

[Chapters uploaded back.] Everything that surrounds the light creates a deep darkness behind it. And darkness will teach what terror is. Survival in this terror is not the fate of fairy tale heroes, only those who embrace the darkness. Ikiru is a spirit chosen by the Creator. The Creator sends him to an alternate universe created for entertainment purposes to satisfy the whims of the Creator. To spice up the story, the Creator adds the Ackerman bloodline to the alternate universe. Thus, 'Titan' descends into the MHA universe (he does not transform into Titan). Since the Creator believes in equal exchange, in return for his entertainment, Ikiru is given some gifts. The most remarkable of these gifts is psychic power. The Creator transforms this power into Quirk and gifts it to Ikiru. ** Part one is more about the growth of the main character and his relationship with other characters. If you want to start directly from the main story, you can start reading from part two. Update days; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. The story is only published on my Webnovel, Wattpad, AO3 and Patreon pages. Five episodes will be published per week, you can find more on my Patreon page. Every chapter I publish here, I make it freely available on my Patreon page a few hours before. https://patreon.com/dyspromen ** This is a work of fiction that draws heavily from BNHA (Boku no Hero Academia), AOT (Attack On Titan) and Mob Psycho 100. Other than the changes I made to the story and the characters I added, I do not have any ownership or rights to the creation.

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Chapter 40 - USJ Arc II

Mikasa hugged Ikiru tightly. "Welcome, my love," Mikasa said lovingly. Ikiru patted Mikasa on the back. They entered the mansion together. They sat in the living room, and soon Levi came over with their favourite drink. "The AFO is finally making its move. Tomura and someone else was behind the attack on the school. Their target, as you might have guessed, is All Might. They will most probably attack during our heroic course tomorrow," Ikiru said as he sipped his cocoa milk. Momo was also drinking hot chocolate.

"Direct intervention by the AFO is not possible. They will most likely use Tomura for this attack. Their goal may be to capture or kill All Might. Even though All Might's power has decreased over the past years, he's still holding his own. That's why I'm more interested in what kind of tools they will use for the attack," Levi said. "Ikiru, you must stay safe no matter what. You know I will intervene if necessary. Even if you don't want me to, I can't stand by if you're in danger," Mikasa said as she took Ikiru's hand.

"I know, love, but you underestimate me. I can hold my ground even if it's the AFO itself. As long as it's not the AFO, I'm not in any danger. I agree with Levi. Tomura can't take on the All Might alone. They have someone with the Quirk of teleportation with them. He was with him during today's breach. Unlike ours, he has a teleportation-like ability to open a portal gate. I can't be sure, because he moved quickly in and out of Zone's area. Levi, did you get any leads on this?" Ikiru asked.

During the infiltration of the U.A., many reporters and cameras were in the area. Thanks to that, Levi should have been able to find some information. "There are no leads other than Tomura's current appearance," Levi said, creating a hologram screen for them all to see. "He was alone in the footage taken at the entrance gate. I don't have any data on the person with the teleportation Quirk you mentioned," Levi said. "Now that you mention it, the other man's Quirk was very interesting. He had the Quirk Factor, a combination of more than one Quirk. Not only that, but his body had undergone many procedures and surgeries. In the short time I analysed him, I could only get so much information," Ikiru said.

Meanwhile, Momo and Mikasa were deep in thought. They didn't know as much about Quirk as Ikiru and Levi. However, they could still superficially understand what Ikiru was talking about. "This must be Dr Garaki's work. As the AFO's personal doctor, it is normal for him to learn about it. He has also been actively working in a hospital in recent years. That gives him access to enough human subjects for experiments. Can you tell if yesterday's person was alive?" Levi asked. "He was alive, but he had lower brain activity than normal humans. Many of his organs had been altered and body parts tampered with," Ikiru replied.

"I see, this information may answer our earlier questions. If the Garaki has achieved what we think they have, it would explain their means of attack tomorrow. If they can combine or store multiple Quirk, like an AFO, and transfer it onto a subject, it would give them a chance to build an army. Given that they're on the move, they must have a means of dealing with All Might. The risk scale of tomorrow's attack has increased with this information," Levi said. Ikiru nodded at Levi's words. Mikasa and Momo were worried. "Ikki, we can take tomorrow off from school. We don't need to put ourselves at risk," Momo said. Mikasa frowned and looked at Momo. "When did the Ackermans get out of danger? Besides, you won't be the main target of the attackers. With your years of training, you should both be fine. Not to mention that this attack will help you learn more about our enemies in the future," Mikasa said, looking at Momo.

