
MHA: The Vigilante's Second Arc

What would happen if Deku never fought Class 1-A and never returned to UA? He now spends his day still scouting and looking over his beloved city, trying to fix the damaged the villains have caused, avoiding the sight of All For One. Until one day he spots someone from the league he swore to destroy, Himiko Toga.

Nitronix · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

The Forgotten Diner

"You have his quirks, do you not?"

It's a question that comes out of absolutely nowhere. There's no way she knows about One for All, it's a secret only the top heroes that I trust with my life know, Hawks, Endeavour and Best Jeanist. Not even my friends, or anyone else in UA know about it. So, now how does she know? It doesn't seem like a shot in the dark, she was very specific and the look on her face is one of seriousness.

"Still trying to keep it a secret huh?

Come on…it's all over the news, plus Dabi leaked it, and he's on my team."

I take a step back from her, maybe One for All itself hasn't been leaked yet but from what she's saying, my connection to All Might has been leaked.

"Stop being so silent, it's annoying…

I don't care if you're All Might's secret lovechild, or whatever."

I shake my head, even if she does know something, it actually doesn't matter much.

"Yeah, my bad, lost in thought again.

Don't just drop a random bomb like that for no reason."

"You were staring beady-eyed at this graffiti first, you're the one making this more suspicious!

But again, don't care. Come on, let's go in, I'm starving."

She walks into the building through the two double glass doors, surprisingly still not broken unlike the rest of the building. I shortly follow through, and she stops as soon as she enters. It's a diner, a small one. Bent walls of booths, and broken tables litter the main dining area. The walls are bare brick and concrete, the paint peeling away in most areas. The windows are smudged with dirt, and spider webs cover certain parts of the ceiling. The flickering glow of a few functional overhead lights casts eerie shadows on the floor. It's not the best place in the world, but it's a place that's still standing, good enough to at least stay in for a while.

Toga opens her mouth, ready to speak before I stop her with my own words.

"Look, I know it's not the best but it's the closest food place around here."

Hearing this, she immediately starts to shake her head.

"No no, it's great actually. You should see the League's base, worse than this by a mile…"

Worse than this? Where the hell are these people living? Then again, I guess if you're being hunted by the entire world, you probably wouldn't live in a nice luxury house.

Our stomachs growl again almost in sync and she glares at me.

"Food, you promised me food!"

Somehow that face is terrifying and adorable, like an angry kid that you know will mess you up if you don't meet their demands, but because they're a kid it's slightly adorable and cute in it's own way.

"I know alright?

Give me a minute, go find a nice seat that's still functioning and I'll be out with it in a minute."


She flashes me another smile and walks cautiously around the diner, her head constantly scanning every possible chair and table. I head over to the counter, still surprisingly intact that stretches across the back side of the room. The small slide door on one side is broken, and I'm able to get behind the counter with ease. Heading behind the counter, shelves line the wall as well as plenty of kitchen machinery like blenders, toasters and a dusty microwave. The wall seems to end, but I know one thing that no one else does. To make sure no one was able to loot anything, I set up a fake wall only I could open. Using Blackwhip, I pull apart a section of the brick wall, revealing a functioning refrigerator, humming softly in the corner of the dark back room.

I head up to the refrigerator, one I hid in this backroom myself after violently ripping off the door a while ago. This was just one of many food areas I've set up around the city, in areas most people wouldn't loot. After opening its door, there's a few boxes of frozen food and I take out a box of frozen pizza.

"This should do for now."

After taking out the box, I close the refrigerator door gently to not break anything and head out the backroom. Using black whip, I put the brick cover in front of the backroom door, concealing it from the main diner. Heading over to the microwave, I place the pizza inside and turn it on with the defrost mode activated.

I take a seat on the counter, facing the microwave and away from the seating area of the diner. If anything does happen that threatens me from behind, I have danger sense that'll warn me anyways so I'm safe from most danger. The humming of the microwave fills the room, replacing the deafening silence that engulfed the room before. Thinking to myself I seem to realise something, I haven't heard anything from the main diner actually, maybe Toga left. I sigh.

"Damn, she probably left to go tell the League of villains or something…

Never trusted her anyways though and it's not like I can't escape them if they do arrive."

All in all, at least I have a pizza that'll fill my empty stomach. After it's done being heated up, maybe I'll just fly over to my usual spot. Suddenly, both my shoulders are slapped from behind, followed by a loud 'BOO!'. It catches me so off guard and I jump back away from the counter towards the backwall and instantly turn around, black whip tendrils out, ready to fight.

"Oh my god, you're so jumpy!

Who knew the powerful Deku was that scared of a little tap on the shoulder?"

She starts to laugh hysterically, even slapping her knee as she breaks down further into pure laughter. Slightly embarrassed, I stare down at the floor and my face heats up a slight bit. Why didn't danger sense activate? It's supposed to warn me of any threats, if she had a knife out, I'd have been dead. Either I'm really tired, and my quirks aren't working like how they're supposed to, or more likely…there was no threat to detect. Staring at her, she's laughing with no weapon on either of her hands. By the way she's laughing, it doesn't sound like she wants to hurt me. And also…did she say 'Boo?' Was that really just a little playful scare?

"U-uh, look you caught me off guard alright?"

"Pfft, you jumped so far, that was actually hilarious!"

Her laughter dies down a bit, and she stares at me again from behind the counter.

"Also, you thought I was going to leave?"

"Well yeah, I mean you just disappeared.

You're a villain after all, it's obvious to alert the others about my location in a situation."

She puts a finger to her mouth, and mimics a thinking motion then lets out a sigh.

"You really don't trust me huh?

I guess that makes sense, I'm a villain."

Her head droops, and her sight falls to the floor. Did I make her sad? Seriously? Isn't that her ultimate goal though? To get me into a weak position so that her entire team can strike? It's what I'd do in her position. Toga isn't the smartest person on earth and a plan like that seems perfect for her type of thinking. Maybe I'm overestimating my own strength but the time that does happen, I can run fast enough to avoid their team. The only reason I'm doing this anyways is to have a bit of company. I can't possibly think of any other reason she'd be doing this, staying with me. But then again, I still can't think of any reason why she saved my life back then. She said something about me being hers to kill and that I was her 'prey'. Is that really the case though?

Let's imagine she actually did get shot, and she died. Though she seemed to be betting on me saving her, if I didn't, she'd have died and never would've been able to kill me herself. The only reason I can think of is to gain a slight bit of my trust but I don't see this uneasy trust I have for her being worth a bullet in the shoulder.

"Why are you always silent? Would it kill you to reply more?

Ugh, I know you're smart but you don't have to overthink everything."

I shake my head; this isn't what I should be thinking about right now. Food takes priority, the future can wait.

"Yeah, my bad. I'll try to talk to you more I guess."

"Good, don't leave a girl hanging like that."

The microwave lets out a 'ding', indicating that it's finished its defrosting of the frozen pizza.

"Ooh, what is that?"

I head over to the microwave and take out the pizza, it's warm scent quickly spreads through the cold musty air of the building.

"Pizza! Oh, I haven't had pizza in so long, it smells so nice!"

"Phew, thought you might not like what I had available."

"Oh, I'll eat up anything you give me, trust me."

After taking out the pizza and holding it, I head out of the counter and towards Toga.

"You find a good chair to sit in?"

"Yup yup, found a really nice area.

Follow me."