
MHA : True Power of Telekinesis

A random dude died and got reincarnated into the world of MHA by the name of Izaya Kurogami, his quirk is telekinesis and find out how Izaya uses the true potential of his quirk to become the strongest, but will he become a hero or a villain Author's note:- this story is just my take on showing the limitless potential telekinesis have, I think MHA has not used the true potential of telekinesis in MHA world this ability is rarely used and is very weak, the MC will be OP, he will train and became OP, MC will use his previous life's knowledge to increase his powers, so please enjoy this fanfic Also I do not own My hero academia or any of it's characters

Omega200 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs


<Momo POV>

Jiro and mina waved their goodbyes towards me at the train station. We walked till here from the school but our houses are in different directions. I could have called my family driver to pick me up but then I would have missed the chance to spend some time with my friends. I wish I could have spent more time with them as I never had any real friends. I sat on a nearby bench and waited for the train to come when I saw a familiar face enter the station.

It looks like Kurogami-san's and my house are in the same direction.

"Hello there, I didn't know our houses are in the same direction" I said

"No, my house is not in the same direction as yours, I just have to be somewhere else and It's nice to see you too, do you mind if I sit next to you" He said with his usual charismatic smile.

"No, I don't mind"

We both sat there for a minute without speaking waiting for the train. I was about to speak to break the silence when he spoke up.

"your quirk is creation right" He asked


"How does it work"

"I can create anything from the lipids in my body but I need to know the atomic structure of the thing I create first" I explained

"Can you make your own metals?" he asked

"What" I was surprised by his question

"Iron and Silver are two different forms of metals, can you create an entirely different metal" He explained.

"No, that would be impossible. I need to know the atomic structure first"

Yes, that would be Impossible, creating an entirely new metal or any element would be impossible for my quirk if I don't know the atomic structure.

(AN:- Doesn't momo's quirk looks similar to SCP-4051, so do you think she could create Anti-matter)

"Hm, Well you could create some different weapons though" He said

"Like flamethrowers, Flash grenades, Paralysis gas, and other weapons that would make the job of heroes easier, you have an amazing quirk" He said while giving me a warm smile.

People have always complimented me for my quirk and for my money so this kind of thing is not unusual for me but the students of UA feels different, they don't want to be friends with me just for my quirk or money, they want to be friends with me because I am now one of their comrades.

The person in front of me, Izaya Kurogami is the most charismatic one of us all, he is reliable and calm headed, he also has a strong quirk, he would be a great hero for sure.

After that Izaya gave me various Ideas about what other types of weapons I could create with my quirk, I must admit I never thought about this amazing combination of things that could make these great weapons, Kurogami-san sure knows a lot about these.

(AN:- Well, the one telling her all these is a serial killer)

Kurogami-san is indeed very knowledgeable about hero work. I could tell that he wants to be a true hero rather than taking heroism as a business and I do agree with him, heroes should protect peace and justice without any greed for fame and money but some heroes just enter the hero industry for fame and money, they don't feel any obligation to help others, they just want fame and money. I am glad that a strong quirk user like Kurogami-san is a true hero, not a fame seeker like everyone else.

(AN:- Poor girl, he is brainwashing you)

After waiting for a while my train arrived and we both left for an hour home. I do look forward to the next day of UA.


<Izaya POV>

After that train ride I got off the train and entered a silent alley and then teleported back to my house.

My goal is to know about momo's quirk, from what I know in the MHA world quirks could be copied by just blood samples and cloned and I do want to have momo's quirk.

There are various reasons for that, and one of the biggest reasons for that is her ability to manipulate complex structures.

I can also manipulate matter but I can't create complex structures like her, I could dismantle anything living or non-living at an atomic level but I can't create complex structures.

I could morph a metal cube into a metal needle but that's it, creating something different from iron is impossible for me but Momo's quirk does exactly that.

She could create anything from her lipids. Well for manipulating atoms you need to have spatial awareness which helps them understand atoms and it also increases our intelligence, and Momo is smart enough that she even outsmarted a girl with an intelligence-type quirk in the hero license exams.

The only limitation she has with her quirk is that she needs to know the atomic structure of the material she is going to create, if not for that she could create metals that don't exist in this universe like Vibranium.

Well, all that aside I need to proceed with my plans, Well first I need to free Lady Nagant from Tartarus. Tartarus's security is much tighter now but nothing that I can't break-in.

I now need pawns that suffered under the hero commission or the hero society.

I did become the leader of a nameless group but I need to make it bigger, a much bigger group than League of Villains, I could use meta-libration army.

But what I want to investigate the most is the Hero commission, I found out that the Hero commission is doing some human experiments, this is just a hypothesis but it is possible and this is something that wasn't in the MHA cannon, so I need to pay more attention to them.

That aside tomorrow is the day when the League will steal the UA schedule from them by the cover of the reporters and the day after tomorrow will be the USJ incident.

Well, It would be fun fighting the nomu I guess. Should I fight the nomu or let All Might handle it instead.


AN:- Hope you liked this chapter, I tried to show what Momo thinks of MC and his interaction with her.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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