
Michael and The Four Queens

Michael is just your average guy who used to work as a successful bartender before an incident messed it all up. He helps Alexandria Alexia Demonte one of The Four Queens and in doing so he becomes involved in something far bigger than he ever thought possible when he was living his mundane life. He will learn about The Four Queens, there past and there secret as Michael becomes closer to them and they to him before starting a relationship that if found out will turn the world upside down because of the power The Four Queens hold. Book will contain Yuri though the chapters will have a warning for those who don't like this gene so they can skip. Release schedule of 2 chapters per day. This is my first novel so please go easy on me :) Grammar is improving with each chapter *Artwork is not mine*

Sweeps83 · Urban
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122 Chs

Chapter 22 Schedule

Honestly it kind of scared Michael to be looked at in that way so he said with a nervous chuckle "err can your turn down the looks your giving me as it's a bit scary when you all do that."

Even tho Michael asked that all four ladies kept looking at him not saying a word.

Eventually Jane was the first to recover "Alexia was right you really are different from other men, normally they all try to sweet talk me and tell me what they think I want to hear." The three others nodded to Jane's remarks.

"Well maybe that's because I am not trying to get your money or get into your pants." Michael replied

"Maybe so, still you're far smarter than I have you credit when I heard you were a bus driver." Jane added

"No I'm not, I'm just more experienced. My school results were not very good, I did not even finish college and I never went to university."

"What I said before comes from ether my own life experiences or from what others have taught me." Michael replied.

"So honest" Sarah said.

"What's the point in lying? It won't get me anything in the long run and what do you think would happen when you found out I was lying." Michael finished causing the four to smile.

At this time a notification sound was heard and then the same voice as the elevator spoke "new message received."

"Play message" Alexia said.

"Penthouse your food delivery has arrived shall we send it up? Security"

"Reply to message with yes." Alexia said.

"Message sent" the voice said before going quiet.

"I will go pick up the food from the elevator." Jane said as she stood up and headed for the elevator.

"Got to say that voice assistant is cool, now if you will excuse me I will just nip to the loo before we eat." Michael said as he left.

There was silence until Michael had left the room before Sarah spoke "Alexia I see why your attracted to him, he is, calm, polite and does not care about our identity and just treats us as if we are normal people."

"I know right, I was already attracted to him but after finding out more about him and talking with him I am just liking him more and more." Alexia replied with a smile.

"He is indeed proving himself in more ways than one." Gracie said with a thoughtful expression.

"He has shown himself so far, but we still need time to be certain, hmm." Sarah said before thinking

After a moment Jane returned with the food and asked "where's Michael?"

"Toilet." Alexia replied

"What's wrong Sarah?" Jane asked as she saw her thinking.

Sarah looked up and said something that surprised the other three "do you think it's him?"

Before they could reply Michael returned.

"Is something wrong" he asked seeing the strange atmosphere.

"No nothing I just need to sort out the plates and stuff for the food." Jane replied as she moved towards the kitchen.

"Let me help I still don't quite feel right staying here completely for free." Michael said as he followed her

"Are you serious?" Gracie whispered to Sarah as Alexia listened in.

"I need more time but he is definitely giving me a feeling, how are about you Gracie." Sarah replied

"I agree but we still need more time to tell."

During this Alexia's smile just grew.

As Michael and Jane came back into the room and headed towards the dinning table the other three got up to get some drinks for everyone.

As there were eating Michael decided to ask about tomorrow.

"Miss Demonte may I ask what the plan for tomorrow is?"

Alexia finished chewing her food before she replied "Alexia"?

Michael waited for the voice assistant but nothing happened which cause the four women to giggle.

"He he I mean call me Alexia." Alexia said

Michael just responded with a small smile but said nothing else.

With a pout Alexia started "Fine.

Well in the morning the stylist I use when in London is coming to fix me up as well as she these three and then he needs to sort you out with a suit."

Before Michael could complain Alexia continued " you can't be seen in the VIP box with Gracie and Sarah without looking sharp Michael, also for the after party there is a dress code.

"Indeed me and Gracie can't walk into the part on the arms of a man not wearing a suit." Sarah added with a wink.

"Wait what? Walk into the party with you two on my arms?" Michael asked

"Well since you won't be my date you need to be accompanied by someone who can help you since you knew to this lifestyle." Alexia added with a pout.

"Date?" Sarah asked curiously.

"Alexia joked that Michael should be her date to the after party." Jane explained

"Oh I see."

"Francis is the best stylist in London. Even tho he may come off as brash with his words he means no harm." Alexia said.

"Jane and myself will leave for the concert before the rest of you as I will have a final sound check to do before getting ready in my dressing room." Alexia continued explaining the schedule for tomorrow

"You three have your own private box to watch the performance before you join us backstage after where we will take a limo to the club that is holding the after party."

"Once there you will enter with Sarah and Gracie before myself and Jane as the hostess needs to enter last at this sort of party."

"After that just stay with Sarah and Gracie and mingle if you wish to, enjoy the live bad, drink and eat and just enjoy yourself.

I will be busy mingling with all the guests so I may not get much time to come talk to you I'm afraid." Alexia finished with an apologetic look.

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