
Chapter 2

I wake up to an alarm blaring next to me, I hit the off button and I stretch trying to wake myself up. Rubbing my eyes I head to my bathroom and splash water into my face to wake myself up. Feeling the cold water on my face my eyes went wide, due to the shock to my system of feeling the cold water. Yawning since I am still tired I head downstairs to grab some breakfast.

When I get downstairs I see my mom cooking breakfast while my dad is sitting at the table watching the news. It's the weekend so both my parent's will be able to spend time with me today and it also just happens to be my birthday. Which also means, it's almost summer!!

Even though I love my parents and want to make them happy but, my god, school is so boring especially since I already know everything. Well not everything since from what I remember the history is a little different from what I remember, but what that's 1 subject out of how many other subjects I already know.

"Good morning!" I said with a smile on my face to my parents, I also got a smile back from my parents. Then out of nowhere my parents yell at the top of their lungs.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY AXEL!!" Having to cover my ears so my ear drums don't burst, I still smile at them since I know they are just excited since I will awaken my quirk today. Since having a quirk is important in this world they just hope I get a good one so I don't have to get bullied.

I even heard them making bets if I will inherit one of their quirks or not. Shaking my head at the memory I sat at my spot at the table where I normally sit and my mom served me my breakfast. Saying 'thank you' I shoved the food into my mouth basically inhaling the food.

"Slow down son, the food is not going anywhere and besides neither is the quirk assessment test so take your time." My dad said, looking right through me as always.

"Swory, I awm Juwst Swo Excited." I said with a mouth full of food. This caused my mother to shake her head.

After I finished eating I rushed up the stairs to get ready to go to the hospital to get my quirk assessed. Even though I already know what it is, I can't wait to see the reactions on my parent's faces.

Putting on a grey sweatshirt over a white shirt, I grab black sweats and put on navy nikes. I rushed down the stairs, grabbed my parent's hands and dragged them to the car. They shake their heads at my antics but they also can't help but smile.

Arriving at the hospital we waited for about an hour since I am not the only kid who's birthday is today. I waited patiently even though I was rushing earlier. I knew it was going to be busy so I just didn't want to wait any longer than I had to.

[Just be patient kid, it's not like I am going anywhere.]

'W-who is that? What are you doing in my brain?' I thought. Scared out of my mind that someone besides me just started speaking in my head.

[Calm down scaredy cat. I am your quirk, just call me Plague since that's what killed us.]

'H-hey I am not a scaredy cat and what do you mean by us?' I said trying to act tough but failing.

[Haha, well I am you from your previous life but with memories and we died to a thing called Covid which is more of a virus but Plague sounds cooler]

'S-so you aren't going to kill me are you?'

[No, I am not going to kill myself that's just stupid. You are stuck with me as much as I am stuck with you so don't screw our life up.]

Still startled from Plague, eventually it was my turn to go into the office to check what my quirk is. The person who was going to check my quirk was a tall woman with pink hair and looked fairly young. Basically to get your quirk assessed they draw some blood and analyze it with whatever equipment they have to run some tests on the blood that they have received or that's what Plague told me.

This is because most kids don't have control of their quirks yet and could hurt someone if they activated it. Also certain equipment can hurt other quirks with the frequencies that they give off like for those who have mutant quirks. After analyzing my quirk the doctor comes back to explain what my quirk is.

"So your son has a unique quirk, it is like an extra limb that lays dormant in his body and can come out when he calls upon it. This quirk grants him a healing factor, superhuman strength, environmental adaptability, extra sensory perception, size manipulation, and shape shifting." The doctor explained.

'Wait I thought I could do more-' I thought before getting interrupted by Plague.

[You can it's just that they can't measure everything with their limited tools and technology. I think they just guessed about size manipulation and shape shifting since there is no way they could test it.] Plague informed me.

"Oh, also your son's biology has changed. He can only be satisfied by eating chocolate or other things that are infused with chocolate. Something in the chocolate has a special property that for some reason is the only thing your son can digest. He can eat other things but it won't fill him up, he will still have a feeling of hunger no matter what he eats. It will only be settled by eating chocolate." The doctor added, forgetting the most important part. She then turned to me and said.

"So kid, do you have any idea of what you want to call your quirk?" The doctor said while squatting down to my level with a curious face.

"Yes, I would like to call it [Symbiote] please." I said with a big ol grin on my face.

"Very, well then your quirk is now called [Symbiote], let me just update the system and you'll be all set. I hope you have a good rest of your day." The doctor said with a smile before sending us off.

Once we got to the car, it hit my parent's about how amazing my quirk is. They turned to me and hugged me even though we were in the car with our seatbelt on which caused a very awkward and uncomfortable hug.

When we got home my parents told me to practice my quirk in our backyard. In the US it is not illegal to use your quirk as long as it's in self defense or you are on your private property. There are also some other exceptions but we can get to that another time.

So I practiced with Plague helping me understand what I can do better while outside with my parents watching me create different shapes with it, trying to cover my whole body with my quirk, and basically anything I could with it.

I did this for the whole summer getting better and better with my control over my quirk as I continued practicing with it. I also started building my immunity over some of the weaknesses my quirk has. Since Plague said this will help me in the future whatever that means.