
MHA: The symbol of Retribution

A very prideful CEO ( Escanor levels of pride ) gets reincarnated into my hero academia as the bastard son of Enji Todoroki and the number three hero Lady Silva read as he carves his way through the world of heroes and villains to be the strongest so he can sit at the top where he rightfully belongs. I don’t own anything, not the cover art nor the characters used all belong to their respective creators I only own my own oc Update when I want to

Argent1971 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Swan Song

<p>AFO pov<br/><br/> <br/><br/>I grit my teeth as the pain from the hole in my chest finally runs through my body now that I shut off the pain nullification quirk. I take deep breaths as I look at the two nuisances standing before me. This was meant to be the final battle between me and the last user of OFA, but no matter, I will crush her as I will crush him, and then finally, I will ascend to my rightful place as the demon lord of Japan.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>I have to fix this hole. My regeneration won't work because of the cauterised flesh. I bring my arm up to the wounded area of my chest and activate an air cannon, blasting a massive hole in my torso that rips away my left arm and all the flesh and organs I have from shoulder to hip. The pain is unfathomable, but I have reopened a new wound that regenerates within seconds as my arm, organs, and flesh all regrow, leaving me back to full health. I breathed a deep sigh of relief and<br/><br/>reduce the level of pain the pain censors in my body can signal to me.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>The two of them stand there shocked, and I see a hint of awe in their eyes. A vicious smile forms on my lips. I used all my power to fling myself at Allmight, and the ground shattered beneath my feet as I dashed towards him at supersonic speeds. I pull my arm back, preparing for a devastating punch. All might mirrors my actions as our two punches connect, sending shock waves through the now barren forest as the trees that did remain are all uprooted and destroyed, and the ground is shattered and split apart as we continue to try and push our fists against each other, continuing our struggle. I activate my bone spike quirk as my hand grows white spikes and impales Allmight's fist and arm, causing him to jump back as blood and flesh are thrown into the air.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>He stands before me, his right arm mangled and almost cut in half, dangling limply from his body. I feel his hot blood flow down my arm. I jump to the left and avoid a lightning spear sent my way. It explodes and destroys a mountain behind me.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>Wow, trying to kill me, that's not very heroic," I say to the raven-haired hero standing 10 metres from my left. I turn my attention to her and prepare to make a mad dash at her, but before I could even take a step, she's already in front of me, and as she smashes her fist coated in lighting onto my side, Truly, you are the fastest hero, Lady Silva, but speed doesn't matter when you have no where to run, I say coldly as I grab her arm, forming a tight grip on her. I laugh maniacally as I glow green. <br/><br/><br/>A massive barrier instantly forms around us, enclosing us in a fifteen-metre cubed cage. "Now what will you do now that you have nowhere to run?" I say as I lean in close to her and look her directly in her ruby-red eyes as I slam my knee into her stomach, causing her to bend over and cough up blood.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>I don't loosen my grip on her as I repeatedly slam my knee into her again and again. Each blow is followed by screams of agony from her. I yank back my leg to follow up with another, but she turns her body into electricity and escapes my grip. She then pulls her hands back and shoots a massive wave of lightning at me.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>Her attack connects with me but does no damage. "Surprised? Well, don't be. Do you think I don't have any counters for electricity quirks? I have an earth wire quirk that redirects all your electricity blasts to the earths and away from me. You can't harm me with that." I say, smiling as I begin to notice the desperation in her eyes. I lift up my hands and stick them to my side as I allow torrent after torrent of fire to be expelled from my body. She avoids all the attacks but begins to stumble and fall onto the floor as the oxygen is consumed by the flames as she begins to suffocate .<br/><br/> <br/><br/>I walk up to her and hammer her with kicks to her face and body as she begins to have her body littered with cuts and bruises. As blood begins to soak through her costume, she can't even scream due to the lack of air. She's helpless. <br/><br/> <br/><br/>*BANG BANG BANG BANG*<br/><br/> <br/><br/>I look to the source of the noise and see all might hammering at the barrier with his fists, trying to break through, each punch more desperate than the last. I laugh as I remove the barrier and hit him with a blast from an air cannon, which sends him skipping across the wasteland that the forest has become. I fly and follow him, leaving the broken and beaten number three hero in the dirt.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>Mikato PoV<br/><br/> <br/><br/>*Kakahoom*<br/><br/> <br/><br/>I cough as I begin to regain consciousness. Damn, that bastard hits hard. I begin to try and push myself off the ground, my body still dealing with the punishment that Afo dealt me.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>I pull myself back up to my feet as I survey my surroundings. Everything is destroyed, and flames are dancing over most of the wasteland.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>I look up and see all might begin held up by his neck dangling mid-air, his limp body being held by Afo, who is floating in the air. I... I don't know what I could do. I could run and try to call for backup, but by that time AFO would have killed Allmight. What should I do? Should I run and get help or stay and fight?<br/><br/> <br/><br/>People make sacrifices all the time we humans are social animals and as in every society we sometimes need to put the need of others before ourselves but many people often don't want to do that many people act out selfishly and take from others and put their needs above all others these dysfunctional people who steal the happiness from others and from society are known as villains but each force has an opposite force to counter it and for villains we have heroes. these are people who put society and the happiness of others above themselves always, like mothers who always act to protect their children even at the cost of their own lives heroes fight to protect society no matter what not because it's the right thing to do but because it's who they are. So Mikoto, do you want to be a hero, even knowing what it would mean for you? The words of her grandfather echo in her ears as she knows what she must now do.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>"Yes Grandpa I will be a hero," I say out loud as reality crashes on me for the first time in a long time. Losing all might would cripple Japan and our society. I can't let that happen. I know what I must do. Tears stream down my face as I have to put aside my own wants for the greater good of the country and the people I swore to protect.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>I begin to charge up my ultimate attack as my body begins to glow bright blue and a giant construct of a samurai made of only lightning engulfs my body. The construct stands 200 metres tall. I use it to run towards Afo and slap him away from all might before he could even react. I catch all might in the air and place him on the ground carefully. As the construct begins to shrink and condense into my normal size, I fly to AFO, who has dug himself out of the ground. I grab him before he could react and fly into the air with him.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>What... what are you doing?" he screams in anger and fear as he desperately tries to break free by hammering me with blows that all bounce off the armour. "This is my trump card; you may be able to redirect my electric attacks to the earth on the ground, but in the air you're vulnerable like everyone else. This attack will end us both. Say good-bye and prepare to meet your maker". I say as my body begins to break apart and turn to pure energy. I tighten my grip and take him to the stratosphere.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>My body is fading and turning into energy, and the last thing I can think of is how sorry I am to my son. I'm sorry for leaving you alone, Shiro, I say in my heart, as the last thing I see before my body fades is my sweet son smiling at me. I weep knowing I will never see that sight again and that my sacrifice will cause him pain, I weep but I do my duty. <br/><br/> <br/><br/>All around the eastern part of the world, a bright blue flash of light could be seen as millions of electronics short-circuited. <br/><br/>As the number three hero sang her swan song and faded into the night sky so to did the bright blue light fade into the darkness of the empty abyss . <br/><br/> <br/><br/>The end.<br/><br/>How do you like it let me know <br/><br/>Next chapter will focus on the MC bye . </p>