
Chapter 1

Opening my eyes I see a blurry figure holding me. Not being able to make out exactly who is in front of me but seeing how they were wearing what seems to be a white lab coat it must be a doctor.

'Wait, what is a doctor? Wait a minute, who am I? What is happening right now?' Starting to freak out what is happening to me, on the outside it just looked like a normal baby screaming so they can get air into their systems. After freaking out I calmed down and tried to remember everything I could.

'So, it seems I lived another life but I don't remember any of it except basic information like what was taught in schools but not the interactions with people and my experiences. It seems I was in the middle of college because I know how to do calculus and physics. I also remember bits and pieces of the wishes I had. Luckily it seems that I know my quirk, whatever that is, ahead of time and what it does.'

'My quirk is [Symbiote], from my last life it was another living organism that needs a host to live and slowly eats the host to live. And weirdly another way to stay alive is eating chocolate, weird.' I thought trying to remember what I can about Symbiotes.

I gather this much information I have on them. They have a Healing factor, Superhuman strength, Camouflage, Environmental Adaptability, Extra sensory Perception, Size Manipulation, Invulnerability, Shape shifting, and Genetic Memory. They are also weak to fire and to certain frequencies but this is more of a mental barrier that can be broken with a strong mind or exposed to it for a long period of time. Gathering my thoughts I realize this is one op power.

Looking around more, my eyes seem to be able to see better but not by much. From what I can tell my mother seems to be a beautiful woman with blonde hair and blue eyes and my father was a handsome man with brown hair and also blue eyes.

I was so focused on what was happening to me that I totally missed a conversation that happened around me. It seems my mother was worried about me for some reason and my dad was about to punch the living daylights out of the doctor. Wondering why this is happening I decided to listen into the conversation.

"Why did my baby feel fear, this doesn't make sense. Is it afraid of us or is it because you did something to it when you took him away from us to 'clean' him up." My mother said worried about my safety. What I didn't know then but I do now is that my mother has the quirk to sense others emotions and can slightly change them.

"I don't know what you mean about your baby seems to be scared. Babies normally cry when they are born, there is nothing wrong. I think that after your wife just gave birth, she is just tired that she is misreading your son's emotions or that the baby is scared because it can't breathe. Which is why the baby screams because they don't know how to breathe properly at first." The doctor said defensively while putting up his arms and backing up. My parents seemed to calm down but still seem worried about their baby thinking something else was going on.

[Time skip]

A couple of years have passed and I am now 2 years old. I have dirty blonde hair, greyish blue eyes with a dark blue outer circle around my eyes and a yellow inner circle around my pupils. My new name is Axel and I am living in a country named the United States in a rainy state called Washington.

Even though it rains a lot here, for some reason I find it very calm and enjoyable to just stand in sometimes. After living here for 2 years I have found out a lot about this world, it seems that about 80% of people get quirks when they turn 4 years old. Though this might sound cool, I came to find out that those with mutant type quirks or those who are quirkless get discriminated against by those with quirks.

I found out that my mother has a quirk that allows you to sense the emotions around her and she can slightly alter one's emotions but not that much. And my father on the other hand can project what he envisions through his eyes, this comes in handy since he is a project manager in a construction company.

My parents have also been non stop dotting on me which I really like but sometimes I think it's a bit excessive, but what do I know? I am just a 2 year old kid with some extra knowledge when it comes to school.

I started walking and talking around the normal age, walking around 8 months old and talking around 1 and ½ years old. Though I can't talk for very long since my vocal cords aren't fully formed. My parent's scrapbook about every little thing that happens with me even though I think this is the part where it is excessive. I know they do this because they care about me.

My mother spends most of her time with me since she doesn't work while my dad is gone most of the day so we can have a good life. My parent's surprisingly don't really fight even though they are like polar opposites in personality but I am glad that they get along.

I heard from my parent's that I will go to preschool so I could learn more and make some friends. Even though I can tell from their faces that they aren't worried about me learning anything if anything else it seems they are confident that I would do fine learning. It seems that they are actually worried about me making friends.

Smiling to myself, I will make it my life's mission to make some good friends so that my parents don't have to worry about my social life. And like that years passed by me going to school, making friends, spending time with my parents and trying to pass the tests with utmost accuracy as I can.