

[Chapters uploaded back.] Everything that surrounds the light creates a deep darkness behind it. And darkness will teach what terror is. Survival in this terror is not the fate of fairy tale heroes, only those who embrace the darkness. Ikiru is a spirit chosen by the Creator. The Creator sends him to an alternate universe created for entertainment purposes to satisfy the whims of the Creator. To spice up the story, the Creator adds the Ackerman bloodline to the alternate universe. Thus, 'Titan' descends into the MHA universe (he does not transform into Titan). Since the Creator believes in equal exchange, in return for his entertainment, Ikiru is given some gifts. The most remarkable of these gifts is psychic power. The Creator transforms this power into Quirk and gifts it to Ikiru. ** Part one is more about the growth of the main character and his relationship with other characters. If you want to start directly from the main story, you can start reading from part two. Update days; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. The story is only published on my Webnovel, Wattpad, AO3 and Patreon pages. Five episodes will be published per week, you can find more on my Patreon page. Every chapter I publish here, I make it freely available on my Patreon page a few hours before. https://patreon.com/dyspromen ** This is a work of fiction that draws heavily from BNHA (Boku no Hero Academia), AOT (Attack On Titan) and Mob Psycho 100. Other than the changes I made to the story and the characters I added, I do not have any ownership or rights to the creation.

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Chapter 13 - Growing Up IV

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Mikasa woke up half an hour after Levi had admitted her and Ikiru to intensive care. At first, she was surprised and anxious. However, when she remembered her recent experiences, she was worried about Ikiru. She knew that his Quirk was the cause of Ikiru's transformation and the power he had unleashed. Every human could understand that. Her concern was the change that Ikiru's Quirk would cause in him, just like when he was born. When the Quirk awakened, it would have effects on the person. These changes were both physical and mental. In people who awakened their Quirk soon after birth, the change was less pronounced but still noticeable.

In Ikiru's case, Mikasa feared that the recent events had traumatised Ikiru. Ikiru was too young for the power he possessed. Mikasa's Quirk was also very powerful, but she knew it was nothing compared to Ikiru's. She knew her son very well, Ikiru would not be intoxicated with what he had. But the magnitude of his power could cause him stress. Mikasa had no choice but to hope for the best. After she woke up, she spoke to Levi. They talked about the situation and how it would affect them until Ikiru woke up. Ikiru woke up half an hour after Mikasa did.

After opening his eyes, he removed the respirator that was attached to him. He sat up in bed and sat up. When Levi and Mikasa saw that Ikiru was awake, they went to him. "How are you feeling, Ikki?" Mikasa asked, her voice worried. Ikiru felt guilty for worrying Mikasa. "I feel better than I've ever felt, Mum!" said Ikiru, smiling. "I finally got rid of the blockage on my powers! I finally know what my powers are and what they can do!" said Ikiru excitedly, Ikiru reacted like this because he wanted to relieve Mikasa of her worry.

And he succeeded. After Ikiru finished his sentence, Levi spoke up, "That's for later. First, tell us what you last remember," Levi said. Ikiru nodded and answered. He described what happened during the run and the 'monster' that attacked them. "Unbelievable! Was the 'Monster' that attacked you actually a spirit? How can you be sure of that?" Levi asked, unable to believe Ikiru's story. Even though Ikiru's story confirmed his theory, it wasn't easy to believe. Mikasa was hugging him as Ikiru explained what had happened. She hugged him from behind, resting her head on his shoulder. "Are you questioning my son, Levi? Are you calling my son a liar?" Mikasa asked, irritated with Levi.

"It's okay, Mum. I'm sure Levi is trying to understand the situation. I'm telling the truth. The 'Monster' that attacked us was actually a spirit. And spirits are real. The reason this is happening and I'm seeing spirits is because of my Quirk. My Quirk came out instinctively because my life was in danger. The transformation I experienced at that time allowed me to enter a state where I was at the peak of my power," Ikiru said as he caressed Mikasa's cheek. Mikasa was very upset when she learnt that Ikiru's life was in danger. She was right there with her son, but she could do nothing to protect him. Levi ignored Mikasa's reproach. He pretended to calm down and asked Ikiru what he was curious about.

