Image you can fly above the cloud, talk to the stars, help the weak. you have everything. Magic Wealth Peace. but your wings are snatched and your once beautiful eyes are now midnight jewels. People seem to be afraid of Sera she is pretty but her hair is slowly changing to black like her eyes and skin. Soon her soul will turn black making it impossible to go back. Sera needs to go back to her people.
I feel... Numb with pain and grief. Pain in my back where my colourful wings used to be. Pain in my heart for my many loses.
Wings are wondrous blessings from nature. Very few people can really know the joy of wings. The feeling of being free, and wild. Yet, you feel like a safe haven because you can embrace the people who are scared with warm feathers. You never truly know until you have. Wings were once mine, they once made there home in my upper back and yes, they did on many occasions hurt my spine. But freedom is the wind.
So I lay here. Waiting for the grief to end and the sun to shine. Maybe I'll wake up in my bed soft and warm. Take a Deep breath. I do. Clear air fills my lungs and that makes my nose sting. I moan loudly in pain. I try to get up needing to get up. To move to see another day. My hands touch sand, I push hard and I rise a little. I push harder and slump on to my knees I lean back and sit on my feet. It will be awkward to walk after all my wings always balanced me, my wings were like a cats tail. To my feet, I stand tall and just stand there.
sadness is a strange feeling like tar dripping down your back consuming you in its blackness. I feel this now. I know I'm far from home. At home there is no sea and now the salt water stings my delicate lungs. Teats burst out of my eyes like a broken pipe. They cascade down my cheeks and my blonde hair dangles upfront of my face. I take my hand and brush the tangled hair away. My eyes sting from my years and the salt water.
" The fish was so big the regular net don't work." A loud voice says. Alarm strikes my body and my feet shuffle forward. Grimy sand snuggles in my toes and I fall down on my knees. Push, stand walk. A lot harder said than done. I get up and walk down the sandy place I am at. The few pieces of robes that are still on me are ripped and dirty. The sea, makes waves and I move back everytime a little more. I know water does no hurt anyone unless it's over your head but I don't know if it's over my head or not.
It's hard to find my way around the dark sand pit. The people behind me just pulled out a disk of glass and poked a glowing screen. It seems an odd thing to do. I shuffle along the sand and find a dock. We have docks back home they were used to sail the sea of Sirens and Serpents, but it wasn't salt water, it was pure water. Water living things should breathe, she had noticed that this sea was salt water it don't have a shimmer of pureness to it. Her lung had mostly adjusted. ' Well just relax, you'll get back home once you have recovered from this.' I soothe myself. suddenly red and blue light fills the air and a terrible siren sound. I scream.
What is that!? It's hurts my ears so much. WEHOOO, WEHOOO. OOOP, OOOP.! the red and blue light blind me momentarily. I see a man coming out of that machine making the hell is this noice and lights. 'OH, MY GREAT JUMPING JILLIAN'S! THE MONSTER THREW HIM UP.!' I think frantically.
" Oh, sir. please help me! You must slay that monster. Please. " I yell over the sirens. He still wanna toward me.
" Listen, calm down." The man says in a calm light voice. The howling sirens shut if and now only red and blue light. " do you know why I'm here? the voice asks me. I realize now that I thought this woman was a man.
" Well, lady, are you here because that beast finally threw you up? " I say Looking at her directly. Her eyes pin me. She picks up a small black thing hooked on her coat, presses a button and murmurs ' she is on heavy drug use and is probably drunk.' I feel confused, first what in the jumping Jillian's is a 'drug' and she certainly was not drunk, the wine makers made sure that no one would get drunk off the wine. I watch kind of stalkishly, as she goes behind me. and starts asking questions.
" what's your first and last name?"
"Sera Mc Noriiz yours?"
" Are you on any drugs of any sort?
"I don't know what this drug thing is. Could you explain maybe?"
" Where are you from Sera?"
" I'm from. Olsen's Haven."
" what's your age?"
" 18 years old"
" Date of birth? "
" Hallow Dance Festival. Witch is October thirty-first."
" Okay well sera, I have to take you in for further investigation." She says curtly. I swerve around to face her. Her eye are still cold I'm taller than her but she glares at me like I'm a low life or some how worse than her. Something deeper than my now dull pain on my back. What is this feeling. I've never felt so forgotten before so useless
" Where are we going?" I ask returning her glare. I now feel suspect something about her.
" To jail. Like a holding cell. you are obviously highly intoxicated and need to be sent to a hospital then interrogated." She explained slowly to me. I stare at her. Jail? Hospital? Drugs(what even are those! Sera wondered helplessly)? The woman was about to put a strange metal thing on her wrist. I quickly whip my had away. I know how I must look a girl with white everything, literally my eyes are gray - white, but jail and a hospital are not options to my mission. The woman looks at me I glare back.
"Listen crazy woman, I am Sera and I am not going to a hospital or a jail tonight or ever. Now let me go in peace or I will be first to use my weapons." I say sternly holding my ground instead if attacking instantly. Father taught me that, how to always win a fight was to hold your ground first. The woman sighs. Her hand goes to a bat like thing. She is about to hit me when I extend my hand. I know my magic is weak in any another place but home but I have to try.
White light spurts from my finger tips and her bat goes flying, I used to fly. The white light wraps itself around the woman.
" none of this happened okay. It was all a crazy dream." I say quietly.
Officer Kelly. H woke up from the craziest dream full of white light and weird symbols. Haha, she had dreamt about dreaming. Kelly shook her head.