
Midnight Realm

Midnight Realm" follows the gripping journey of Jackson, a young warlock who becomes entangled in a world of enchantment and peril within the Midnight Realm. Jackson stumbles upon a chilling revelation that Eris, a formidable sorceress banished from the Midnight Realm ages ago, has returned with an insatiable hunger for power and vengeance against those who exiled her.

Michael_Sylva_9749 · Urban
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4 Chs

Deep sleeper

Jackson stood at the edge of a desolate landscape, the air heavy with an ancient aura. This realm, unknown to him until now, existed beyond the realms of wakefulness. It was a place where forgotten memories and echoes of past lives resided—a realm of forgotten souls.

As he gazed upon the barren expanse, he realized he was not alone. Other individuals, like ghostly apparitions, appeared from the shadows, drawn to this ethereal realm. Their eyes bore the same mixture of confusion and curiosity that mirrored his own.

Approaching one of the individuals, a woman with a distant look in her eyes, Jackson spoke softly, "Do you know where we are? How did we come to this place?"

The woman turned to him, her voice filled with a haunting whisper. "We have ventured into the Realm of Lost Memories, a realm untouched by time, where the fragments of forgotten lives converge. It seems our minds have been guided here, pulled by a force we do not yet understand."

As the realization settled upon them, the group of lost souls began to share their stories. They had all experienced a recurring dream—a vivid vision that led them to this place. Each dream contained fragmented memories, glimpses of people and places they had never known, yet felt inexplicably connected to.

United by their shared experiences, they embarked on a journey to unlock the secrets of their forgotten pasts. They traversed the barren landscapes, guided by flashes of recognition and fragments of familiar faces that stirred their hearts with a bittersweet nostalgia.

As they delved deeper into the realm, they encountered ethereal gatekeepers—beings who had traversed the boundaries of life and death, guardians of the forgotten memories. These gatekeepers held the keys to their past, but extracting the truth was not without its challenges.

The gatekeepers presented the lost souls with riddles and trials, tests of courage, and emotional resolve. They had to confront the shadows of their pasts, face unresolved conflicts, and make peace with their own inner demons. Only by embracing their forgotten memories and accepting the truths they revealed could they unravel the enigma that had brought them to this realm.

The lost souls gathered around the gatekeeper, their eyes filled with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The gatekeeper, a wise and ancient being draped in ethereal robes, spoke with a voice that carried the weight of centuries.

"Listen well, seekers of forgotten realms," the gatekeeper began, their voice resonating through the air. "This realm you have entered, the Realm of Lost Memories, is not without its perils. It is a place where the past collides with the present, where the forgotten are granted a chance for remembrance. But not all who enter here find their way back to their own realms."

Some are trapped here for years, without waking up in their own world. Some foolish people calls it "cardiac arrest ". He laughed after saying those words like they were funny.

A hushed silence fell over the group as they absorbed the gravity of the gatekeeper's words. The woman who had spoken with Jackson earlier trembled slightly, her eyes widening.

"Creatures dwell within these lands," the gatekeeper continued, their gaze piercing through each individual. "Manifestations of darkness and lost souls consumed by their own anguish. They roam the forgotten corners of this realm, seeking to claim those who have become entangled within its labyrinthine depths."

A chill ran down Jackson's spine as he imagined the dangers that lurked in the shadows, threatening to consume them. The gatekeeper's words were a stark reminder that their journey would not be without peril.

"But fear not, for you possess an inner strength," the gatekeeper assured them, their voice imbued with a sense of hope. "The same force that has led you here will guide and protect you. Trust in your own resolve, and together you shall overcome the trials that await."

The lost souls exchanged glances, a mix of determination and apprehension reflected in their eyes. They understood the risks involved, but they were not willing to turn back. The answers they sought, the redemption of their forgotten pasts, outweighed the fear that gripped their hearts.

Jackson got a hint of flashback, he remembered his first experience coming to this place. "Am not in the same place I was the last time, could it be that there are different dimensions to this Realm!! ".

With a wave of his hand, the gatekeeper opened a pathway, a portal leading deeper into the realm. "Go forth now, seekers of forgotten realms," they said. "May your journeys be filled with discovery and the reclamation of lost memories."

The lost souls stepped through the portal, embarking on a path fraught with uncertainty. Each step brought them closer to the heart of the realm, where the dangerous creatures awaited.

Jackson was feeling a pain on his body, definitely the pain was coming from his legs. Somebody is heating him, "wake up, wake up" Liam kept hitting him.