"We guessed that your transformation was caused by your Quirk. But what I'm really curious about is what you said about your Quirk. It is normal for Quirk owners to be instinctive about their Quirk. This is due to the combination of the Quirk and the person's consciousness. However, even this combination does not enable one to learn about one's Quirk. What exactly do you mean by what you said when you woke up, Ikiru?" asked Levi. "That's a little complicated. My Quirk is more powerful than we realised. The mode/state I was in when I transformed was beyond my control. However, I remember what I experienced at the time. The form I transformed into was a full manifestation of my Quirk. During the manifestation, I learnt what my power is and what it can do!" Ikiru said excitedly. Even though Ikiru said so, he was not telling the truth about the situation. While he was in '?????' mode, the information that the Creator had conveyed to him had come to light. He understood the origin of the Ackerman clan, what its appearance and Quirk were and where it came from. Ikiru realised that he had been chosen by the creator. He also knew that he had to keep this information to himself. He was chosen by the Creator, and specially designed to live in this world. Everything he had, from his family to his appearance and strength, was the creator's special design.

So Ikiru knew that he could not tell the truth about the situation. He was like a Prophet sent to this world. He couldn't just come out of nowhere and say he was the chosen one. He needed power and followers to back up his words. The Creator had not given him a specific purpose. He showed him the truth about what he had and a part of the future of the world in which he lived. This information appeared in his mind when he entered the '????' mode. "My Quirk is psychic power. This power gives me many abilities. However, it is based on the soul and spirits. Although the source of my psychic power is my Quirk, my soul is the 'Quirk Factor'. It is my soul that enables me to activate and use my power. Psychic power is a form of energy. Therefore, I can have many abilities by using this energy," Ikiru said.

Levi and Mikasa were mesmerised by Ikiru's words. Levi now knew that with Ikiru's growth, the future of the clan would be guaranteed. Mikasa, on the other hand, saw things differently. She believed that her child was already priceless. When she learnt what Ikiru's Quirk was, she now saw him as holy. Her desire and need for him had increased even more. "My baby is perfect!" Mikasa said, hugging Ikiru tighter and kissing his cheeks. Ikiru was only three and a half years old. Even though his Quirk and bloodline power were incredible, he was still in danger right now. Even if Mikasa and Levi protected him with their lives, it wouldn't be enough. As if the existence of the AFO and OFA wasn't enough, there were people with too much power in this world.

These people could easily destroy cities with their power. For this reason, Ikiru was still in danger. After it was revealed what his Quirk was, the level of danger he was in increased. "Ikiru, under no circumstances tell anyone about your Quirk. Even though Quirk's existence makes the world very unpredictable, we will protect you. You are our future and our present, never forget that," Levi said in all seriousness. Levi's words spoke volumes on their own. Due to Levi's protocols, he had to prioritise among the clan members. With these words, he proved that Ikiru was at the top of the priority list. Although the Ackermen lineage power is passed down from female members to the next generation, it was possible for this to change with the 'Quirk Singularity'.

In addition, the power imbalance in the world was increasing day by day. For this reason, Levi knew. If the Ackerman clan wanted to survive, they needed power. Material, social and literally brute power. Ikiru was the key to the Ackerman clan's progress into the future. Levi believed that. "Don't worry, Levi, I know. Even though I'm just a baby, my awareness and comprehension are high. My Quirk seems to be giving me this development as well. Another thing I have learnt about my Quirk is how to develop it, or rather, how to control my Quirk. As far as I understood during my transformation, my Quirk has unlimited power. However, I will never be able to use the full capacity of my Quirk, because my body cannot handle this power even if it is developed with the power of bloodline. Fortunately, my power will only manifest to protect me if my life is in danger. So it should be almost impossible for me to die. Although I can't use the unlimited energy I have, I can be invincible as long as I increase the amount of energy I can use. What we need to do is increase my control so that I can access some of my unlimited energy," Ikiru said thoughtfully.

Ikiru was indeed telling the truth. When the Creator had created the Quirk he had given Ikiru, he had preserved its origin. This meant unlimited psychic power. However, no one could handle that much power. Although the '?????' mode could use all of this power, it only appeared for vital situations. This mode was uncontrollable. The original owner of the power, Shigeo Kageyama, accessed some of the psychic power he possessed by accumulating his emotions. Ikiru, on the other hand, had to develop control over his Quirk to access his psychic power. Quirks are like muscles. The more you used and exercised it, the more control you had over the Quirk. This is exactly what Ikiru had to do. To increase the psychic power he had access to, he had to use his Quirk more and more forcefully.

"I understand, don't worry. I'll take care of your training, I'll make sure you become invincible," Levi said in understanding. Mikasa was both nervous and excited. The thought that Ikiru might be in danger was driving her crazy. But the dream of the future she would spend with him excited her. "Baby, from now on we will increase and complicate your training. Even though you won't be able to use all your strength, I will make sure you reach the highest point you can reach!" Mikasa said as she kissed Ikiru's forehead.

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