
Midnight : husband, 500 reincarnation before we meet again

Shen Jin wanted to experience the warmth family members could bring her, and yearned for a normal life, but instead fell for her sister’s deadly trap and died alone. Two years later, Li Shan, a mysterious man was admitted to the same hospital where Shen Jin died, because of a cunning daughter and her mother. There, a human and a ghost met. As they slowly discovered each other, an unbreakable links developed. The breeze of midnight blow upon them, strewing Camellia seeds in their hearts and linking their red threads together. And they gradually fell in love However, life was full of obstacles, and Shen Jin suddenly disappeared from the world to reincarnate in another world. ------------------------ “Master, why don’t you accept anyone, do you want to stay alone forever?”, a cute girl with a baby face was sitting across her respected master ‘Shen Jin’. Her master was as graceful as a swan, as prideful as a Queen, and as fierce as a lion. She was currently sitting cross-legged while drinking sake. Shen Jin looked at her disciple, Yumi, and picked up casually a peanut. “Well, curious?” __________________ ‘Well I died again... for a peanut..’, Shen Jin choked to death on her peanut. This was quit embarrassing. Floating in a dark and damp space, she thought: ‘This time, what kind of world am I going to fall into?’ ---------------------------- After 500 reincarnations, Shen Jin finally found her way back home. ---------------------------- When Shen Jin returned to the host’s family, the Su family. They all thought that she was lucky to have survived. They said she was a sl*t who climbed on men’s beds, that she was uncultured and shameless. However, she was in fact a big shot in many fields, and she was the big boss of countless big shots. They said she was poor and would never find love, but she is in fact worth a net of more than hundreds of billions. And the tycoon and mysterious leader of the biggest firearm ‘Li Shan’ is actually her soul mate who is forever tied to her. When Li Shan discovered that Su Jin was actually Shen Jin the woman he is obsessed with, he hugged her tightly and begged her to stay and marry him. Li Shan: let’s get married, we can’t leave our children without a father? Can we? Shen Jin: … FL: The Big shot behind Mount Shan, the 'cursed mountain', the behind in scene boss of the circle of big shots, a previous assassin, a genius in many fields. ML: Mysterious, big shot, he is known as a business tycoon, but is in fact the leader of the biggest group of firearms, the leader of the dark world.

FanTimeTravel · Urban
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23 Chs

Ward 190

The cold yet alluring voice stunned everyone, and they all felt their hearts stop as they sensed the heavy bloodlust surrounding the peerless man.

The mysterious man rubbed his temples in frustration. He was seemingly in a bad mood.

The man glanced at the silent crowd in relief, their voices were giving him a headache, also..

"If my Jinjin's rest and peace is disrupted. I will pull out your tongue, so as to keep you quit forever", his cold warning gave them all a shudder as they all believed him. Who didn't know that this guy was someone they should never trifle with? He was a demon everyone feared. Even his father couldn't control him.

In fact, rather than controlling him, he would always walk around eggs when Li Shan was in the same room.

The two children behind him were not frightened at all, instead the two of them felt that the man before them was really cool. Just like their mommy, he was strong and domineering.

Li Sha, with sparkling eyes observed the high and reassuring back before her. She couldn't help but striding toward him and tugged at his pants with a glowing and flushed face.

"Mister, are you daddy?", she said with hope in her voice. Li Shin who suddenly woke up from his dazed state, quickly followed his sister's lead before holding his daddy's leg with his arms and said asked with an excited voice: "Daddy!! Are you here to take us with you?"

The surrounding people were stunned at first before snorting in disdain, these children were indeed shameless. They suddenly started to hung on the demonic man like monkeys. Daddy? Who were they kidding? Did they not know that this rigid and cold man considered all the women his nemesis? All these years he had never let any woman approach him, nor let any of them off if they tried to do so. So how could this man be their father? They were simply asking for a beating.

The arrogant woman and her follower watched in anticipation. These kids were done for.

Si Yuan who knew the man's reputation froze, and she quickly walked toward them to take them away and make an escape. But she was too late, before she could step forward and say anything, the iron man turned his bloodshot eyes toward the small kids. He was obviously angry and irritated.

The surrounding people watched in delight as they waited for the show.

