
What If

Okay okay okay. Body slowly turning to darkness. No need to panic.

" Okay try to heal my finger nail. For training and because I don't want t to be evil. " I say sternly holding out my finger.

" You got it Sera. " Ryan says and murmurs a demand a little plume of smoke and his hand come a light with nice blue healing magic. I smile. He gently takes my finger and I feel a tingling sensation through my mind and my finger. He removes his hands away and I look down. The spot is not fit gone it has faded a lot though.

" Good job!" I say smiling at him and surveying my finger carefully. He frowns slightly.

" But it didn't go away fully. " He says glaring at my finger.

" It's okay your a beginner level healer. You'll get better soon. " I say happily to my finger.

" Sera. I don't know. What if I turn evil, dark... like you. " He says a little hint of fear in his voice.

" It will not happen. You're naturally strong. It also your home so you are not likely not to turn evil. " I say a slight frown in my voice and on my face.

" Yeah but what if. " Ryan says. more fear.

" It will not happen! Okay your safe. I am a highly ranked warrior of the court and I am not going to let you believe that it will happen to you. Your safe. " I say and a prick of annoyance makes my replies a retort. Ryan looks like I slapped him.

" Okay sorry." Is all he says. I feel bad. Ryan told me how he has never really had a good friend. How people used him and stuff. I feel bad.

" I'm sorry. Will you forgive me. " I say softly.

" This time yes. But next time WHAT IF I say no? Think about what you say next time. " Ryan says sounding hurt and I feel really guilty for making him feel that way.

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