured for us to follow him.

"Very well! Y'know, when I heard that Miss Cynthia was bringing you along, Miss Veritan, I was rather surprised! Not as surprised as when she told me you were engaged!"

Smiling at my lover, I glanced down at the ring on my left ring finger, gently rubbing the beautiful stone.

"Not as surprised as me, I'm sure. I had thought she might find someone better for her adventurers, but..."

He shook his head, while Cynthia frowned slightly as she peeked back at me.

"Nonsense dear! Your record in the Elite Four was almost pristine, and you were such an excellent battler that many deemed Sinnoh the 'Impossible Challenge' for trainers; the number of aspiring Champions in your Region was greater than any other, and yet only a handful managed to get past you to challenge Miss Cynthia for the throne!

Not only that, but you are a looker as well~! My wife used to rave about you, always saying how she wished her eyes sparkled like yours, to get her hair as silky as yours..."

Turning, he fake glared at me as he raised his cane slightly, his lips pulled into a thin line as he said "Sometimes, I was of a mind to call you and let you have it! It felt like I wasn't her husband; you were! Hmph!"

Spinning back around, he walked with his nose upturned slightly, making me chuckle.

His daughter, Kahili, just rolled her eyes as she gave him an exasperated look, while Cynthia and Lusamine smiled warmly.

Reaching another door, we entered to find a long table, where four women and a man already sat.

They turned when they heard us, and Cynthia smirked as she saw who they were.

The man had dark brown skin, and his muscular body was bared to the world, while his dark red hair was slicked up like a flame; Kiawe, the Fire Captain, gave us a curt nod.

Next, a woman with light brown skin and long green hair smiled widely at us, her youthful features reminding me of Dawn, and her cute flower headband was at odds with her curvaceous figure; Mallow, the Grass Captain, beamed at us.

Beside Mallow was a younger girl, younger than Dawn, and her shy features and blue hair made me wonder if my daughters from Dawn and Johanna would look like her; Lana, the Water Captain, nodded to us, her cheeks slightly red as she gazed at Cynthia.

Sitting opposite Mallow was a woman with skin slightly lighter than Kiawe, and her voluptuous breasts were barely being contained by her tight pink bikini top; Olivia, the Kahuna, gave me a sensual grin before licking her lips as she stared at Cynthia, her gray eyes shining with carnal lust.

Finally, at the head of the table was a woman as old as Mister Boreas, her black hair streaked with gray falling down onto her thin tanned body, and her face was creased with smile lines and wrinkles; Miss Tatianna Boreas smiled at me, her ocean blue eyes glowing with excitement as they landed on me.

Moving to sit beside his wife, Mister Boreas grinned at us as he said "Akala Island welcomes you, Miss Cynthia, Miss Milan; please, sit and eat. We'll talk after breakfast!"


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