

[Chapters uploaded back.] Everything that surrounds the light creates a deep darkness behind it. And darkness will teach what terror is. Survival in this terror is not the fate of fairy tale heroes, only those who embrace the darkness. Ikiru is a spirit chosen by the Creator. The Creator sends him to an alternate universe created for entertainment purposes to satisfy the whims of the Creator. To spice up the story, the Creator adds the Ackerman bloodline to the alternate universe. Thus, 'Titan' descends into the MHA universe (he does not transform into Titan). Since the Creator believes in equal exchange, in return for his entertainment, Ikiru is given some gifts. The most remarkable of these gifts is psychic power. The Creator transforms this power into Quirk and gifts it to Ikiru. ** Part one is more about the growth of the main character and his relationship with other characters. If you want to start directly from the main story, you can start reading from part two. Update days; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. The story is only published on my Webnovel, Wattpad, AO3 and Patreon pages. Five episodes will be published per week, you can find more on my Patreon page. Every chapter I publish here, I make it freely available on my Patreon page a few hours before. https://patreon.com/dyspromen ** This is a work of fiction that draws heavily from BNHA (Boku no Hero Academia), AOT (Attack On Titan) and Mob Psycho 100. Other than the changes I made to the story and the characters I added, I do not have any ownership or rights to the creation.

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Chapter 36 - Apprehension Test

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-Ikiru POV-

We followed Aizawa. He took us to the outdoor training area. We dispersed to the changing rooms to change into specially prepared training suits. Thanks to the Zone, I knew that the girls were talking amongst themselves. Now that I was together with the boys in the class, I wanted to clarify something. "Guys, let me clear something up. I don't have a problem with any of you, but be careful how you look at Momo. She is my fiancée, and if any of you get the wrong idea, I won't warn you next time," I said to my classmates as they changed their clothes. My words frightened some of them and surprised some of them.

"Wow, man, isn't getting engaged at this age a bit much?" asked the boy with red sharp hair. "The responsibilities of riches. By the way, I don't think we've met. I'm Ikiru Ackerman, nice to meet you," I said, I knew them all, but I couldn't tell them that. The redhead grabbed my outstretched arm, "You're so manly, man, I was already impressed by your muscles. But your speech, it was so manly. I'm Eijiro Kirishima, nice to meet you," Kirishima said. My conversation with him made the boys in the class more comfortable with me. Except for the boys who were interested in Momo. They still looked at me with fear.

It was normal with the killing instinct I sent them. I had been killing people for a long time, so much so that I stopped counting after a while. Using the instinct to kill was a trait I discovered during my world travels. I already had it, I just had to learn to control it. The killing instinct is also known as bloodlust. The difficult part of this trait was to develop the killing instinct. After a short chat with my classmates, I quickly changed my clothes. Once I was ready, I left the changing room and went to where Aizawa was waiting for us. The girls who saw me were looking at me curiously. I think Momo had told them about the engagement, just like me. The purpose of taking my arm in class was to show the relationship between us. She asked me about it before, and I told her I didn't care.

After everyone was ready, Aizawa started talking. He said something about heroism, but I didn't listen. I didn't enter this school to learn how to be a hero in the first place. There was nothing they could teach me at this school. Levi had been training me hard since I was three. I was trained in everything from Quirk and bodybuilding to human relations and basic sciences. I can't think of anything I could learn at this school that I didn't learn from Levi. When Aizawa finished speaking, he called out to Bakugo.

Bakugo went to Aizawa and picked up the softball and threw it. The distance he could throw it using his Quirk was about seven hundred and ten metres. I wasn't impressed. Then the rest of the class got excited. and wanted to show off their Quirk. At that moment, Aizawa tried to scare them. He said he would kick out the last person in the eight tests. Meanwhile, I was craving cocoa milk. I felt like I was watching a TV series instead of studying. I didn't care about Aizawa's threat. No matter what the test was, I was sure to come first. Then we started the tests.

50-metre run, handgrip strength test, long jump, softball throw and so on... The tests were very simple for me. I got the highest score in all but one test. In the softball throw, Ochaco had an infinite score, and I had three kilometres. I could have done more, but it would have been useless. The only interesting event in the test was when Aizawa cancelled Izuku's Quirk. Izuku was then able to use his Quirk by breaking one finger. The others seemed impressed. Frankly, I was disappointed. Even though I didn't know the OFA Quirk, I had much experience with Quirks. During my world tour, I had honed my skills.

