
MHA : True Power of Telekinesis

A random dude died and got reincarnated into the world of MHA by the name of Izaya Kurogami, his quirk is telekinesis and find out how Izaya uses the true potential of his quirk to become the strongest, but will he become a hero or a villain Author's note:- this story is just my take on showing the limitless potential telekinesis have, I think MHA has not used the true potential of telekinesis in MHA world this ability is rarely used and is very weak, the MC will be OP, he will train and became OP, MC will use his previous life's knowledge to increase his powers, so please enjoy this fanfic Also I do not own My hero academia or any of it's characters

Omega200 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Can't think of a chapter name

AN:- Wrote this chapter in a hurry, hope you like it.


[League of Villains Hideout]

A purple portal opened inside an empty bar, soon a man with blue hair and a purple misty man came from that portal.

"DAMN IT, DAMN IT" the man child grumbled.

"Calm down Tomura Shigaraki" The misty man said

"How could I be calm, It's all his fault, if only he didn't exist, we could have killed All Might"

"I'll kill him"

Kurogiri didn't say anything more to him but simply waited for someone else to speak.

"Tomura, what happened" A static voice sounded in the room

"Sensei, we.... we failed" Tomura said looking down

"Don't get sad or frustrated over this Tomura, take this failure as an example to not make the same mistake" Tomura's sensei, or AFO said to him.

Tomura kept silent after this not uttering a single word until his sensei spoke up.

"So did you find out about All Might's injuries"

Tomura gritted his after hearing this, remembering what that white-haired boy had done to him.

"No sensei, we didn't get to fight All Might, A student defeated the nomu"

"A Student, who was that?" AFO asked, curious about this mysterious student who is able to defeat the weapon created to kill All Might.

"I...I don't know, That bastard, if only he didn't exist, I would have surely killed All Might, I will definitely kill both of them next time sensei"

Tomura starting throwing a tantrum like usual.

"Calm down tomura, Kurogiri, who is this student"

AFO asked knowing full well how long it will take for him to calm tomura, and he is just too interested in getting to know about this mysterious student who is capable enough to defeat nomu.

"He has white hair, red eyes, he could control lightning and fire and he can also apply pressure on others as well as float" Kurogiri explained in the calmest expression

"So he has four quirks, but that's simply impossible, I wonder what his quirk is that gives him so many abilities," AFO said totally interested in what the quirk of the mysterious boy is.

"Very well, we need to first find out about this boy, find any information you can about him" AFO issued his order after which the screen where 'Audio Only' was written went completely black.


<Izaya POV>

So Nezu is suspicious of me now. I guess it makes sense since I can use my quirk in various ways that people would believe that I have more than one quirk.

But I don't care about that now, what I want to see is how AFO will react, AFO would have never expected that a student is powerful enough to defeat nomu, not only that, Kurogiri must have already told him about my unusual powers, he would definitely want my quirk.

I could have actually stopped Kurogiri from escaping by restoring the space in the USJ, preventing him from opening a warp gate, but the reason I didn't is that I wanted AFO to put a target on my back.

It's because I wanted to find about a certain Info broker, this info broker is Giran but someone who is working for both the villains and the hero commission.

This particular Info broker hides in the shadows just like AFO, I knew about AFO because of my knowledge from the Anime but I don't know anything about this info broker, what I do know about this broker is that he is the one who is finding people for AFO to create nomu.

In simple terms, if you need info on someone's abilities then you have to go for that info broker, and I am sure that AFO wants to know my abilities, and the moment the broker will send his men to find I will just have to track them back to the source.

I have read the minds of countless criminals who have taken information from that broker but none of them knew him, so the problem here is that none of the men that he would send to find info on me would have actually known him, but he must have some close allies through whom he interacts in the outside world like AFO have Tomura and Kurogiri.

All I have to do is find them and extract the info from them.

Well, that would happen later on, because right now, I need to find a way to calm my mom down before I face her.

After the USJ incident, every parent was informed about it, UA dropped every student by bus this time with Heroes protecting them just for their safety.

Right now I am standing in front of my house, I opened the door and entered the house.


My mom, who was waiting just near the entrance saw me and hugged me, she had tears in her eyes. I really hate it when she cries but the one who is to blame here is me, I knew this would happen and I could have stopped it but I let it happen, so it's also my fault for making her cry.

"Are you alright, you are not hurt are you?" My mom said checking for injuries on me.

"I am fine mom, you don't need to worry"

"How can I not worry you Idiot"

"Cause I am strong, far stronger than those petty villains," I said giving her a smirk.

And in response, she smacked me in the head.

"What was that for" I asked

"I know you want to be a hero but don't get too overconfident in your abilities, you need to make sure you are safe first" My mom said hugging me again.

I guess she is right if I was just as weak as she thinks I am, but it's also nice that she is worried about my safety.

After some more hugging, sobbing, and smacking me in the head my mom let go of me, I went to take a bath and when I came I found out that my father came home from his office, he also asked me about my safety and all.

After explaining everything to them I am back in my room, I didn't explain to them about the part where I chose to be bait so that Midoriya and Asui could escape.

After closing my room, I changed into my villain costume and opened a warp gate to the villain hideout, they were supposed to rescue Lady Nagant, so let's see how that went.


AN:- I wont be able to update for some days, sorry guys.

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