
Mia, A Journalist.

Sapheeramage · Urban
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10 Chs


Mia and Leo are shocked by a loud explosion. They look out the window, and see smoke and flames rising from the street below. They hear sirens and screams, and feel the ground shake.

They realize that they are under attack, and that they have to get out of there. They grab their belongings, and run to the door. They open it, and see Victor standing there, holding a gun.

"Victor, what are you doing?" Leo says, his voice full of disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Leo. I had to do it. I had to stop you," Victor says, his voice full of regret.

"Stop me? Stop me from what?" Leo says, confused and angry.

"From ruining everything. From destroying our cause. From falling for the curse," Victor says, pointing the gun at Mia.

"Victor, no. Don't do this. She's not the enemy. She's not the curse. She's the one. She's the one I love," Leo says, stepping in front of Mia.

"Leo, don't be a fool. She's the reason we're in this mess. She's the reason the War Faction found us. She's the reason they planted the bomb. She's the reason we're all going to die," Victor says, pulling the trigger.

Leo feels a bullet hit his chest, and falls to the ground. He feels blood gushing out of his wound, and pain spreading through his body. He looks at Mia, and sees her crying. He reaches out to her, and whispers, "I love you."

Mia feels Leo's hand go limp, and his eyes close. She feels his life slip away, and her heart break. She screams, and holds him tight. She whispers, "I love you too."

She hears another explosion, and feels the penthouse collapse. She feels the debris crush her, and the fire burn her. She feels her death approach, and her soul depart. She feels Leo's soul join hers, and their curse repeat.

She hears a voice in her head, a voice that mocks her dreams, a voice that seals her fate.

"You will never be together, you will never be happy, you will never be free. You will live and die, and live and die, and live and die again. You will always find each other, and you will always lose each other. You will always love each other, and you will always suffer. This is your punishment, this is your destiny, this is your curse."