
Chapter 03- My Dummy Brother

"What time is the meeting?" Azi asked his assistant.

"At 11 sir, they called to inform us that Mr. Davies is unable to attend but he will send his daughter in his place"

"okay,is that all?"

"Yes sir"

"ok you may leave now" after his assistant left he was once again left alone to resume his work. But for some reason his mind filled up with memories of his Amber. 'She was always so mysterious. She rarely talked about her family' he thought. He suddenly felt like he knew her but she was a complete stranger at the same time.


At Amber's Office

Amber was focused on her work when there was a knock at her door." Come in "

"Ma'am Mr.Vasher is here"

" Okay, send him" said in her usual cold tone.Her assistant nodded.


"Mr. Vasher this way" the assistant lead Azi.

When Azi entered for some reason the room temperature was unusually cold... like freezing cold. And there he saw a strangely familiar pair of green eyes staring coldly at him. He was so confused.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Davies"


A few minutes earlier

As Amber was catching up on the news of what see had missed. She came across an Article 'AZRIEL VASHER CAUGHT WITH A MYSTERIOUS GIRLFRIEND'. Just as she saw it, came in Azi.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Davies" He greeted politely. She looked at him coldly.

"Ms.Verratii, its Ms. Verratii" She said to him in a colder voice then her usual."Let's discuss business shall we, First of all o would like to apologize on behalf of my father for not being able to be here himself."

"No problem Ms. Verratii, with out further a due let's discuss business" he said. Though for some reason he felt like he had done something wrong and was quite annoyed by this.


Suddenly during the meeting a little boy came out of nowhere rushing towards Amber.

"Mami" the boy cried.What surprised Azi the most is that the boy kind of gave him deja vu. He had beautiful green-blue eyes 'just like hers' he thought. Shortly after a little girl came stumbling after him "brother, wad are you doin Mami is busy" she said in a soft cute voice "Sowy Mister my dummy brother got scared cause he didn't find Mami" Azi was stunned on how well educated this little girl was. Amber who was holding her baby boy just smiled proudly.

" Mi amor,wait for me in the room ill be right there" she consoled her child and led both of them back to the resting room in her office.Hiding her boys face not wanting to rise suspicion"I apologize for my children Mr. Vasher" She said going back to her cold tone. ' Why does that child look like me and why do her eyes look so familiar' Azi thought