

Heroes are strong... Heroes are the pillars... No. They are the pedestals themselves. They say a lot of things to the camera, they treat the camera as a person - almost. But what about those watching behind them? Veiled just by a television screen. They're the victims of this crossfire, victims of villains against heroes. A story in which the descendants of Nana Shimura were promised protection, but of course... Promises are meant to be broken. ____________________________ After a year of a 'mysterious' hiatus, ForgeCoffee is somewhat back! The cover photo isn't mine, credits to the artist. Please notify me through comments or the review section if you want it down. MHA belongs to Kohei Horikoshi, I simply own the OC. You might see Captain Marvel references since I based MC's powers on her. Anyway, enjoy!

ForgeCoffee · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 38 - Father knows best!

AN: The start of the chapter will be more about Melissa since I want to flesh out her nanites. I hope you enjoy!


Expecting this but unsure of what Combat Mode does, she answered, "Yes, I'll be entering combat."

[Entering Combat Mode, please obliterate your target. Enjoy~!]

'Okay... I'll need to change that later,' she thought before being slowly covered by her nanites. The nanites gilded on her skin like armor, forming intricate parts of an entire suit, similar to what she wore before yet different.

The suit created by the nanites consisted of armor-like pieces covering Melissa's chest, arms, and boots that reached her knees. On top of her head sits a helmet with intricate designs on it. The colors used are black and gold, giving off an air of refinement and strength.

Her helmet, completely covering her head and facial features, instead showed a display screen for eyes. When her eyes frown, the built-in display will frown as well. (Think of Peni Parker's robot)


"Those nanites are something else," Leo muttered, watching the transformation take place.

Although when Leo looked at her helmet, he raised a brow when the design ornaments were similar to All Might's two tufts of hair. He wasn't mad but was slightly irked by it. 'David is the maker of All Might's costume, after all; it wouldn't surprise me if there are inspirations from him.'

Meanwhile, her parents' work amazed the person covered by the nanites. 'I may not have a quirk, but I guess this suit will show me support items alone can level the playing field!' she mused but shook out of it when the AI spoke.

[Combat Mode will only run on 20% power due to the owner, Melissa, still undergoing training. Combat Mode will end in 5 minutes due to expected energy usage. Please find an energy source for continuous utilization.]

'Hmm, was it too soon to try this out since it'll drain the battery from the nanites? Oh well, trying this on will familiarize me with it anyway,' Melissa thought, shaking her limbs and getting a feel for herself.

"Melissa, you alright?" Hollered Leo, to which she gave a thumbs up in response. "I'm ready, you?" She asked, and like her, Leo gave a thumbs up.

Kneeling, Leo dug the floor with his strong hands, grabbing a sizeable concrete rock. "Once this touches the ground, we start," He instructed.

Soon enough, he threw it high in the air and allowed it to drop. While it was falling, Melissa was getting nervous. She didn't know how the nanites would fair against someone as strong as Leo.

As if hearing her thoughts, the AI spoke, [Target has the capability to shrug off low to medium-caliber bullets. I suggest the experimental ammo made by you, Taser Rounds, be used. Lack of information on the target's resistance hinders me from further suggestable advice, good luck.]

Heeding the advice since using rounds that don't work on Leo would be redundant; she switched the magazine loaded in her gun to the suggested ones.

Like its name, the taser rounds have no penetration power like regular bullets. Instead, they latch onto the skin upon contact and release 50,000 volts of electricity, significantly inhibiting muscle movement due to contraction.

With her preparations done, the concrete that Leo threw up was just about to land. *Crack!* And when it did, Leo scattered! The training wasn't really about a fight 'cause he'd finish it in a heartbeat if it were.

But more if Melissa's skill with the gun can translate to something other than a mere defensive weapon.

Moving at speeds of 100mph, Leo observed Melissa, who stood there unmoving. The speed he was at was child's play for people like Alatus and Ei in his class. Of course, this speed wasn't his top either; it was merely a 'walk' for his quirk.

Melissa, on the other hand, got overwhelmed by the swiftness of Leo. However, it didn't overload the nanites. [Target is moving at approximately 100mph, predicting future locations.]

Seeing this, Melissa regained some confidence and started moving. Although, to her shock, she moved faster than her natural body ever could!

Melissa merely thought of the armor as armor; she also didn't expect a boost in physical capabilities. Moving with the gun, she calmed her breathing, trying to get a clear shot at Leo.

[Calculations finished; shoot 5 meters ahead of target. A target display is placed for guidance. Reminder: 4min 20sec till Combat Mode loses energy.]

After that, Melissa saw a glowing target circle in front of Leo which she assumed was the 5 meters mentioned. Though frowned when she saw the timer, 'Bumber.'

With trust, she burst-fires her gun at Leo, aiming for the circles near the knee joints. *Brrrt!* With her quality-made guns, no recoil was felt, nor did her suit allow her to be affected. The bullets soared in the air, making their way to its target.

Observing as he moved, Leo, with his quirked active, saw everything transpire. How she moved faster than usual and her shooting way ahead of him.

