This is a story about a man who reincarnated into Westeros with wishes that changes the history of Planetos forever. Born the same year as a second son to Jeor Mormont. How will his presence change the history he knows. This is an AU.
271 AC
The Twins (The Riverlands)
I love the snow. In my past life where I lived didn't see it much.Growing up in the North had led to a very healthy appreciation and love for it.
After turning six and ten I finally started my journey to find myself. I am strong but no one knows. I don't have the prestige that comes with the kind of strength I have now.
If Barristan steps on a battlefield there will be a clear shift in morale. If I do the same even as I am it won't have the same results. I don't have the hype yet. But one day…
I have to say I underestimated the people of this world. When I sent my birds scouting for information I received some humbling news. I thought this world couldn't support the strength of a yonko. I was wrong in a way.
Sure the overall strength of someone like Kaido and big mom was non existent but some people had the ability to cause their level of destruction. For example: Arthur Dayne. Simply a genius confined my the limitations of the world. The sword Dawn during its creation had seemingly eaten a devil fruit, The Star Star Fruit and gained partial sentience. It chooses who can would it per generation and its was almost awakened. Arthur became the first person to awaken a devil fruit in history. He was fighting a dothraki horde in some island in Essos when he did it. That island is now gone. Lost to history. He also has awakened the breath of all things (I haven't yet) and can send flying slashes which is legendary here for even famous knights can't awaken it. It takes a very special person. He also has conqueror's but he hides it. Looks like he's the one I would be concentrating on while I am here.
He isn't a kingsguard yet, not even sure he'll be one in this world based on how difficult it is to tame a conqueror. He spends a lot of time with the Martells working as a master-of-arms. He also has solo expeditions to Essos to fight in the pits of Meereen.
It is also known that some Valyrians have a bloodline that allows them create and control flames like Lunarians but its very rare. Rhaegar has it. Which makes his danger level go up by alot in my books. He also seems to be playing the part of a perfect prince, maybe too perfect but I might just be paranoid. Overall I can't slack of or I might be obliterated.
I approached the Twins, holdfast of the Freys. I can just fly over but now I'm in the south I have to be careful with my devil fruit you never know who is watching. There are spies everywhere.
I approached one of the guards,
'Hello goodman, My name is Mihawk Mormont. I need to cross the bridge. How much is the toll?'
'You look like a noble. Lord Walder gave us instructions that nobles that want to pass through should be sent to him.'
Bah I don't want to deal with that guy. I'm rich nothing a little extra coin can't fix.
'Look I do not want to see your lord. How about I give you 15 silver stags and we call it a day. You never saw me.'
'Mi'lord never saw who?'
I smirked. Smart guy it never pays to antagonize nobles for no reason. I dip my hand into my pockets and access my inventory to receive the stags. I give it to him then made my way to the bridge. The Freys already have a bad reputation in this timeline not as bad as the red wedding later down the the line bit they are looked as scheming and opportunistic bannermen.
I walked across the bridge. I finally took a deep breath. The journey finally begins. There is a tourney at River run celebrating the birth of the heir Edmure Tully. I only do melee and archery since I don't practice jousting. Waste of time really. The prizes are about two hundred gold dragons for each of the competions.
I activated my devil fruit subtely to reduce the amount of gravity acting on me and started running. Look at me turning a journey into training. I would have never done such a thing in my past life. Most likely because I grew up in the north. Hard places make hard men.
I keep running through the forests towards Riverrun no way am I using the kingsroad before I get spotted and reports about me get sent flying this early.
'Host has been running for twelve hours now. It is recommended you take a break before total exhaustion sets it in. There are a group of travellers sitting in a camp two kilometers to the east. Would recommend going to join them .'
'I see thanks Mara. I'll head there now.'
'Its a pleasure to always help my lord.'