
MHA: Way to Peace

ADVANCED CHAPTERS: Patre on.com/nyatsui A soul with fragmented memories reincarnated to another world where superpowers dubbed quirks exist, he couldn't even remember his previous life name. He was now Todoroki Fuyuto, twin brother of Todoroki Shoto. However, Fuyuto knew that he was in the world of 'My Hero Academia', to be precise, a different reality of it. In a world of both heroes and villains, Fuyuto wants to become a worthy hero, to be the best hero. With the goal of enrolling into U.A, his determination to become the best hero is set on track, not knowing what the future has in store for him. CREDITS: Thanks to 'Lasagna' for editing the chapters :) I don't own 'My Hero Academia' nor do I own its characters.

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34 Chs

Battle Trial [1]

It took around two hours for Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu to wake up. He looked around with confusion before the scenes from the Quirk Potential Test flashed in his mind, then, the gray-haired teenager noticed he was in the infirmary.

'I lost so easily!' Tetsutetsu thought to himself while feeling a bit of admiration towards Fuyuto. As someone with the steel quirk, despite his hot-headed temperament, he wasn't stupid.

Tetsutetsu knew his quirk's weakness the best, and it was Fire and Ice. It surprised him the fact that Fuyuto was able to easily spot the weakness: 'So he has Ice and Fire related quirk? And he even beat me on physical regards, damn!'

His only thought was: 'He's manly! It's decided, I'll challenge him when I raise my resistance to Ice and Fire!'

Standing up, Tetsutetsu didn't feel any pain or discomfort, showing that Fuyuto had great control in order not to harm him. The gray-haired teenager felt moved by Fuyuto's carefulness.

''Are you up already?'' Suddenly, a voice came from under him. Looking down, Tetsutetsu noticed that a short, old lady was beside him!

Before he could say anything, the old lady said: ''It's quite good that you didn't suffer any harm. Here, take some gummies. Next time, don't be so careless when you get into a fight, even if friendly.''

''A tip from an experienced person, having a hot-blooded temperament won't help you to win. You should analyze others' before rushing, always test others cautiously before truly going for the win.'' The short old lady gave him some gummies of various colors before adding, and leaving: ''You should go back to class.''

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu nodded while thinking about his defeat. Shaking his head, he felt determined to raise his Ice and Fire resistance in the next few weeks or months: 'I will try my best! At that time, I'll challenge you again!'

Knocking on the 1-B Classroom Door, he entered it, and received the students' warm welcome. While it was true they had just gotten to know themselves, they were all very friendly. Bubbles appeared around Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu as he thanked them for their concerns.

It turned out he kind of liked the feeling of being cared for!

Stopping before Fuyuto, an intense aura oozed out of Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. Just as everyone thought a fight would break out, the gray-haired teenager said while tearing up: ''Bro, you're so manly!''

''...'' They were speechless, utterly speechless!

Wasn't a fight for your dignity supposed to happen? What happened to that? Where is your dignity? Where is our fun?

Cough, we mean, your dignity?!

These were the thoughts of most of Class 1-B students.

Fuyuto nodded before saying: ''You're quite strong. It would've been a tough fight if my Quirk wasn't strong specifically against yours.''

Some girls started fantasizing about prohibited scenes, while the boys felt this was the romance of men! Inasa felt particularly touched and was about to enter their talk when Kan suddenly coughed: ''I'm not sure if you all remember but... We're still on Class!''

''Now, pay attention to class. Any more commotion and everyone will be deducted one point at this semester's final results!'' At Kan's words, everyone shut up.

They obediently nodded before going back to their seats: ''Yes, teacher!''

They were afraid to lose points!

Just like that, the morning passed by as today's class ended. They have afternoon class two days per week, on Tuesday and Thursday, as today was Monday, they didn't have afternoon class.

After leaving class, Fuyuto directly went to Class 1-A with the objective of dragging his younger twin back. He was seriously concerned if the half-white half-red-haired teenager was going to stay there forever!

Given his habits, that was possible!

As Fuyuto quickly rushed out of Class, Itsuka Kendo looked at his back before realization struck her: ''Ah! We forgot to get his phone number in order to add him to our chat group!''


Inasa came and became their Hero: ''Don't worry! I have Fuyuto's phone number!''

''Good grief!''

Meanwhile, Fuyuto had already rushed to Class 1-A, and saw his brother trying to sneak out of it! Suddenly, he sped up before tapping on Shoto's back two times: ''Hm? Are you, perhaps, trying to escape today's training, my dear younger brother?''

''A-A-Ah, of course not, Nii-san.'' Shoto stuttered after hearing Fuyuto's words, and his scary tone. Nodding with satisfaction, Fuyuto looked around before noticing Midoriya: ''Yo, Midoriya. Doing good with your training?''

''Yes!'' Midoriya nodded before feeling Shoto's scared gaze as he thought: 'Fuyuto-san is scary, too scary!'

He swore never to mess with Fuyuto! Never!

''Did you see that? Todoroki-san is scared of that white-haired boy!'' A red-haired teenager, Kirishima, exclaimed. In their opinion, Shoto was very strong and calm, so seeing him acting so scared was a surprise!

Momo Yaoyorozu, a female teenager with long, black-colored hair, pushed up her non-existent glasses before saying calmly: ''He is Todoroki-san's older twin. He is very powerful, but for some reason, didn't participate on the Recommended Exam.''

A female teenager with purple-colored hair and plug-like ears looked over Momo Yaoyorozu before teasing: ''Oh? It seems you know Todoroki-san quite well, Yao-chan!''

''It's just that Todoroki-san happened to talk about his brother, that's all.'' Momo Yaoyorozu said with a faint blush. Fuyuto secretly nodded, at least his brother wasn't going to become a lone wolf in the future!

Suddenly, a platinum-haired teenager rushed out of the class: ''HEY! White-haired b*stard! Come here and fight me! Imma kill you!''

The faint sound of explosions rang in their ears, but Kirishima was seemingly ready for Bakugo's outburst as he quickly stopped him: ''That's not manly, Bakugo! Todoroki-san's brother didn't do anything!''

''If you're not a coward, come and fight me!'' Bakugo Katsuki growled, he wanted to reclaim his dignity!

Fuyuto looked up and down on Bakugo Katsuki before shaking his head lightly. Without hesitation, he said: ''Let's go. We have to train today, you don't want mother to personally supervise our training, do you?''

Hearing this, Shoto shuddered before his mindset took a 360 degree turn: ''Well, training doesn't seem that bad. In my opinion, training is as good as breathing.''



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