However, the scolding voice didn't ring as they thought. There wasn't a bloodbath either as they had expected it before.

The handsome and irritated man's eyes landed on two chubby and cute babies. When he saw them. he was stunned. they were the two kids he saw this morning in the shop.

He remembered that while they were heading toward the hospital, he had caught sight of them and without knowing why, ordered his assistant to stop the car.

He didn't know why, but the sight of the chubby and cute twins warmed him and he felt a sense of familiarity.

His eyes locked with twinkling ones. And he felt as if someone was clutching his heart.

When the two children asked him questions expectantly. He couldn't help but frown and wanted to deny it. But before he could do anything, the little girl glanced at the bag he was carefully holding. Her eyes shined even more. Li Shan felt the words he was going to utter in denial getting stuck in his throat.

"Daddy, did you buy a gift for mommy?", her excited voice snapped him back to reality.

"Yes daddy, you really know how to buy gifts, peanuts are what mommy likes the most!!", the little boys words froze him.

Li Shan couldn't help but think of the woman he loved. His Jinjin also liked to eat peanut.

So, in a move he couldn't control, he got down on his knee to face them, and as he was at the children's level, he grabbed a hold of them and got up with them gently resting in his arms.

The surrounding people gasped at the sight, the usually cold and demonic like man seemed more like a tender dad right now. Were they really his children? The arrogant woman felt her blood run cold as she saw the man heading toward the elevator while instructing in a firm tone: "Take care of these troublesome and loud people"

His subordinate nodded and headed toward her.

"Wait!! Chairman Li!! I didn't know they were your kids!! Please spare me!!", the woman had almost gone mad when she saw him getting in the elevator and disappeared as if he didn't hear her.

She slumped to the ground with despair in her eyes. She suddenly shouted toward her follower with crazy and bloodshot eyes: "It's you!! You are the one who made me misunderstood them!!", she ran toward him and slapped him ruthlessly. The man was stunned before retorting angrily: "If you were not all high and mighty, would I have pushed them?!", he grabbed a hold of the woman's hair and flung her on the floor.

"I see now!! You have always plotted against me!! You wanted chairman Li to misunderstand me!! You want to kill me!!", she tried to scratch his face with her nails while shouting like a shrew.

The man who was approaching frowned disgustedly before saying: "Take them away"

black clothed men took a hold of them and took them away. He suddenly sighed tiredly as he heard their pleas slowly fading away.

Their biggest mistake was disrupting the master's time in the ward. And disturbing 'Jinjin' from her sleep.

Although they all ignored who was this person. They never dared to probe. This was their master's privacy after all. But according to the rumors he heard in the organization, this was the white moonlight of their master.

Some even said that it was an illusion caused by the bombardment a few years ago.

But the rumors stopped there.

In the elevator, Li Shan stared at the chubby figure nestled in his arms like small kittens.

"Does your mother really like eating peanuts?", he suddenly asked in a careful tone.

Li Sha nodded and replied in an excited voice.

"Mommy really likes it!! She even grew a whole field of peanuts!!"

"Mmhm!! She even has a big room to store her peanuts jam!!", the boy said excitedly.

Li Shan clenched his fist and his warm and loving gaze fell on the bag he was still carefully holding. Their mother liked peanuts like his Jinjin.

The elevator door opened and he strode forward till he arrived in front of the only ward in the whole floor.

Ward 190.

"Huh? This is mom's favorite number!!", Li Shin said in bewilderment.

Li Shan's footsteps stopped as his heartbeat increased when he heard his word.

Favorite number.

"Yeah!! When we couldn't fall asleep even after mommy told us a bedtime story. She would ask as to count till number 190 instead of 100!!"

Warmth filled Li Shan's heart as he opened the door and stepped in.

"Jinjin, look, I brought our babies home", he uttered while glancing with a tender and loving gaze toward an illusory figure.

He remembered that his Jinjin wished to have some kids.

"You see, they are twins, just like you dreamed of"

The two children glanced at the void and empty ward. And couldn't help but think of who the hell their daddy was talking to.

And as expected.

In the dark and cold ward, only a languid and suffocating silence replied to him.

Sorry for the delay!!

Got some things to do!! ^-^'

Hope you like this chapter!! ^-^

Kiss Kiss!! ^-^

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