
Hot Springs Services (Part 6)


Hearing my answer, the Dungeon Master moved the softness of her lower body to squeeze my hard object until it pressed hard. The movement resulted in a gentle massage that pampered my hard object until it reached a level of hardness that was difficult for the blood vessels to withstand. The growing movement of my hard object gave a sign that our romantic relationship was more than Master and Dungeon Master.

"If that had happened in our previous life, I am ready to serve you again wholeheartedly, Master," those words filled with tenderness made my hard body vibrate with pleasure. Like exploring a maze filled with puzzles, this overly delicious feeling gave me a new experience of enjoying sexual intercourse without expending energy. With small movements squeezing my hard object and relying on the softness of the flesh caressing my hard object, it made me lose control and release a thick white liquid in the hot spring.

"Hnnngg ... Master? Don't you want to dirty this place ?" teased the Dungeon Master.

"What you just did dirty this place you know ."

"Please be responsible by giving praise to this Dungeon Master ."

Dungen Master's small request and teasing made me aware of this situation. At a glance, I saw a pool of blood mixed with a thick white liquid behind the Dungeon Master's body.

"Fufufu... Love ties aren't so bad, aren't they ?" teased the Dungeon Master who noticed my gaze at the liquid bound by our love.

"But, doesn't this feel strange? This thing should turn small again after being exhausted, right?" asked the Dungeon Master who moved her soft flesh to press against my hard object which was still standing upright.

"Do I look like a man who fell with one blow?" I replied.

Since my hard object had a higher level of sensitivity after releasing thick white liquid, the caress given by the Dungeon Master's soft flesh made me enjoy this romantic relationship even longer.

Without actively moving in the hot spring, the pleasure I feel is not much different from the active movements carried out during normal sexual activity.

"Mmngh …"

"Ahnn …"

My hard object which was still being squeezed by the Dungeon Master's softness suddenly felt a warm sensation flooding my hard object. The small moan that the Dungeon Master let out made her look even more beautiful and invited me to explore her soft feminine side.

Our hug seemed to be getting closer together with the touch of our lips, giving each other a warm kiss that filled the emptiness in our hearts. During that gentle kiss, I could feel the Dungeon Master's soft flesh again actively guiding my hard object into her special service.

A barrier to the depths of the Dungeon Master's soft flesh had been reached. With the head of my hard object knocking on her entrance, I could hear the Dungeon Master's small moans that were holding back the pleasure from exploding quickly.

"There's no need to rush, we can do this slowly," I said while stroking her long hair.

"Mhnn... T-That's right, I-I'll enjoy it slowly, Master."

"Ah, I almost forgot about this. What about our bet on skill points?" I asked, opening the topic of conversation in this romantic situation.

"That... I've given it to you Haau ... Master," amidst the pleasure of the Dungeon Master caressing my hard object, I tried to regulate the sensitive level of my hard object which almost reached its limit.

"Master, please accept this ... Ahhh ..." continued the words of the Dungeon Master who released magic energy and gave me a blue crystal ball to access my personal information.


Name: Shouma Hirohito Vi Guderian

Aliases: EX-Hidden One, Shiisou, Ahmed-sensei

Level: 30/60

[Basic Stats]

HP: 5000/5000

ATK: 4500

DEF: 3000

SPD: 7340

[Advanced Stats]

CRIT Rate: 180%

CRIT DMG: 200%

Break Effect: 190%

Healing Boost: 0%

Max Energy: 200%

Energy Regeneration Rate: 300%

Effect Hit Rate: 200%

Effect RES: 80%

[DMG Type]

Fire DMG: 0%

Water DMG: 0%

Earth DMG: 0%

Wind DMG: 0%

Light DMG: 0%

Dark DMG: 30%

Fire RES: 0%

Water RES: 0%

Earth RES: 0%

Wind RES: 0%

Light RES: -15%

Dark RES:100 %


[+] Basic Attack: Slash Lv.10 (MAX), Stab Lv. 10 (MAX), Throw Lv. 10 (MAX)

[+] Skill Class: Counter-Attack Lv. 10 (MAX), Parry Lv. 10 (MAX), Counter-Kill Lv.10 (MAX), Kill-Streak Lv.10 (MAX), Taunt Lv.10 (MAX), Deceive Attack Lv.10 (MAX), Distraction Lure Lv.10 (MAX), Disarm Lv.10 (MAX)

[+] Ultimate: Assassination, Execution, Vanishing-Step, Shadow Leap

[+] Talent: Novice Alchemist, Negotiator, Novice Trainer

[+] Technique: Dagger In Crowd, Parkour, Charm, Eagle Sense, Womanizer, Focus

[Special Skills]

[+] Locked

[Total Skill Points remaining 391]


Oh, my information has changed.

After my ability limit of reaching level thirty was increased, I now have a new goal to reach level sixty and continue the challenge of this hellish dungeon to rise to the next level.

These body statistics have major changes due to the Eiden item being automatically used by adjusting the strength of my previous statistics.

Uh, I didn't realize this before.


Aren't my stats much higher than before?

My skills have reached the maximum limit?

And the skill points I have are much more than before.

I've never experienced this situation before.

How can this body's stats be so much greater than the main character who is fighting tooth and nail to raise the critical strike stat beyond one hundred percent?

Do these body statistics have strange disorders like programming defects?

I don't know what happened, but because the rice had become mush. I will enjoy this tempting porridge and eat it.

Let's see what kind of information I can do with my skill branch as an Assassin.

The screen display in front of me changed to display my personal information which had branching options regarding the skills I could get within the required level of thirty.

Just like in my previous life, I will carry out the formation of Assassin skills that are very profitable for my playing style in this world. With ten skill points, I managed to unlock a locked special skill and increase the range of my skills to move like an Assassin lurking at close range without arousing suspicion.
