
Chapter 02-Loveless Unitl She Met Azi

Amber stretched and yawned as she turned off her alarm. It was 5 in the morning when she got up and went to freshen up. She took a quick shower and dressed into formal clothes. Before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast for herself and packed some for her dumplings. Since she didn't want wake them up so early. She asked her driver to help her carefully put them in the car.

"ma'am, your father has called for you" her assistant informed. Amber sighed 'i guess i should pat the old man a visit'

"Take me to him" she said to the driver who just nodded.

30 minutes later

They arrived to the Verratii Residence. Amber looked coldly out the window as she remembered her cold and lonely childhood. She remembered the girl who stuided and trained so hard just to make her father proud. All she wanted was to know that he was proud of her. But all she got were scoldings and beatings for not being enough. Amber was snapped out of her daze when the car stopped.

"Stay here with them,don't get them out of the car" she said.

"Yes ma'am"

Inside her father's room

Her father was in the bed. He looked so tired, so pale you could see that his life was hanging of a thread. But Amber didn't feel sad not pity. She was just cold...it was quite frightening. Seeing her unaffected expression he felt offended.

"Your father is his death bed and you- cough* don't care" he said weakly."What kind of monster are you"

"I am your creation father, you made me into this" She laughed mockingly "You had me trained as a cold,cruel and ruthless leader... Well here I am father, Look at me i've been trained well" her father smirked at her.

" He sure did a great job with you"he laughed " I think he's the real monster"

"No father, he is and will always be the one i truly consider as my father." She glared at him " You tried real hard to break me father but you failed so you sent me away" And for the first time in her life she saw her father cry.

" You look so much like your mother"he whispered " My Lily, she was so strong but delicate at the same time. She was the love of my life. Im sorry I've been such a useless father. She would probably give me good beating id she were here" He laughed

"I need to head to the office, ill head out now" she said without any emotion. He just nodded with tears in his eyes. You may say she's too cruel but this is what he made of her. Since she was girl she was trained to be who she is today. Her childhood was loveless until he meet Azi.