
Midnight Hound

I stared at Laurent from across the room and my heart melted as I saw him smile while the kids in front of him played and danced hilariously. My mate's scent I realized, was emanating from him as he smiled and laughed. He turned and saw me. His beautiful smile vanished and the scent around him changed. Then I realized, he was masking his scent from me. He was my mate and he was hiding it from me. Why? was it because I was going to die if I didnt turn and hold my form stay a wolf whenever and however I want? Wasn't he supposed to love me unconditionally? Wasn't he supposed to take me as I am?

Omega_Bound · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs


I ran out of the dinning hall as my chest grew heavy from it all. I felt guilty. I felt bad. I felt... horrible. But i wanted to hug them. Debby. Dia. I felt like i missed them. Terribly. I wanted to cry and hug them. They seemed weary like Laurent was. I made them that. I'm sorry.

I said in my head as the pressure in my heart continued building. Dia, her eyes. And Debby. They were hding back tears and putting on fake smiles at me. I...

I cried and Laurent came out of nowhere and hugged me. He picked me up and laid me softly on top of the couch where we started talking about his pack and, i asked him to kiss me and he kissed me on the forehead.

For a moment, the pain i was in faded a little but, i just wanted more from him.

A kiss in the forehead was nice but, i wanted it on the lips. I wanted a little action not just him treating me like a child. I even had his hand unabashedly on my stomach because it eased the pain i was in and i wanted him to touch me very badly.

But at least i could say he let me hold him and sleep on his chest.

My heart melted a bit when he told me if I'm his mate we can kiss for real. But i had to wait two days for a kiss?

I held my anger for a moment as we made short conversations. But maybe i shouldn't have as the topics both hurt and angered me.

How his pack came to be and how it broke hurt me though i didn't know why. I just felt guilty about it. Like it was all my fault that Aury died and he moved away few years later.

But i don't know how to seduce? Was he joking with me? I didn't have any sexual experience and the closest I've been to a guy was this. I never even held onto anyone like this all my life and he says I don't know how to seduce?

Where do i... i never even talked to a guy besides hunter in elementary. But he disappeared after that and Marcus. But I've never even heard sexual thoughts about him or anyone else beside you.

"Why don't you teach me how to seduce you then?" I asked him as i burned with anger. He chuckled and kissed my forehead again.

"It might grow hot in here, sure you want that?"

Yeah i want that. Oh please i want that. I want you to kiss me hard. I want you to squeeze my ass. I want you to grope my breasts and i want to feel you inside me. I wanted to say it all out but i grew scared.

"Climb on him and poke his chest." A voice in my head crept.

"I want it to be hot in here." I told him as i looked at his eyes. They momentarily went dark but he eased them and the light inside of them gleamed again.

"Are you naive? You don't tell a guy that or else he'll use you."

"Tell him he makes your heart race and take his hand put it above your heart." The voice came again. But how do i put that in this situation?

"Be honest!"

"Then can you use me?" I asked and the voice screamed inside my heard.

"Aaah! Are you joking? Begging? Are you..."

He closed his eyes and i felt him tense for a sec. His trousers front went up a bit and i grew even more nervous than i was.

The bells outside rang and he got up. "I need to take you to the Artemis grounds."

"Can't we not go?"

"No, we can't, you need to make friends and get yourself comfortable around here. Besides, your roommate is here. To take you to the compound."

I got up and looked around as he chuckled.

I punched his shoulder lightly and he laughed at me. "I didn't mean right now."

"But you're still laughing at me."

"You jumped and you looked hilarious." He brushed his fingers across my forehead wiping the frown i had off. I put it back on and he smiled. "She will knock ten seconds, so to make things a bit comfy for you, I'll leave." He tried to get up and i pulled his hands.

"I don't want you to leave."

"I need to go claim a room before Jay takes my room. But i promise I'll see you later." He smiled and tickled my hand with his huge hands and walked to the walk in closet.

I looked at him as he left and just felt frustrated I wanted to kill him. Or throw the remote at him.

But he had a nice back and... Hic!

I hiccuped as I looked at him and I blinked. I've had a lot of sexual thoughts about him, why was i only hiccuping now?


The bathroom!

I recalled and i ran after him as he opened the bathroom door. "Laurent dont!" I shouted and he stopped and looked at me as he pulled the door back.

"What?" He asked.

"Dont!" I shouted at him and hiccuped as i ran into the closet. "Don't go in there."

I slid the door shut on his face and stood in between him and the door. "Don't go in here."


"Nothing, just don't go in."

He looked at me intently. I looked down and when i looked up, he had his eyes on my legs. I crossed them as he smiled at me, wickedly.

"This is the only door here, i need to leave."

"Then use the front door."

"I don't want Zoey to find me here."

"No, the front door."

"What do you have in here?"

"Nothing just.... hic! .... normal bathroom." He smiled and got a bit closer to me. "Laurent."

"So you're going to stop me from going in then?" He asked as a dirty look formed on his face.

I nodded but grew nervous as he slowly came closer and closer. "What makes you think you can stop me?"

"Nothing, i just... Laurent."

"Do you know what goes inside my head when you're like this?"

I held my breath as our legs brushed on each other and he got even closer to me. Was he going to kiss me?

I stood on my toes and closed my eyes as his hand touched mine. His other hand slid behind my back and held onto my tiny waist as he pulled me into him, knocking all the air i had in my lungs off.

"Seduction and..." He growled into my ear just when i thought he was going to kiss me. I angrily sighed and thought of where to hit him where it will hurt. My heart stopped for a moment as he nimbled my ear lobe and kissed my neck. "A little of this."

I froze and felt myself just melt at him and he took my hand off the door and then ran his fingers slightly on my jeans and scratched my... my...

A moan escaped my mouth for a sec as I tried to breathe and I held it. I felt my breasts just... just... feel good and weird.

He pressed me harder onto him and making me let out a whimper. My nerves racking me down I trembled and grew afraid i was going to hold him tight and make him do what he was doing only harder and a lot.

I pulled a bit from him to give him space to scratch my jeans harder and freely.

He continued kissing my neck and a little above but too close to my adam's apple as his hand slid in between my highs and scratched with all his fingers like a furious cat.

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him as he picked me up. He turned, squeezed my butt and put me back down. Then stopped.

Just stopped.

Right when I was building up the courage to reciprocate everything with all my heart, he stopped.

I breathed heavily as he pulled away from me.

"You are blushing." He told me. my cheeks burnt, I realized. Everything burnt. My skin was hot. My heard was exploding and... screw them, why did he stop?

Why isn't he doing it anymore? Why wasnt he doing more? I wanted more. I felt his... his... manhood on me. I knew it was growing hard like i was growing wet. I felt it.

I know it needs to be satisfied but why wasn't he doing anything to satisfy his sexual hunger?

I looked down and he hugged me. "Sorry." He apologized and kissed my forehead as someone knocked on the door. "But Zoey is here and she's not gonna leave without you."

"You're selfish." The words came out of my mouth before I could even think of them. I sounded like i wanted to cry and i did.

"I'm sorry. I'll come to steal you later." He let me go as someone knocked again and went into the bathroom as he shouted, "Im coming!" In a woman's voice. Was he immitating me?

I walked to the door, oddly with a broken heart and found Zoey there. She really was here.