
Michael and The Four Queens

Michael is just your average guy who used to work as a successful bartender before an incident messed it all up. He helps Alexandria Alexia Demonte one of The Four Queens and in doing so he becomes involved in something far bigger than he ever thought possible when he was living his mundane life. He will learn about The Four Queens, there past and there secret as Michael becomes closer to them and they to him before starting a relationship that if found out will turn the world upside down because of the power The Four Queens hold. Book will contain Yuri though the chapters will have a warning for those who don't like this gene so they can skip. Release schedule of 2 chapters per day. This is my first novel so please go easy on me :) Grammar is improving with each chapter *Artwork is not mine*

Sweeps83 · Urban
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122 Chs

Chapter 30 Slander

As Michael entered the booth he saw two men, one was in his mid twenties with short blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a white suit. This was most Jake Daniels.

"The second was older appearing to be in his fifties with brown hair and that was starting to grey wearing glasses and in a brown suit. This must of been the man addressed as Harry.

As they heard someone enter Jake said in an annoyed voice without turning around "no one called for your assistance idiot, how do they even train their staff here."

"I'm afraid you have the wrong person my Daniels." Michael replied causing Jake and Harry to turn and look at him.

"Who are you and how did you get into this booth?"

"My name is Michael and I am here to talk to you about your comments just now regarding Lexi." Michael said it a calm voice.

"I asked how you got in, do you know who I am? I will have you ejected from the whole building." He said before looking at the entrance behind Michael.

"Staff member, her you useless employee get in here."

"I am fully aware of who you are since I just used your name Mr. Daniels and I'm afraid there is no one out there to hear you."

As Michael moved to sit down in one of the spare seats he noticed Harry trying to sneakily use is mobile but failing miserably to hide the fact.

"That's ok Sir you don't need to hide the fact your using your phone this won't take long, tho I am afraid I don't know your full name." Michael said addressing Harry

"Harry, Harry Smith" he replied as he pulled his mobile into the open and started to make a call moving to the side.

Turning back to Jake, Michael continued.

"Well Mr Daniels as I said I am here regarding what you just said about Lexi, after all we could not help but over here you when your voice was so loud and we are in the booth next to yours."

"You have a VIP booth? I don't recognize you." Jake said doubtfully as he eyed up Michael trying to recognize him.

"That's hardly surprising but yes I am in the booth next door and I am just here to offer a simple piece of advice that you should lower your voice after all what you said about Lexi could hurt you in the future."

Out of the corner of his eye he saw a mobile phone slowly appear around the wall that separated the booths and overlooked the stage.

"Are you threatening me? I can say what I wish and some nobody like you can't stop me."

"You misunderstand Mr Daniels I am not threatening you but just giving some friendly advice, it is an unwritten rule in the entertainment industry that out of respect no one may call Lexi by that name without her permission."

"What do I care about rules, Alexia is mine and we shall rule not only the entertainment world but also the business world together."

"Already yours? I am also a fan of Lexi but I must admit I have not heard any news regarding her being in a relationship."

"That's because you're a simpleton who knows nothing, I will have you know that Alexia is already mine we have just decided not to announce our relationship yet." Jake boasted

"Err Jake" Harry who was on the phone to security now warned.

However Hake thought so highly of himself that he ignored Harry.

"Really?" Michael asked faking surprise, "then I guess dear Lexi will have a new title soon and no longer be known as The Virgin Queen."

"Indeed my dear Alexia has already shared her body with me." Jake replied in a triumphant voice.

"Jake…" Harry was about to warn but a new voice cut him off.

"Oh please explain I would very much like to hear more of this." Sarah said as she entered the booth.

"Who are you to enter my booth, first this annoying guy and now an ugly woman the security in this place is atrocious."

"Honey I said I would handle this, why are you here you should be relaxing next door." Michael said as he turned to Sarah

"That was the plan darling but with Mr Daniel's loud voice I could not help but hear something interesting about my friend so I came to inquire about it." Sarah replied as she sat on Michael's knee before kissing his cheek.

"Now Mr Daniels please go into more detail about when my close friend Alexia gave her body to you." Sarah asked is a polite voice tho Michael who had Sarah on his knee could feel her body twitching slightly during to anger.

"Who are you to use my Alexia's name you ugly woman?" Jake asked not minding his words at all since it was his private booth.

"Mr Daniels I request you choose your words more carefully when addressing my girlfriend here." Michael requested

"Why should I care about the opinion of two nobodies who barged their way into my room?" Jake asked dismissively.

"While I may indeed be a nobody I am afraid my better half here is far from that." Michael said before continuing.

"Allow me to introduce to you Sarah Michael's."

"Who?" Jake asked while Harry who was still trying to get security here dropped his phone.

"The the the… The Diamond Queen" Harry stumbled having trouble getting words out.

"Indeed it seems Mr Smith has heard of me Sarah said smiling.

"What! The Diamond Queen?" Jake asked in shock.

Jake who looked shocked suddenly had his face turn into panic as the reality of the situation kicked in.

"You tricked me." He pointed at Michael accusingly.

"Please Mr Daniels I have done no such thing, I simply came to offer some friendly advice and also because your words were upsetting my darling here." Michael said as he caressed Sarah's back and gave her a peck on the cheek which slightly surprised her.

"Miss Michael's please accept our utmost apologies Jake did not mean any harm by this and he sometimes lets his mouth run away." Harry Smith suddenly came forward saying in a panic.

"Humph and why should I not be upset about this? After all he just claimed to have deflowered Alexia and am sure you know what would happen if word that she was not longer pure got out." Sarah replied in a cold voice going into her boss lady mode.

"Please Miss Michaels he meant no real harm and nothing that was said needs to leave this room." Harry begged.

At this time security arrived and address Harry "Mr Smith are these the people who enters your booth without permission?"

Harry turned to the security officers and snapped "what are you talking about there are no uninvited guests in here except you, now leave."

The security officers confused left again thinking (but you called us).

"And what sort of compensation can I expect seeing for this slander ?" Sarah questioned after security had left.

"What would Miss Michaels propose?"

"I seem to remember seeing both your names on some of the smaller companies under The Emerald Lake umbrella, such as Diamond Protection and Silver Pharmaceuticals to name just two.

I suggest you show good will by transferring those shares over to me." Sarah replied.

"But…" Jake was just about to say something when Harry cut him off "agreed shall we do the transfer now?" He asked

"We shall" Sarah answered pulling out her phone and contacting her assistant Emma.

At this time Michael just stood behind Sarah and waited as his part was done.

Once the transfer was complete Sarah spoke again "thank you very much for your understanding Mr Smith and I do hope this has been a learning experience for you Mr Daniels."

All Jake did was stare back not daring to speak at the time.

"Well darling our business here is complete shall we return to our booth?" Sarah said returning to her playful demeanor and taking Michael's arm again.

"Of course my love." Michael replied before heading out booth leaving a parting farewell "It was a pleasure Mr Daniels and Mr Smith."

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