"I don't think that's what Momo meant, I'm sure you're as worried about me as she is. But as I said before, I can defend myself even if the AFO comes. He can't stop me from retreating. And Momo, you don't have to worry. The attack will be the AFO's first in years. And there's a good chance that Tomura will lead the attack. So the power scale of the attack shouldn't be too high. The fact that All Might will be with us greatly reduces the risk to our safety. If we're at risk, I'll get us out of there," Ikiru said. Momo shook her head anxiously. It wasn't the attack she was worried about, but the way Mikasa was looking at her.

"Everyone calm down, Ikiru is right. Another purpose of this attack will be to make their presence known. If they unleash too much power in their first attack, it will not be in their favour. So there is no need to worry too much," Levi said. With Levi's words, everyone returned to their daily routine. The next day, Ikiru and Momo went to school. Until noon, they had basic classes. During these classes, Ikiru used his Zone and Scan ability to make observations. When the lunch break came, Ikiru took the opportunity to talk to Momo alone.

"We will not act immediately during the attack. You have to wait for the villains to make a move first. Even if we get separated, your first priority must be your safety. You know I can find you and come to you no matter what. So don't panic if we get separated. Since they have the Teleport Quirk, it's very possible they'll try to separate us. What I want you to do is use this attack to gain the trust of the class. I'll focus on getting the teachers' attention by unleashing some of my power," Ikiru said to Momo.

"I understand, but promise me you'll be fine," Momo said, looking Ikiru in the eyes. Ikiru kissed Momo on the lips, "Silly as if they could touch me," Ikiru whispered in Momo's ear. After lunch, the class was excitedly speculating about the new hero course lesson. "I wonder what we'll do this time?" asked Fumikage Tokoyami. "I don't know, but I'm very excited!" said Rikido Sato. While they were talking among themselves, Aizawa entered the classroom.

"Be quiet, we'll soon go to the area where the course will be held. But first, everyone put on their costumes. I'll wait for you on the bus outside the locker room," Aizawa said as he rubbed his eyes. The students went to the locker rooms to put on their hero costumes. "Dude, your costume is so cool! I wish I had added a cape to my costume!" said Kirishima to Ikiru. "Unlike me, you can't fly, so if you add a cape to your costume, keep it short," said Ikiru, giving Kirishima a thumbs up. Ikiru found Kirishima less irritating than the others.

The boy was being who he was, rather than acting the part. Ikiru could respect that, even if he didn't like his character. He knew how difficult it was to live in public without wearing a mask. When everyone was ready and out of the locker room, " Everyone, to sit comfortably on the bus, everyone should line up according to the seat number in the classroom. So we won't have any problems!" said Tenya Ida. His enthusiasm as vice-president of the class was much to the liking of many. Everyone followed his instructions and lined up. But the seats on the bus were facing each other. This made Tenya look like a fool.

On the bus, the students were arguing among themselves, laughing and having fun. Meanwhile, Ikiru was frowning. He could sense All Might within the Zone area. However, All Might was not his usual muscular self. He was shrunken, like a deflated balloon. This explained why All Might was still sitting in the teacher's room even though he had class. Ikiru quickly took out his phone and scrolled through the heroic news on Musutafu. He immediately found the answer to his question. This morning, All Might had done some heroic deeds.

The bus stopped in front of the 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint' building. Ikiru put his phone in the inside pocket of his costume. Aizawa then led the students into the building. Inside the building, Space Hero: Thirteen was waiting for them. After Aizawa announced Thirteen as the teacher of this course, he left the presentation to her. Thirteen explained that this course would be a simulation of natural disasters and other rescue operations, and explained the purpose of the previous hero courses. "Previously, with Aizawa, you learnt what you could do with your Quirk, and with All Might, you learnt how to use your Quirk against a human. With me, you will learn how to save people with your Quirk!" said Thirteen, her words receiving much applause. She then talked about Quirk and its dangers. She talked about the dangers of unconscious use of Quirk and how easily it can harm people. After she finished, most of the 1-A students were taking this course much more seriously. Just as the course was about to start, a portal opened in the central square of the USJ. "Oh, is this course starting right away like the entrance exam?" asked Kirishima. "Thirteen, evacuate the students now! They're villains!" said Aizawa, and at the same time, the USJ's power went out.

If you'd like to read the advance 15+ chapters, and if you'd like to support me; patreon.com/Dyspromen


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