

Heroes are strong... Heroes are the pillars... No. They are the pedestals themselves. They say a lot of things to the camera, they treat the camera as a person - almost. But what about those watching behind them? Veiled just by a television screen. They're the victims of this crossfire, victims of villains against heroes. A story in which the descendants of Nana Shimura were promised protection, but of course... Promises are meant to be broken. ____________________________ After a year of a 'mysterious' hiatus, ForgeCoffee is somewhat back! The cover photo isn't mine, credits to the artist. Please notify me through comments or the review section if you want it down. MHA belongs to Kohei Horikoshi, I simply own the OC. You might see Captain Marvel references since I based MC's powers on her. Anyway, enjoy!

ForgeCoffee · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 27 - Tests

Inside a lab, multiple tests were going on, all of them included the usage of quirks. While in use, numerous scanners worked full-time, gathering valuable data for the scientist in the background to use.

One such scientist had relatively bright blonde hair that was combed to perfection. Even if you were to observe under a microscope, anyone would be clueless about her age.

This is none other than Yuna Shimura-Angelos, officially known as Lucy Morningstar, the mother of one Leo Morningstar. It's already November, precisely three months after Leo entered the Academy and her start as a scientist in I-Island.

After those three months of starting under David Shield as an assistant researcher, he has deemed her competent and trustworthy enough to not be monitored constantly.

In fact, David is one of the most forgiving Scientists on the island. It's not common for an island's scientist to allow any new member under their research team without supervision. Usually, it takes a year before the lead researcher gives the newbie any form of independence.

Though he may have given her some leeway after his very much beloved daughter took a liking to her. The two seemed to just click like momma and daughter type click.

Every time they're together, Lucy just can't help but pour her love onto the girl, Melissa. Lucy, a mother, needed another child to shower her love on, and who better than Melissa? A child who was never able to experience the love of her biological mother.

Lucy even gave her a nickname, Meli, making the two connect even faster. At times, Lucy would even go to the high school that Melissa attends and waits for her to go home, surprising her.

Some of Melissa's classmates even genuinely thought Lucy was Melissa's actual mother. Well... you can't fault them. Both were beautiful blondes. The only real difference was Lucy's chocolate brown hazel eyes that resembled her husband's, Atreus.

And even now, Lucy couldn't focus much on her work when thoughts of her son, Leonidas, would surface. Don't get her wrong, she isn't using Melissa as a rebound but actually cares for her as a mom would to a daughter.

'*Sigh* I wonder how Leo's doing? As an Assistant researcher, I have limited communication with the outside world. I can't even see if he eats his vegetables! What if he became a slob!? Does he even sleep? Maybe he has a girlfriend already? And it has co-ed dorms! What if he already lost his virginity to some skanking hoe!?'

While in her wild thoughts, she didn't notice the lab's door slide open. And unexpectedly, someone had to jump-scare the woman who could easily dent metal plates.

"BOO!" A feminine voice sounded from 5 meters behind her, seemingly cautious, maybe from experience. And like anyone, she became startled but did not let out a squeak.

Instead, the wooden board in her hands shattered into splinters, sending wood chips everywhere. Out of her thoughts, she looked back at the culprit, a shapely and attractive pale-skinned young teen of slightly above average height with quite a round face. She has wavy blonde hair which reaches halfway down her back, two shorter pieces she leaves over her shoulders, side-swept bangs that frame her face, aqua-blue eyes with notable upper eyelashes, some slightly longer ones extending on each side, and pronounced lower eyelashes. Today, she had her school's standard white uniform lab coat on.

"Meli! How many times do I have to say that you shouldn't scare me like that! Remember how I broke Mr. Shield's robot!?" Lucy said in mock anger, but soon, it softened. Fake anger or not, giving the girl a frown is not right; it felt wrong.

Instead, she raised her arms wide, goading Meli to dive in. Internally, Lucy was grinning. 'You may startle me, dear. But I know you can't resist these hugs.'

And like a suckering fly, it dove into the venus flytrap. In Lucy's embrace, Meli felt warm and cozied up into the hug like a puppy. "Aww, did little Meli have a hard time at school?"

"Hmm," Meli groaned in response with a nod, rubbing her face into Lucy's soft pillows. And Lucy, instead of intentionally tightening the hug to slowly bearhug her, did not.

"What's wrong, Meli? Did something happen at school?" Lucy asked, gently rubbing her hands on Melissa's shoulder, comforting her. 'Sigh, I remember when Leo was like this, coming home from school all broody. But nothing to worry about; I'm here.' At that final thought, Lucy subconsciously wanted to hurl her lunch with her brain. The fact that she had said All Might's catchphrase sent her shivers.

