

[Chapters uploaded back.] Everything that surrounds the light creates a deep darkness behind it. And darkness will teach what terror is. Survival in this terror is not the fate of fairy tale heroes, only those who embrace the darkness. Ikiru is a spirit chosen by the Creator. The Creator sends him to an alternate universe created for entertainment purposes to satisfy the whims of the Creator. To spice up the story, the Creator adds the Ackerman bloodline to the alternate universe. Thus, 'Titan' descends into the MHA universe (he does not transform into Titan). Since the Creator believes in equal exchange, in return for his entertainment, Ikiru is given some gifts. The most remarkable of these gifts is psychic power. The Creator transforms this power into Quirk and gifts it to Ikiru. ** Part one is more about the growth of the main character and his relationship with other characters. If you want to start directly from the main story, you can start reading from part two. Update days; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. The story is only published on my Webnovel, Wattpad, AO3 and Patreon pages. Five episodes will be published per week, you can find more on my Patreon page. Every chapter I publish here, I make it freely available on my Patreon page a few hours before. https://patreon.com/dyspromen ** This is a work of fiction that draws heavily from BNHA (Boku no Hero Academia), AOT (Attack On Titan) and Mob Psycho 100. Other than the changes I made to the story and the characters I added, I do not have any ownership or rights to the creation.

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Chapter 15 - Growing Up VI

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For the Ackerman, the next year and a half was uneventful. Since Ikiru was born, the family's life had been the same. Ikiru was the centre of attention. His future and his growth were their top priorities. Levi took care of the company the family-owned. Mikasa had not been out in public for five years because she did not want to leave Ikiru's side. Ikiru had yet to meet anyone other than Levi and Mikasa. Even though he felt uncomfortable about it, he didn't complain because it was for his own safety.

In the past year and a half, Ikiru had improved a lot. He could now lift as much as fifty tonnes with his telekinesis. Flying had become second nature. He could fly at Mach 1 (1,226.5 km/h). It took him ten seconds to reach that speed. He had developed an adequate tolerance to G-force. With the improvement in his telekinesis and psychic power attacks, encounters with cursed spirits were no longer a problem for him. In the last year and a half, he had developed nothing but raw strength and the basic abilities he needed. His height and weight had also increased, but that was normal as he was still a child.

Ikiru was now five years old. His black hair had grown long and spiky. Although his hair was soft, it stood straight up like a thorn, and Ikiru didn't think to lay it down, as Mikasa liked it that way. That was not all that had happened in the last year. Even though that was all that had happened in the Ackerman family, the winds of change had begun to blow in Japan. The hero named All Might continued to hunt the AFO, as he had for a long time. But since early last year, he had become more determined in his hunt. All Might had captivated society and the world with his power. Criminals began to fear him and civilians trusted him unconditionally.

This favoured the Ackerman family. Soon after Quirk's appearance, the AFO went after their clan. The AFO's plight could only make the Ackermen happy. It had been thirty years since All Might had returned to Japan. As soon as he arrived, he went after the AFO and the masses it had gathered behind it. All Might had started the second Quirk war, forcing the AFO to retreat into the shadows. However, twenty-five years had passed since that event. It was clear that All Might's patience with the AFO had reached its limit. In the last twenty-five years, with the restoration of order in Japan and on Earth, All Might was finally relieved of his responsibilities. Then he went after his archenemy.

In the last twenty-five years, the people of Japan and the world had no doubts about the heroic system. The order had finally been restored to society. All Might became the catalyst for the restoration of order. He became a symbol of peace. When civilians saw him, they relaxed and felt safe. Villains feared even the mention of All Might's name. With his unquestionable power, All Might had forced order on society. The fact that he was able to accomplish this in a quarter of a century was epic. All Might was arguably the most powerful hero of all time. Since most of society accepted him as a symbol of peace, All Might was finally free from the chains he was bound to.

Now, All For One's days were numbered. At least that's what All Might believed. Thus, after a long time, the AFO and OFA's war began again. All Might knew that after the second war, the AFO had retreated into the shadows, but retained its power. Even though the battle would be fierce, All Might smiled broadly as he always did. With a smile on his face, he would save people and fight villains. For the civilians, this smile represented peace, which they believed All Might symbolised. For the villains, it was the smile of evil.

