
mha with sans power

i don't know what i am doing this is my first fanfic and i don't understand anything on writing and since i procrastinate a lot don't expect frequent updates a soul was on it's way to the afterlife was granted a choice go to heaven and live his life in paradise or reincarnate with a power and world of his choosing.

xiaomin_Ye101876 · Others
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15 Chs

God and memories

I am what mortals would call god. Many worship me and think I have all the power in the world. Well, I guess some of it is my own fault.

Back then I was arrogant and thought I deserved everything, but hey, not all of it was my fault. I was only a couple millennia old and I had no parental figure there for me. So I went and made Jesus and after that whole thing I became the most popular religion in the world.

You might be thinking, are there other gods out there and yes there are and some of them are almost as popular as me, the Greek, Norse, and Hindu, but they are not as old as me. While some of their religions are older than mine, that's only because they tried to make their mark on earth earlier than me.

Anyway let's talk about how gods are born. So when 2 - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA do you actually think that's how gods are born HAHAHAHA- *wheeze*. ok but seriously i was born from nothing and everything.

Ok let me explain there are 2 realms one realm has no light, no matter, no sound just an endless space and when there is something there the realm starts to decay it to nothing first with there body then the memory then the very soul.

The other realm has everything while you may not be able to see it. It constantly creates things. It has blinding light, sounds loud enough to break a human brain in a matter of seconds, and when anything damaged goes into the realm it will regenerate it even if it is as small as an atom. first with the soul then the memory and finally the body.

Between both realms is a thin line while small compared to the other realms it is humongous to us gods and mortals alike. In this line us gods are created then as gods will go on to create and destroy as we are the child of destruction and creation.

Us gods have many abilities, one of them is the ability to traverse both realms with no affect to our body, memory, and soul. Usually when a pure and nice mortal dies they go to heaven, a small place in the afterlife that is like paradise. When a corrupted and evil soul dies they go to hell, a large place that takes up most of the afterlife, a place where souls are tortured.

One day when i was going to the realm of nothingness to escape the noise of my siblings i found a soul on the verge of obliteration. It was odd that a soul managed to escape a grim reaper and found itself here. After putting him in the realm of everything he was as good as new, but I couldn't let him wake up just yet.

After reading his memories I found out his name is Gisei, a kind but cautious soul who was tortured by one of my very own nun. Apparently he was born on an eclipse on June 6 at the time 6:66 pm and an earthquake happened near the time and a black cat walked in the room while she was delivering the baby.

It seems she is very superstitious and thought Gisei was possessed by a devil no wonder he is named Gisei. After seeing the torture he went through he still was kind to everything and one, but because of what he went through he was super cautious to everything. So when the grim reaper came he punched his face and ran. The grim reaper did not want to go near the realm so he just left.