
Midnight Realm

Midnight Realm" follows the gripping journey of Jackson, a young warlock who becomes entangled in a world of enchantment and peril within the Midnight Realm. Jackson stumbles upon a chilling revelation that Eris, a formidable sorceress banished from the Midnight Realm ages ago, has returned with an insatiable hunger for power and vengeance against those who exiled her.

Michael_Sylva_9749 · Urban
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4 Chs

Slumber land

The pain continued but, Jackson was entering deeper into the realm, he seems far gone now with the other lost souls. Their journey was getting intense, but they had to continue.

The lost souls pressed deeper into the Realm of Lost Memories, their footsteps echoing through the ethereal landscapes. The air grew heavy with anxiety,  and an eerie stillness settled around them as they ventured into uncharted territory. The gatekeeper's warning lingered in their minds, a constant reminder of the dangers that awaited.

As they traversed the winding paths, the realm itself seemed to shift and contort, playing tricks on their senses. Shadows danced at the edges of their vision, whispering secrets that were just beyond comprehension. It was as if the very fabric of the realm yearned to keep its secrets hidden, testing their resolve at every turn.

In the distance, they caught sight of a dilapidated structure—a forgotten temple consumed by time. Its crumbling walls and weathered statues stood as a testament to the realm's forgotten history. Guided by an instinctual pull, they approached the ancient sanctuary, their hearts pounding in anticipation.

Inside the temple, they discovered an intricate mosaic on the floor—a tapestry of memories etched in colored stone. The mosaic depicted scenes of joy, sorrow, and profound moments that had been lost to time. It was a visual representation of the forgotten pasts that the lost souls sought to reclaim.

But as they studied the mosaic, their gaze was drawn to a figure lurking in the shadows. A sinister presence materialized—a creature born from the darkest corners of their memories. Its form was twisted and contorted, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly malevolence.

The creature hissed, its voice a chilling whisper. "You dare trespass in this sacred realm? You seek what is not meant to be found."

With a sudden burst of energy, the creature lunged towards them, its claws slicing through the air. They all ran in different direction, seeking for protection. Few that were hit by the creature fell, but none died. 

As the battle raged on, the lost souls discovered a remarkable power within themselves. It looks like they are immortals in this realm. They attack back making their way to the creature, at a point the creature will look like an illusion, like they were all fighting themselves. 

Finally, with a final surge of energy, the lost souls unleashed a cascade of light, piercing through the creature's form. It let out a deafening shriek, dissipating into the shadows from which it had emerged. 

Breathing heavily, the lost souls regrouped, their hearts filled with anxiety not knowing what they would encounter next. Their journey was becoming extremely dangerous. 

With determination, they continued their exploration of the realm, each step unraveling more of the forgotten tapestry of their lives. The shadows that had haunted them were slowly being illuminated, and they could feel the pulse of their true selves beating within.

As they moved forward, the lost souls discovered remnants of their pasts scattered throughout the realm—tattered journals, faded photographs, and fragments of forgotten conversations. Each piece of the puzzle brought them closer to understanding the depths of their own existence, and the interconnectedness of their forgotten self. 

Liam stood at the edge of Jackson's room, concern etched across his face. It had been hours since Jackson had fallen into a deep slumber, lost in the realms beyond their comprehension. Liam had tried everything to wake him, shaking his friend gently, calling out his name, but to no avail.

"Jackson, wake up," Liam pleaded, his voice tinged with worry. He knew that Jackson's journeys in the dream realm could be captivating, but this prolonged absence had him deeply concerned.

As he watched Jackson's peaceful form, a flicker of realization crossed Liam's mind. He remembered the times when Jackson had mentioned his experiences in the mysterious realm, how he would disappear from their shared reality and embark on journeys unknown. Could this be one of those instances?

Determined to reach his friend, Liam took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He focused his thoughts, channeling his own inner strength, and delved into a state of deep meditation. Liam had a unique ability—a connection to the subconscious realms that bordered the waking world. He hoped that by entering this shared realm, he could find a way to reach Jackson and bring him back.

As Liam's consciousness slipped into the realm of dreams, he found himself standing in a dimly lit corridor, doors lining both sides. Each door represented a different dream, a different mind. With careful intuition, he searched  through the ethereal passageway, searching for the door that led to Jackson's dream.

Finally, he came upon a door bathed in a soft, golden light—a beacon in the shadows. Liam approached it cautiously and gently pushed it open. Stepping inside, he found himself in a familiar setting—the quaint, sunlit meadow that Jackson had described in his tales of the dream realm.

In the distance, he spotted Jackson, lying in a tranquil slumber beneath a towering tree. Liam approached him, his footsteps silent on the grassy ground. He knelt down beside his friend and reached out to touch his shoulder, hoping to rouse him from his deep sleep.

"Jackson, it's time to wake up," Liam whispered, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "You've been gone for too long. We need you back in the real world."

But Jackson remained unresponsive, his body peacefully oblivious to the outside world. Liam's heart sank with worry, realizing the gravity of the situation. He couldn't force Jackson to wake up; he had to find another way to break the slumber's hold on him.

Taking a deep breath, Liam closed his eyes once again. He focused on the bond between them, the unbreakable connection that had weathered countless trials. Drawing upon his own memories, he summoned images of their shared adventures, their laughter, and the strength they found in each other.

Liam projected his voice into the dream realm, resonating with an unwavering resolve. "Jackson, you're not alone. We're in this together. Remember our friendship, the moments we've shared. It's time to come back."

As his words echoed through the dream realm, a faint stir rippled through Jackson's slumbering form. Liam watched with bated breath as a flicker of awareness danced across Jackson's features. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open, the familiar gaze meeting Liam's.

"Liam?" Jackson's voice carried a hint of confusion and relief. "How did you find me?"

Liam smiled, relief flooding his being. "I followed the thread of our friendship, Jackson. We're connected, even across realms. Now, let's go back home together."

Together, they rose from the dream realm, their consciousness merging with the waking world once more. As Jackson's eyes opened fully, he found himself lying.