As All Might went after the AFO, the atmosphere in Japan began to darken. All For One was one hundred and ten years old and was still in peak health thanks to the Quirks he had stolen. Having lived for so many years had given him a great deal of experience. Even though he had spent the last twenty-five years hiding in the dark, it was by choice. If All For One didn't want him to, no one would have forced him to hide. With All Might using his power to force the order, All For One was smart enough to realise that he alone could not stand against all the world powers. Like the Demon Lord he believed himself to be, he chose to rule from the darkness. However, this would change when All Might went hunting. All For One had foreseen this situation years ago. However, instead of fleeing, he had made plans to take advantage of the events that would unfold. All For One was dangerous because of his Quirk. However, the real reason for the danger he posed was his intelligence which worked for evil. AFO was a criminal mastermind.

His plans had plans. He used his power and intelligence in such a way that it was almost inevitable. The future would unfold according to his plans. But with Ikiru's birth, that possibility had become impossible. This was a story for another time. All Might was hunting down the members of the AFO's organisation one by one while searching for the AFO's trail. He was going after any clue he could find. Thus the foundations were laid for the war between AFO and All Might, which would go down in history. Although the truth of this war will be known by very few people, the result was the same for everyone. All Might emerged victorious. AFO, in his search for Quirk that might interest him, attended one of the underground fights he organised.

As luck would have it, a Pro Hero had heard about the fight taking place that day. This Pro Hero was O'clock. Along with him, Rumi Usagiyama also participated in this underground event. The lucky circumstances did not end there. All For One took an interest in O'clock's Quirk and set out to steal it. Thus began a chain of events that would lead to the fall of AFO. After these events, Rumi Usagiyama would become known as the Rabbit Hero: Mirko. That night, the AFO managed to steal O'clock's Quirk. However, the price he paid for this feat was wasting enough time for All Might to arrive on the scene. This would be his downfall. With All Might's arrival, the battle escalated. As a result of the battle, AFO was severely wounded and forced to flee. All Might was also badly wounded but at the end of the battle he believed he had killed AFO. In exchange for All For One's death, he did not regret the price he paid in battle.

Unfortunately, he was wrong. The outcome of the battle was passed down to society as All Might's clash with the villains. Because the devastation of the war was so great, the government had a hard time covering it up but managed to hide the truth. The minority in power were aware of the truth. So the AFO disappeared. The organisations he had founded and led were disbanded. AFO hid from every one, with Gigantomachia and Kyoda Garaki as his closest followers. All Might's wounds from the war could not be treated and he was permanently crippled.

The image of All Might known to the public was now transformed into a form. The time All Might spent in this form was decreasing day by day. However, All Might was so strong that almost no one noticed. So the AFO fell, and All Might lost power. The Ackerman Family, who watched all these events from the sidelines, was very happy lately. Levi had followed the war closely. His biggest advantage as an artificial intelligence was that he could dominate the existing technology. In this way, he watched and observed the war through satellites and CCTVs. Contrary to popular belief, he knew that AFO had escaped. He also learnt that All Might have One For All.

He knew that All Might was permanently crippled and would have to hand over his power in the future. But Levi didn't care about One For All. The fact that AFO was severely injured and had to go into hiding was what Levi cared about. This guaranteed Ikiru the time he needed to grow up. In other words, the recent events had secured the future of the Ackerman clan. Levi was very happy for that reason. However, he had developed worries about the outcome of this battle. All Might's permanent disability meant that the existing order would be disrupted in the future. This was not just because of the existence of the AFO. No, it was the existing system of Heroes and Villains.

Even though the system seemed solid and healthy on the surface, it was not. The reason why the system was in place in the first place was the existence of All Might. Without All Might, this order would never have been established. There was a time when Quirks were called 'Meta Abilities'. These were times when society was undergoing a revolution. All Might's presence caused the system to settle down before the transformation of society was complete. This crippled the development of society, which was changing with the existence of Quirk, and caused the existence of a distorted social structure. For this reason, the future was doomed to be plunged into darkness. Levi did not doubt that the leader of this darkness would be AFO. Levi suspected that AFO was deliberately wounded and wanted to appear defeated in his war with All Might.

All For One had such an unpredictable genius. Unless you looked at it from his perspective, it was very difficult to understand his plans. However, no matter what, as long as Ikiru reached adulthood, it didn't matter. Ikiru was already very powerful. His potential was limitless. The future was bright for Ackerman. The only obstacle that could cast a shadow on their future was that he had unknowingly made the mistake of his life.

I hope you enjoy reading it. Don't be shy to give your opinions, review and fire up the power stone. I would appreciate it if you support the novel.

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