
Midnight Hound

I stared at Laurent from across the room and my heart melted as I saw him smile while the kids in front of him played and danced hilariously. My mate's scent I realized, was emanating from him as he smiled and laughed. He turned and saw me. His beautiful smile vanished and the scent around him changed. Then I realized, he was masking his scent from me. He was my mate and he was hiding it from me. Why? was it because I was going to die if I didnt turn and hold my form stay a wolf whenever and however I want? Wasn't he supposed to love me unconditionally? Wasn't he supposed to take me as I am?

Omega_Bound · Fantasy
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48 Chs


The bed was... in simple terms, soft. Incredibly comfortable. Even as I turned, I wanted nothing else but shut-eye. Or was I asleep? I didn't know but I just felt like I was dreaming.

My heart just felt like... like it was just... flowing like molten chocolate.

I turned and almost stopped dead. Laurent was sleeping right next to me. His face was calm and warm. Handsome, looking at it up close. The little hairs on his face that showed he wasn't just stuck in a child's body but had shaved made him look rugged. Not that his masculine body didn't make him look any manly. I slowly raised my hand to feel his face.

He looks kind. I said smiling to myself. His lips looked just kissable and... tasty.

I smiled as i felt incredibly happy to wake up next to him. Like everything was... right in place. I grabbed him and tucked myself just beneath his armpit and held him tight. If i wake up, i wanted to wake up with him.

As my face brushed up on his muscles, his scent, i breathed it in and i almost exploded.

Is this where it came from? The dark earth. But it had... sniff! sniff! a bit of chocolate. But darker. I love it better.

He turned over and I slept on top of his bare towering chest.

His heart beat a bit fast but, i loved it. I felt his hard muscles and the super smooth scars he had across his chest. This... did he... though the thought hurt a little it didnt scortch me that bad. I was his now. She wasn't anymore.

He pulled me closer to him, half of me was practically on top of him. I felt his...

Just say it you... dirty bitch. A voice i knew so much crossed my head. But she sounded... happy. Her curses valgur language felt a bit beautiful when she wasnt angry.

Just say it. The voice returned again this time like she was swaying happily from side to side. Each syllable in the line she spoke stretched.

His crouch. I felt it, a bit soft but gradually growing hard.

I touched myself. I felt wierd. But i loved it.

I pulled back a little from him and stared at his face. His neck had a hickie. I almost chuckled. I did that. Hahaha.

Wait, what kind of a dream is this? why am I dreaming of waking up next to Laurent? Why do I feel... why do I feel this... this... this butterflies in my stomach? I touched his face. His skin felt smooth with a bit of prickly beard. but it felt nice to touch it. It was a bit odd. But nice. Weirdly nice. No, beautifully nice to touch him.

I brushed my fingers on his mouth and he stirred. A sly smile formed on his face. making my heart skip not just a beat, but a lot of them. He cushioned my head with his arm and pulled me closer to him. Again. Or rather into his arms. I held him too. Whatever dream this is, I love it. Way more than walking on that meadow. I love it. i... his heartbeat sounded beautiful. Strong and... he smelt of Earthy chocolate. Dark garden soil with chocolate. After rain. I love it. He... He must really be my mate.

I felt his... his... his... mem... his co... hard on my thigh. was he... I blushed. wait, was he aroused by holding me? was he... I blushed. Wait, am I really asleep? Am i... then...it dawned on me. I feel naked. my boobs are clearly on him. pressing on him without any fabric in between.

I know i felt them tingle as they touched his soft and hard skin, no wonder I felt a bit odd. I remembered my dream before this. Was he... was it really... was i...

Did I... did I sleep with Laurent? Oh no! This is bad. This is really really bad. This is bad, bad, bad. What do i do?

"Aaah!" I screamed in disgust, rolled off him, and jumped off the bed as he woke up shouting "What? What? What?" I grabbed the sheets and covered myself as sleep drained from his eyes. He looked at me with a bewildered look and then at himself. He was naked. No undies naked.

"what have you done to me!" I shouted at him and started crying. Not that I was hurt but I was ashamed. Embarrassed. How the hell did he take advantage of me?

"Oh!' he silently screamed too as he grabbed the other sheet and covered himself and looked at me with questioning eyes.

"what is it?" jay asked rushing into the bedroom and looking at us. one look at the bedroom betrayed the scene. And I thought it couldn't, wouldn't get worse. "Mamma Mia!" he said with a taunting smile.

"GET OUT!" Laurent shouted, throwing a pillow at him. Jay beat it. I felt his eyes on me as the door shut. I raised my eyes a little to look at him. He seemed a bit lost compared to me. "Quick question, we didn't, right?" he asked in a rather small voice after a long awkward silence.

Was he? I just woke up naked next... was he... was he serious?

Let me at him. The voice added in my head and i grew afraid of her. I took his trouser off the floor and ran to the bathroom with my butt feeling a bit sore but nice. Like pain and pleasure were all but wrapped in one.

My walk felt funny and I looked my reflection in the mirrior.

I looked extremely, very hideous and beautiful at the same time. My hair was messy. All over and tangled. And... i looked like a battered wife. Only tiny and i wasnt hurt. I felt loved. I didn't have bruises all over me. Except, probably on my ass. As i looked at myself i just had this urge to laugh for no reason just... i felt happy. Lighter.

I had hickies on top of my breast like he had, on my neck, on my breast and at my side, just on top of my ribs and... Ellie felt...

She laughed in my head as i said her name. I remembered her name. But not her.

I'll forgive you this time for using my name to call our pussy that. The thought crept into my head as i looked at my ge... geni... genitals. The lips around it were red and it felt... funny. Weird but nice and moist.

I turned around and saw his huge hand imprint in my butt and i couldn't help but blush as i felt his hands on my ass. "He did slap me hard." I said with a blush on my face.

My skin felt thrilled and alife were his lips trailed. Kissed. The hickies all felt alife and... i still felt wet. I still wanted his... i still wanted to feel him inside me. He sure did have a lovely d...


I looked around the unfamiliar small bathroom and wondered where i was at. Or rather, maybe I should ask a better question. Where are my panties? Or a critical one, how am i going to get to my room? I can't walk out of here, go down the entire flat and then through half the town to get to my room, or... fuck!

Gotta ya!

Shut up. I need to get to the Artemis compound. I forgot. Everyone moved there at midnight before me and Laurent ran around breaking rules. How am i going to face Debby and Gran gran? They told me as they showed me my room what not to do. What about Zoey? Damn.

You talking my words.

I remembered as i trailed around the bathroom, Laurent can take me there in a split second. But i looked at myself.

I only had his trouser. I did come with anything for my chest.

But how am i going to face him?

He's seen me naked. I can cover my chest with my hands. I still have his hickies on me. He'll see them. He'll...

I closed my eyes and put on a brave heart as the witch in me started calling me a soldier and encouraged me to do even the bad things.walk up to him and kiss him good morning. The very thing i definitely wanted to do but, this morning i let her do what she wanted and i ended up here. Can i trust her?

I've been here less than a day and we've already kissed and slept with Laurent, trust me, i can get you there. Dhe said and i regretted last night.

Oh sorry i forgot, i am a bit happy so lets go back a few hours ago.

I ran out of the dinning hall as my chest grew heavy from it all. I felt guilty. I felt bad. I felt... horrible. But i wanted to hug them. Debby. Dia. I felt like i missed them. Terribly. I wanted to cry and hug them. They seemed weary like Laurent was. I made them that. I'm sorry.

I said in my head as the pressure in my heart continued building. Dia, her eyes. And Debby. They were hding back tears and putting on fake smiles at me. I...