
MHA: Who's That Punk?

Midoriya Izuku is a nice person. No, seriously he is! Why does everyone assume he's some hoodlum? If only his quirk was something normal, he wouldn't look like some kind of Yakuza. Follow this story as Midoriya Izuku overcomes everyones misconceptions.

S1r1usG0ld · Anime & Comics
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Bakugo’s Tantrum


Mitsuki walked into her house after rushing home from Inko's place. She already got a call from Masaru had already called her and told her that Katsuki was fine, which made her sigh in relief.

"I'm home!" She yelled out. Masaru popped his head in from the living home and said, "Welcome back! How was Inko? I beat she was a nervous wreck about little Izu."

Mitsuki grabbed a beer from the fridge and plopped down beside him, "Yeah, as soon as she saw him on the news she instantly started doing damage control."

Masaru nodded and said, "Doesn't surprise me, I still can't believe how different Izuku looks now!"

"It wasn't easy," she sighed as she took a sip of her beer, "The clothes were easy, his attitude was the hard part."

"I was gonna mention that, why does he look like he's imitating Katsuki?" Masaru questioned.

Mitsuki cackled, "It looks that way, because that's exactly how it started out. I told him that if he wanted to be a hero he was gonna have to act more confident. I told him that the brat was a good reference. Of course once he got comfortable acting like Katsuki, I told him he needs to make it his own. Inko helped, and together we made a beautiful monster!"

Masaru looked at his wife in trepidation, "What do you mean…monster, Mitsuki?"

Mitsuki shot him a feral grin and said, "I wouldn't want to be a villain around him. Inko took think like your opponent to whole new level. That kid could frighten me, ME! I've never had a more fulfilling hobby. On top of that, he still kept his original kindness and willingness to help people."

Masaru looked like he wanted to say more, but they were interrupted by a loudly slammed door. They both looked up to see Katsuki enter the room at a calm pace, but if you were to look at his face he was anything but.

"How long…"

Mitsuki looked confused and said, "How long what?"

Katsuki's rage poured out as he screamed, "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HELPING THAT GOOD FOR NOTHING DEKU!?"

Mitsuki scowled at the derogatory nickname, "Brat, don't you ever use that name in front of me again!"

This seemed to only further enrage him, "I'LL CALL THAT USELESS FUCK WHATEVER I WANT! DEKU, DEKU, DEK-"

Katsuki rocked back with a hand to his cheek as he looked at his mother in shock. Mitsuki looked down at her hand in confusion for a moment before she stood her ground and said, "You have a lot of nerve screaming at me. Do you know how embarrassed I am of you?"

Katsuki looked confused and hurt by this as Mitsuki continued, "You almost lost me one of my most important friendships. So yes, when Inko called me after two years of complete silence, I answered and rushed over. I had to beg Inko to let me back into her life. Do you know what one of her conditions was?"

Katsuki shook his head as Mitsuki look at him with undisguised contempt, "She said that I was to never bring you around her house. She said she didn't trust herself around you. Why else do you think we fell out of touch? She knew what you were doing! She came closer than she'd like to admit to attacking you. One of the nicest people I know, and you almost drove her to hurt another child!"

"And let's not forget Izuku, even after I warned you to shape up and leave Izuku alone, you kept bullying him. I did all of Izuku's tattoos. Do you how it feels to look at another child and see scars on them that you know come from your own son? I thought I would throw up!" Mitsuki finished heaving heavy breaths from her rant.

A familiar anger passed by Katsuki's face at Izuku's name and he geared up for more screaming, "YOU-"

"SHUT UP!" Mitsuki screamed back. Katsuki flinched expecting another slap and even Masaru was taken aback, as tears streamed down Mitsukis face. "I have tried to guide you Katsuki. I've done everything I could besides begging you to be a better person. I don't know where I went wrong, but I know I didn't raise you to hurt people."

Masaru walked over and hugged his wife calming her down, she wiped her face and said, "There are going to be some changes around here. For one, we are all going to see a therapist."

Mitsuki held up her hand and cut off whatever Katsuki would say, "Don't. Even. Start. How are you going to be a hero if you don't even have the slightest bit of empathy. U.A. does extensive background checks, what do you think they will think when they see on your record that your a perfect little angel?"

Katsuki stood open mouthed as he was deep in thought, Mitsuki helped him along, "There gonna take one look at you and how you act, and immediately figure out that your record is complete bullshit. Then they are going to do their own research, and I don't care how good that school thinks it is at hiding, I've met Nezu when I designed some hero outfits. He's the most terrifying thing I've ever seen! If they think that they can hide from him, then they're in for a rude awakening."

Katsuki still just stared in shock as he tried to process everything that was happening. His whole world was crashing down around him and he didn't like what lied beyond the walls.

"The second thing has been a long time coming, we are pulling you from Aldera and you will do online school until it's time for U.A." Mitsuki said as she finally calmed down enough to speak at a normal level. She walked over and chugged the rest of her beer before continuing, "I think you've been around to many people who think the sun shines out of your ass and need a reality check on how real people act. That school has been nothing but a parasite that has been sucking all the good out of you."

Katsuki just nodded numbly. He'd never seen his mother so serious before. He would go along with it for now, but he would see for himself what these new changes entailed for him. If he didn't like it, then he didn't care how serious his mother was, he wouldn't do it. Katsuki will do anything to be the number 1 hero!

"Now go your room. Your grounded for your shitty behavior." Mitsuki finished. Katsuki narrowed his eyes at her before sneering and stalking towards his room in big strides. Mitsuki sighed and collapsed on the sofa. Masaru sat down and held her close.

"I'm sorry for making those decisions without your input." Mitsuki muttered out. She hated being in the wrong, but unlike Katsuki, she could acknowledge it.

Masaru shook his head, "Don't worry about it, I agree with everything you said. I've been saying we needed to see a family therapist for years, but the last time I mentioned it you brushed it off. I was just waiting for you to bring it up again."

Mitsuki looked confused before she remembered what he was talking about, she had just broken things off with Inko and was too distraught to really understand what she was doing. A look of pain came over her as she realized how bad of a wife and mother she'd been, and tears started falling again. Masaru just whispered words of comfort as they stayed like that for a while.

Meanwhile in Katsuki's room, Katsuki could be seen pacing back and forth. Once he'd overheard his mom talking about Deku being on the news, he naturally put two and two together and realized he'd been saved by that fucker.

'It looks like Deku's weak ass Quirk came in, he was just lucky today. I'm the best hero, no way am I going to let that shitty Deku show me up. He disappeared for the last two years, but know I know he's close enough for the old hag to meet every week. I'll find him, and when I do…. Well, I still have two years worth of beatings I need to catch up on.' Katsuki let's out a sadistic grin at his thoughts and goes to bed knowing soon he'll find that worthless Deku and show him his place.

A/N: If you want to draw any fanart, please send it to @g0ld3nj1154 on twitter.

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