This confused him, but when the 'bullets' actually got near him, did he understand! 'She's shooting ahead and accurately at the first shot!' He thought.

All this took fractions of a second to think. But remembering how Melissa's bullets could not damage him, Leo allowed them to land on him, thinking they were the same bullets she had shot him with earlier.

As the bullets struck him, they didn't clack to the ground like previous. Instead, they clung near his knees and suddenly released volts of electricity that he did not expect! *Bzzt~!*

"Hrk!" he mouthed in 'shock.'

With sudden constriction on his knees, his legs that were moving in fast-paced, jolted together, making him stumble heavily on the ground!

However, he immediately increased his quirk's strength, fighting the current of electricity. After this, he back-peddled quick, sensing danger from his current position. 'Of course, why wouldn't a support inventing prodigy have more kinds of bullets?'

*Brrt!* *Brrt!*

Just as he backed away, more burst shots of stun bullets flew past his last position! 'Okay, she's got a good aim. I don't want to get hit anymore. But going all out either wouldn't be right,' Leo contemplated, dodging more shock bullets heading his way.

Though, this wouldn't be training if it was only one-sided. Holding out a pointer finger, Leo also shot back, surprising Melissa with her unrelenting offensive.

Beams of golden light beamed toward Melissa, forcing her to evade. [Predicting pointed trajectory. Please avoid the highlighted area.] Melissa's HUD suddenly showed Leo's pointer finger and where its aim was.

Following, Melissa dashed, slid to a safe spot, and simultaneously shot at the moving Leo, trying to avert his attention from shooting at her.

But to her surprise, Leo expertly weaved away and continued the offensive. To her surprise, Leo's beams struck her armor. The impact jolted the parts of her body shot by Leo's attack, signifying their strength. The attacks stopped her movement, constantly attacking the legs, halting her movement.

Instinctively, she covered herself with her forearm after the first few shots and imagined needing a shield to defend herself. And suddenly, the shots at her body stopped. [You have properly imagined a Shield, a step to mastering your training phase! Depleted 10secs of remaining durations.]

With Leo, he praised the material of whatever the nanites were made of. It is one of the things that David never disclosed, and he now understood why. From his experience, his energy beams can dent titanium and steel plates. So, the nanites sustaining them must be better!

[Continuous blocking from biological energy is hastening the depletion of energy. Avoid!]

"I'm thinking!" Melissa yelled at the voice in her ear, "Can this suit go any faster in its training phase?" Hoping to get leverage from her spot.

[Suggesting burst maneuvers. Action will deplete energy from 3mins 20secs of remaining power... 3mins 15secs.]

"Do it!" she ordered. 'Shooting from afar won't do any good, then best to get closer! Might as well go all out.' "Control the thrusters and go after the target!"


From her accepting the suggestion, thrusters formed on her back, calves, and feet! Upon doing so, the shield retreated back into her. The AI controlled her flight while she kept shooting at Leo.

Surprised by what happened, Leo readied himself and formed a metallic gauntlet, catching all the shock bullets that headed his way.

Midway, Melissa ran out of bullets and decided to drop it and charge her way toward Leo, superman style!

As for Leo, he shook his head, seeing her act so recklessly. Instead of making a counter-offensive and risking injuring her, he became the bigger man and tanked her charge.


With an armored suit flying at you midair and no ground to hold you still, it forced Leo to crash onto the ground while Melissa's suit controlled her descent safely.

His training kicking in, he rolled with the momentum of his speed; Leo skidded across the ground. Though it may look rough, there was no damage to his being... but his pride may have been.

The nanites instantly retreated into her as she touched the ground, evidently out of energy. However, she was immediately worried about Leo's condition!

"That's embarrassing," he muttered, facing the ceiling after his crash. With his body unmoving, Melissa hurried over, worried that she may have gone too far with the last hit.


Hearing the thuds of boots hurrying over, Leo thought of something funny and closed his eyes.

[Low-energy, do not approach the target.]

Melissa, rushing over, ignored her AI's voice, too focused on Leo's wellbeing.

[Warning: Do not approach! Warning: Do not approach! Warning: Do not approach! It is advisable to shoot again to make sure the target is-]

"Not in combat!" she stated, not allowing the AI to finish its suspicions. With anxious thoughts racing her, she hurried until she neared him.

"L-Leo, you okay!?" She questioned, hoping he'd respond. But her fears multiplied upon seeing none, nor were his eyes open!

Remembering everything about emergency training in school, she placed her fingertips at Leo's neck, trying to see if there was a pulse. But quickly learned she couldn't get any due to Leo's thick muscles.


"Shut up!" Melissa shouted at the AI because she was not used to these types of things. Instead, she placed her ear directly planted at Leo's chest.

But all she got was thick tree-trunk-like arms wrapping against her frame! "Wh-What!?" she exclaimed.

"Got you!" Startled by his voice and actions, she tried escaping but couldn't. And without mercy, Leo proceeded to tickle the sides of her belly, eliciting heavy laughs from her.

