
Michael and The Four Queens

Michael is just your average guy who used to work as a successful bartender before an incident messed it all up. He helps Alexandria Alexia Demonte one of The Four Queens and in doing so he becomes involved in something far bigger than he ever thought possible when he was living his mundane life. He will learn about The Four Queens, there past and there secret as Michael becomes closer to them and they to him before starting a relationship that if found out will turn the world upside down because of the power The Four Queens hold. Book will contain Yuri though the chapters will have a warning for those who don't like this gene so they can skip. Release schedule of 2 chapters per day. This is my first novel so please go easy on me :) Grammar is improving with each chapter *Artwork is not mine*

Sweeps83 · Urban
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122 Chs

Chapter 37 Bickering

At first she thought it was fine because when the people around heard about Mikes identity and that he supposedly spiked her drink to sleep with her they all show looks of disgust towards Michael and people where saying things like

"This sort of mine if friends with the four queen, ridiculous kick him out at once"

"A known spiker has already given drinks to three of the queens, call a doctor quickly."

"Someone contact security no the police and have him locked up for sneaking in here."

This continued until a voice everyone knew spoke up and everyone went silent.

"So what if he is a bartender or a bus driver. Are you saying only the rich and powerful have the right to be friends with us? Then what about all my fans are you calling them useless? Alexi challenged Michelle as she came close

"Lexi I did not mean" Michelle began but was cut off.

"As for the spiking accusation that's all it is an accusation made by you with no evidence and the police found nothing so Mike remains innocent.

"But.." Michelle started

"Also please explain why if a man who allegedly spiked your drink in the past is here you would approach him and ask him to dance in a voice loud enough to travel across the room." Alexia questioned

"I" Michelle could not find any words.

"I am aware that you made a large donation to one of the charities I am patron off and I thank you for your generosity."

"Because of that I won't kick you out of this party for slandering my close personal friend, I would however suggest you see yourself out." Alexia finished before she walked over to where Michael and Gracie were standing as everyone had stopped dancing to watch the show."

"Gracie love would you mind if I cut in?" Alexia asked shocking the whole room because it is a well known fact that Alexia has never asked a person to dance, she never needed to because everyone would seek her out.

"Alexia sweetie that's just mean, you have already had your private dance with Mike and now it's my turn." Gracie pouted refusing further causing shock in the room.

"But that did not count as a proper dance since there was no music." Alexia argued back.

"Perhaps not but you still danced with him did you not? Whereas I have had to wait my turn after you Sarah and Jane."

As there bickering continued the people watching just went slack jawed, the most popular celebrity in the world Lexi and her best friend Gracie that's two of the four Queens where arguing over the right to dance with one man. What was happening.

Sarah and Jane started to giggle unable to stop themselves as their two friends further mystifying the crowd.

During this whole ordeal Michael stood next to Alexia and Gracie trying to figure out why they are arguing.

"Alexia" Michael said stopping there bickering and getting everyone's attention.

"While I am more than happy to have another dance with you I was in the middle of a dance with Gracie before someone rudely interrupted the party." Michael said to which everyone looked over towards Michelle Rodriguez who seemed to freeze like a rabbit in front of headlights.

Eventually she found her voice and quietly said "excuse me but I must be leaving." And then as quickly as decorum would allow she made for the exit.

As everyone turned back to Michael they found him holding Alexia hand and even more shocking to the eyes he kissed her hand before saying "may I request the next dance with the most beautiful hostess of the party."

Alexia blushed slightly and trying to hide it she coughed before saying "very well I suppose since it's a request from you Mike and it's my best friend your dancing with I can wait until the next song for my dance."

After which she returned to where Jane and Sarah were still giggling.

As the band which had stopped again was about to start up a voice loud enough to carry the room caught everyone's attention "Mike if Alexia gets a second dance don't you think we should get a second dance also" Jane asked

"Oh good call I agree with this" Sarah said

"I also agree." People heard Gracie say who was already on the dance floor with Michael.

The music started up and Michael and Gracie continued there interrupted dance while the other guests where still trying to figure out what was happening and how this man was so close to the four queens.

Eventually someone could not take it at all and decided to ask Sarah since she was someone he had done business with.

"Miss Michael's it's a pleasure to see you again and I want to once again thank you for supporting our reconstruction effort in Manchester."

"Well if it isn't Mr Hargreaves, how nice to see you again. Let me introduce Jane Ventor Alexia's manager." Sarah replied

"I of course know of the famous Miss Ventor it's a pleasure to meet you."

"You also Mr Hargreaves, are you the CEO of the charity Children's Homes Rebuilt that we cooperated with last year?" Jane inquired

"Just the same Miss Ventor you are well informed of your business dealings."

"Well Sarah here handles most of the business side of things but she makes sure to keep the rest of us up to date on the important deals." Jane added

"It's our honor to know that you think so highly of our little charity." Hargreaves replied with a wide smile.

"There are no small charities, all of you do work that is indispensable to the future of man kind." Michael's voice suddenly interjected causing all three to see him lading Gracie back to the group.

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