
Hot Springs Services (Part 7)



Basic Attack: Environment Enhance Lv.1, Crowd Management Lv.1, Faceless Actor Lv.1

Skill Class: Sword Mastery Lv.1, Lance Mastery Lv.1, Bow Mastery Lv.1, Shield Mastery Lv.1, Spear Mastery Lv.1, Crossbow Mastery, Dagger Mastery Lv.1,

Ultimate: Chain-Assassination, Multiple Execution, Shadow Contract, Heavy Armor Overleap

Talent: Advanced Alchemist, Advanced Negotiator, Advanced Trainer, Novice Chef, Novice Botanist

Technique: Danger Call, Mimic, Masquerade, Fortune Cat

Special Skills: Luck Lady Charm, Never Ending Loli, Trap Noblesse Charm

Total Skill Points Remaining: 293


Looking at the list of skills, ultimates, talents, techniques, and special skills that I can use. I spent 98 skill points that would be useful in the future. Some skills have quite expensive prices, especially for ultimate and special skills. Because I'm not the main character in this story, a detailed explanation of the skills I have is not written in the crystal ball that the Dungeon Master gave me.

However, I understand the effects of those skills that complement each other like Luck Lady Charm, Never Ending Loli, and Trap Noblesse Charm. All of the special skills are interconnected with the Technique charm which can charm the person I am talking to and provide other options such as digging up secret information through my speaking technique.

An Assassin must have the basic ability to dig up even the slightest information in a conversation with someone. The special combination of skill and technique should make me look like a merchant who can speak fluently to deal with children, adult women, and nobles.

To make sure all the skill points had been used, I opened my ability branching map again and saw a key mark that required a level requirement above thirty.

Yes, it seems like all of these abilities have a cap at level thirty.

Next, I just need to defeat monsters and increase my level little by little until I reach level sixty.


Name: Shouma Hirohito Vi Guderian

Aliases: EX-Hidden One, Shiisou, Ahmed-sensei

Level: 30/60

[Basic Stats]

HP: 5000/5000

ATK: 4500

DEF: 3000

SPD: 7340

[Advanced Stats]

CRIT Rate: 180%

CRIT DMG: 200%

Break Effect: 190%

Healing Boost: 0%

Max Energy: 200%

Energy Regeneration Rate: 300%

Effect Hit Rate: 200%

Effect RES: 80%

[DMG Type]

Fire DMG: 0%

Water DMG: 0%

Earth DMG: 0%

Wind DMG: 0%

Light DMG: 0%

Dark DMG: 30%

Fire RES: 0%

Water RES: 0%

Earth RES: 0%

Wind RES: 0%

Light RES: -15%

Dark RES:100 %


[+] Basic Attack: Slash Lv.10 (MAX), Stab Lv. 10 (MAX), Throw Lv. 10 (MAX), Environment Enhance Lv.1, Crowd Management Lv.1, Faceless Actor Lv.1

[+] Skill Class: Counter-Attack Lv. 10 (MAX), Parry Lv. 10 (MAX), Counter-Kill Lv.10 (MAX), Kill-Streak Lv.10 (MAX), Taunt Lv.10 (MAX), Deceive Attack Lv.10 (MAX), Distraction Lure Lv.10 (MAX), Disarm Lv.10 (MAX), Sword Mastery Lv.1, Lance Mastery Lv.1, Bow Mastery Lv.1, Shield Mastery Lv.1, Spear Mastery Lv.1, Crossbow Mastery, Dagger Mastery Lv.1

[+] Ultimate: Assassination, Execution, Vanishing-Step, Shadow Leap, Chain-Assassination, Multiple Execution, Shadow Contract, Heavy Armor Overleap

[+] Talent: Advanced Alchemist, Advanced Negotiator, Advanced Trainer, Novice Chef, Novice Botanist

[+] Technique: Dagger In Crowd, Parkour, Charm, Eagle Sense, Womanizer, Focus, Danger Call, Mimic, Masquerade, Fortune Cat

[Special Skills]

[+] Luck Lady Charm, Never Ending Loli, Trap Noblesse Charm

[Total Skill Points remaining 293]


I froze when I realized my character's stats were borderline abnormal. The effect of an item called Eiden which can break the limit of strength can be used by an unknown character like me and makes my strength develop in a terrible direction.

This information makes me want to test the effects of Eiden items.

Are characters other than Heroines and Villains able to break through the limits of their powers at abnormal borders like me?

Should I buy slaves or prisoners of war between races to experiment with the effects of this Eiden item?

If Eiden's item can break through a person's power limitations, it means that this dungeon has great potential to be kept secret from the public space. This means my responsibility as the Master of the Dungeon Master of this place increases when someone finds out the secret of this place.

Looks like I have to make a written rule to keep this place a secret to Shion and Yua Mikami.

In my thoughts bearing the burden of this secret, the sound of the Dungeon Master's moans filled my ears and managed to divert my attention to her.

The gentle movement of her lower body now turned into a fulcrum that made my hard object hit the tightly closed door of her womb.

"Hng …"

"Mmph …"

"Master …"

"Please love me more deeply... Nyaahaa ..."

While my mind was busy taking care of skill points and the threat of this place in a public space, the Dungeon Master seemed to be enjoying my hard object and was moaning in pleasure. Her body movements now focused on her smooth buttocks which alternately rose and fell following the sound of her moans of pleasure.

"Master, uhm, may I have a passionate kiss ?" asked the Dungeon Master.

Without answering that request, I immediately buried my lips into hers, tracing the trail of her saliva which moved to form the beautiful sound of the warmth of our love in the hot spring pool.

When our lips touched each other, the softness of the Dungeon Master's fleshy walls pressed against my hard object until it entered the walls of her womb and hit her entrance roughly.

With every blow of the head of my hard object that hit the door of her womb, I could hear the moaning of the Dungeon Master who enjoyed the rough knocking on the door of her womb. It seems that is the weak point of the Dungeon Master who likes the door of her womb being touched by the head of my hard object.

"Hng ... Master …"

"I like this thing, please touch it more roughly," moaned the Dungeon Master who enjoyed every stroke of my hard object inside the door of her womb.

The character of the Dungeon Master who looked like a graceful and wise woman has now turned into a young girl who wants to enjoy her love journey to the end. Without caring about my promise not to dirty this place, I followed the game of the Dungeon Master who didn't care about her pride who had fallen into the abyss of pleasure.