"Hahahaha! *Breathe!* S-stop! Hahahah!" she laughed while stuck in Leo's hold. He remembered his exam before entering SHIELD Academy, how his classmate Ei bolted lightning at him!

'What is it with girls and electric shocks?' Leo thought, still tickling Melissa nonstop, who was on top of him.

"L-Leo! Please, Hahaha, s-stop!" hearing a bit of tiredness from her pleading, Leo showed mercy. "*Relief~!*" Melissa breathed out a relief.

Panting from being unable to breathe, she planted her head on Leo's chest and pinched his belly. "That doesn't do anything, y'know?" He said, unbothered by their position.

During their week of training, they became close to the point where skin contact wasn't awkward or weird. "I wish it did! That was unfair; I thought you were injured badly!" she whined, concern marring her face.

Releasing his arms on Melissa's belly, he moved his hands and pinched her cheeks like she was a child.

"Owwww~!" she groaned, confused why Leo was pinching her. "What you did was reckless. We have not tested how strong that suit was, and you tried barreling your body toward me." Leo's tone was serious, somewhat mad at her actions.

"If I didn't allow myself to take that hit and instead tried to forcefully resist your charge like a brick wall with your suit's untested durability, you might've been severely injured!"

Finishing it at that, he hugged her body protectively. Melissa feeling his touch didn't squirm away but relaxed her body instead.

'Leo's right; I got too excited and may have gone a bit gun-ho, now that I think about it.' Her head on his chest heard the rapid pace of his heart, then looked at him.

"Sorry... I got a little heated there and didn't think of my actions. You okay? Your heart is a bit fast..." she apologized but quickly asked how he was.

Still staring at the ceiling, he tilted his head to look at her. Now the two were looking at each other, a pair of gold's and blue's. "I was only worried about you and may have pushed you too hard over the week, making you try for a Hail Mary move."

Melissa, moving closer, "No need to make excuses for my actions, Leo. I accept them, and thanks for looking out for me," her gaze eyeing his lips bit by bit.

[The user's state of mind is calm, but the heart is erratically beating, are you well?]

Seeing her gaze, Leo placed his arms below Melissa's rear and pushed her up; now, the two were centimeters away.

"You aren't going to shock me, I hope," Leo blurted, hands firm on her thigh.

With adrenaline still coursing in her veins, she felt brave right now. Her naturally shy personality was heavily pressed down. You can say... it was shy to come out.

"I don't know, we'll just have to find out..." she said playfully.

With the green light seemingly everywhere, two lips got together slowly, testing the waters. Leo was attracted to her, and Melissa was as well.

Their connection with each other just clicked the moment they met. It felt right. Their hearts felt like fuzzy butterflies.

Gradually, they separated from the kiss, a small thin line of saliva still unknowingly connecting them. "Did that shock you~?" a smile formed on Melissa's face, questioning Leo.

"I know it didn't, but it wouldn't hurt to test it out again," he responded, cupping a hand on her reddened cheek.

"*Haha~*" Giggling at his response, they 'tested' it again. Slowly, savoring their moment together.

The two lips at each other, Leo rubbed his thumb on Melissa's bottom before groping it, unable to help himself. He was a teen with hormones while he trained a beauty this past week, almost 24/7.

The grope elicited a soft cry from Melissa, opening her mouth to gasp at the feeling. Opening his eyes to see her expression, he dove right in again for a kiss. This time a tongue-actioned kiss. It surprised Melissa, who cupped a hand on his cheek, wanting to feel closer.

"Mhm~" she moaned from Leo's unending caress on her rear; this was new to her. Everything was new. Her chest felt tight, and her heart thumped, wanting to escape.

'I want more... but no, we can't,' Leo hazily thought. They were in a training gym making out! Hesitantly, he placed his hands around her waist and slowly lifted her from her prone position off him.

"?" Melissa said nothing, but her features searched for an answer as she fixed herself right up. Probably got too taken away by the situation to think clearly.

"We shouldn't continue. My conscience doesn't allow me, and if we continue, I don't think I'll be able to stop myself," Leo explained, with their bodies still in close proximity.

"I at least want to ask your father to get his permission to date you. Would that be alright?" He asked, not hiding his intention of having an interest in her.

She smiled sweetly at him, and her cheeks burned in embarrassment when her thoughts cooled off. 'Papa always did say a boy has proper intentions when they're willing to seek his permission,' she thought.

"That'd be nice. I guess Aunt Lucy wasn't exaggerating when she said you were a gentleman!" She exclaimed, remembering talks with Leo's mom and how she boasted about Leo.

Scratching the back of his head, "Mom's like that; you can say she's a source of my confidence the way she boasts about me, hahaha."

Afterward, the two went home for breakfast, with Leo thinking, 'Dad, you taught me right...' chuckling to himself, remembering how his dad always said, 'To get a lady, you must be a good boy! Then when you get the girl, you'll finally be a man!'







Result from the previous votes. Leo will be...


The Spartan Hero: Leonidas!