
MHA with unexpected powers

This is my first novel so please give me pointers and please forgive any mistakes. Follow Erik on his adventure with unexpected powers.

slothfuldemon · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
43 Chs


He took some of my blood, then drank it.

'I am so confused. Does he have a quirk like the Hero killer?' Before I could think further a screen appeared. It read…

[ Quirk type: ]

Body modification/strengthening

Quirk information:

It changes the physique of the quirk holder. It allows the holder to increase their physical strength limitlessly. It also gives the holder a regenerative factor that triggers with food. The better the food the more the holder heals. There is also a type of energy that requires the holder to achieve something to unlock it.


[10/10 in all aspects ]

As the Doctor, Ben, and Vito read the screen their eyes started to go wide with shock.

"T-t-t-ten s-s-tars!" Stuttered Ben. "That's the highest potential I have ever seen. His quirk is one of the best I have seen too."

"It truly is one of the best quirks out there." The doctor said slightly shocked. "The ability to endlessly improve your physical power with the healing and unknown energy. It's almost as good as star and stripe's quirk. The only downfall is that we don't know the requirements for unlocking the hidden power."

"So, what should we do to him?" Questioned Vito.

"I will call the leader and ask him what to do. Go ahead and knock him out, so we don't get no struggle out of him."

Ben walked over to me and punched me in the head knocking me out.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pov change~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sitting in a dark room there was a large body. The phone next to this person rang. The man opened his crimson-red eyes. He grabbed the phone and spoke.

"Doc, what do you need?"

"Boss, ben just brought in a child with the highest potential rating. His quirk is- "

"I don't care about his quirk. Take him to number 5. Have him use his quirk on him. Then I want you to try and break him. If he doesn't break in a month, put him with the fighters. I don't want another failure like last time. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir. If he doesn't break and goes to the fighters. Do you want me to assign someone to teach him to fight?"

"No. I believe that the old man is still alive right?"

"He is boss."

Then we don't need to worry about him being taught to fight. Make sure that number 5 uses his quirk on a permanent scale.

"Don't worry boss. I got this. Is that all your instructions?"

"Yes, it is. I want you to bring the brat to me in a year, so I can see what to do with him."

Before the doctor could confirm that he will do as the boss said, the boss hung up. Spinning his chair, the monster of a man pressed a button. The button opened a part of the wall showing a large window. The man looked out the window and smiled. This smile was no ordinary smile. It was the smile of a man that only cares about one thing and one thing only. His entertainment.

"This should be fun. I hope you don't disappoint me brat. I want to be entertained! Bwahahahahahahaha!" The man let out a bone-chilling laugh that would have frozen anyone who heard it.

Sorry for the late chapter. I m feeling a littel under the weather. Please give me stones.

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