I have experimented with many people using Scan and Heal, so I know the Quirks and their effects on the user. What I saw in Izuku was an over-voltage problem. He couldn't control his power output, and not only that, he was afraid of his Quirk. I could sympathise with the second reason, as he had never owned a Quirk before, but output control wasn't that difficult. Quirks were like muscles. Not knowing how much to squeeze your hand was unacceptable unless you had a nervous disorder. That's why I was disappointed, unlike the others. While I was thinking about this, Bakugo attacked Izuku. Aizawa grabbed him using the bandages wrapped around his neck.

After that, we continued the tests and Izuku came last. Honestly, I wasn't surprised. Aizawa said he lied about being kicked out of school, and that no one would be kicked out. Either way, I didn't care. At the end of the tests, I came first and Momo came second. Aizawa told us that practice was over for the day and to go back to class. I knew he was there to talk to All Might. Like his heir, All Might was clumsy. But I was surprised that someone with so much experience would act carelessly. After we changed and went to class, our schedule was laid out on our desks.

While Momo was making new friends in the class, I was waiting for her outside the classroom. The school was over for the day. "See you tomorrow, girls," Momo said as she left the classroom. We walked together to leave the U.A. campus. "So I guess you liked studying in a public school?" I asked Momo. "Yeah, it's not bad. Besides, I have to contact others for you. After all, as your future wife, I have to take care of you," Momo said sassily. "Yes, there are a few beauties among them, we should add them to my harem," I said, mocking Momo. This caused her to elbow me in the stomach. "Not funny!" she said, puffing out her cheeks.

Unlike Mikasa, Momo was more refreshing to me. While Mikasa was upper class and cold to others, Momo was the opposite. She was also younger, so it was fun to mock her. We went to the mansion and continued our daily practice. The next day, the first lesson of the morning was in English. I was about to faint from boredom, but ever since I was a little boy I didn't like wasting time. I had already mastered many different languages, so I used my Zone and Scan ability to examine the students and teachers at the school. There were some interesting Quirk owners among them. Two of them attracted my interest the most. Principal Nezu and a 3rd-grade boy. Analysing Principal Nezu was strange because he was an animal. However, his Quirk was unique.

This Quirk called 'High Spec' was well known. But after scanning Nezu, I knew better. Nezu was much more dangerous than society had been told. His body had incredible muscle density and many other enhancements. I think he used his intelligence to enhance himself. Human experimentation was widespread at this time. It wasn't legal, of course, but if you were interested, you could find your way around. With Nezu being an animal, it would have been easier and legal for him. The most interesting thing about his body was of course his brain. The intense activity in his brain almost overwhelmed even me. Thanks to my Zone ability, I could instantly observe and analyse kilometres of square space, so the fact that even I was overwhelmed by examining Nezu's brain activity showed how high Nezu's brain activity was.

This was a sign that Nezu was not as harmless as he presented himself to be. As the principal of one of Japan's most famous and even one of the world's most recognised hero schools, it was unthinkable that he was not aware of the current situation in Japan. This raised some doubts in me after my examination. "I should discuss this with Mikasa and Levi," I thought. I ignored Nezu for now and scanned the other person of my interest. My Scan ability had developed after years of training. Like the auras I had seen as a baby, I could sense and even analyse a person's soul and Quirk, so the other person I was interested in was special. His soul was almost pure.

And this Quirk he had called 'Permeation' was incredible. If trained well, it could not only make a person untouchable but also uncatchable. This boy I analysed reminded me of Mikasa. From the data I got from his body, I knew that he had trained himself very hard, and he also had good control over his Quirk. But like Mikasa, this guy lacked raw power. His body had developed because of his Quirk, and he had the strength to lift a tonne. But that was his limit. If his Quirk didn't evolve, he couldn't go beyond that. Mikasa was luckier than other people in this regard. Thanks to her Ackerman bloodline, she already had super strength, super stamina, super speed and regeneration. Since Quirk owners were the next step in evolution, their bodies were several times stronger than normal humans, but that was it. What was special about this boy was his soul. The man had an indomitable will. It was reflected even in his soul. That was something I could respect. The bell rang and I snapped out of my thoughts. Momo turned round and said, "Come, darling, it's time for lunch." When we talked yesterday, she said she wanted to introduce me to some girls from the class. I guess my lunch was going to be spent dealing with this. I sighed and got up from the seat.

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