"Nothing really, I'm just... jealous. All the children around me have everything. Complete parents, a quirk, and... and... yeah." Melissa groaned in frustration, tightening into the hug.

Yep, this is one of her weak spots. This is something Melissa can't open up to her dad. In all her young wisdom, Melissa figured that her dad would feel hurt if she expressed her biological and family situation. And she was right; David would totally feel devastated.

If David knew of his daughter's plight, he'd feel as if he failed as a parent, even if he didn't. He'd feel responsible for his wife's death and the ability to not provide a quirk even if it was never a parent's job; it was always up to chance.

But he wouldn't be David Shield if he wasn't also I-Island's head engineer and quirk specialist. This is why he is funding an entire project on his own, in which, if the outcome is successful, Melissa wouldn't be quirkless anymore.

Having released her inner frustrations, Meli relaxed and released from the hug. "T-Thanks," she said, raising her glasses to wipe the damped eyes away.

"*Sigh* You know, you and my son have much in common," Lucy stated with a forlorn expression. Now, this caught Meli's attention. Lucy tends to shy from topics about her son; it makes her miss him dearly.

"Common? Such as?" The teen asked in curiosity.

"The way you two try to keep lifting these burdens and keeping your parent out of it. You have a creative and gifted mind, my son has big muscles, and you kids use your literal gifts and talents to carry the burden. As if we parents are blind to not see them." Lucy expressed, resting her hands on her hips and looking at Melissa with a mother's look.

But rather than staring, Lucy reinitiated the hug. Hey, she needs them too! Leaning in, she continued her talk.

"And I understand the two of you. You two are trying to fill a gap," at this Melissa gazed confusedly at Lucy, "You're filling it up with achievements to make your dad feel proud in raising you. And my big oaf of a son is trying to protect me with all his heart, trying to fill in his father's shoes. Now, tell me, am I wrong?"

Her words left Melissa speechless; it was on the dot. "So, is dad's current project because of my quirklessness?" The spectacled teen questioned, feeling warm all over. With a sigh, Lucy slumped, "Yes, dear, it is. Its whole premise was for you. What? You thought it was just some project?" Lucy teased.

Blushing, Meli couldn't help but smile all over. But before she could say something, the machines beeped, indicating the scanners' finished cycle.


"Oh! It's finished!" Lucy chimed, hurrying to the data provided.

Seeing Lucy's fixated glare on the screen, she knew it was her cue to leave the lab. Even if she knew Lucy would never feel or see her as a distraction, Melissa, by practice, was a scientist too. And she knew lab etiquette. One was to never disturb a Researcher who was carefully reading info. Who knows what they might be reading that needs their 100% focus.

Dusting herself, she waved with a shout, "Byeee~! See you for dinner!" And yep, Melissa has been eating with Lucy often now. Since her father is constantly busy, homemade food is a rarity in her household. With Lucy wanting to mother Melissa, homemade food was available.

Homemade food just hits different.

"Bye, Meli, dear!" Lucy hollered back, getting Meli to smile, 'I wonder if this is what having a mom feels like,' she wondered.


In the Academy, students were hard at work, burning the midnight oil for their upcoming exam just before the Winter break came. Whether it be general academics or specialized subjects. Everyone was studying.

Leo was, too, well, more on the physical side. He didn't push much for academics but sat cozy with Bs across his past assignments and quizzes. Getting a C just looks bad, and getting an A requires too much effort, an effort which he did not want to expend.

And so, here he was, consulting a quirk developer within the Science and Support department. Machines and the works scanned him while he stood there waiting.

After a couple more minutes, a beep sounded, and the tests were done. The examiner scanned through the scanner's findings, compared Leo's past results, and nodded.

"Well, Mr. Morningstar, I'll first give you the general run down. You're healthy, which is unsurprising when you're famous on campus for your blended vegetable smoothies." The examiner explained the readings at hand. "Although you may have to cut down on your mashed potatoes. The amount of butter and milk they add to make it smooth is staggering, a detriment to your healthy diet."

"Oh, c'mon! You already told me to cut back on the steaks and replace them with boiled chicken breasts, and now you're taking away the mashed potatoes... ugh!" Leo whined. All this strict diet is honestly hammering away at him. And the fact that his classmates eat the stuff he's avoiding to tease him annoyed the heck out of him.

In short, Leo was pent-up. Though he supposed this is for the future is what he says to himself.

"Yes, yes. The horror of eating boiled chicken, I understand," the examiner joked, earning a smirk from Leo. "Anyway, onto your main purpose for today."

"Your quirk is getting stronger... and is actually showing signs of change; well, your body is showing signs of change." The specialist explained. "Okay... changing, how?" Leo questioned; he didn't feel any different.

"From your records, you've been training these past months in taking damage. Golly, you even asked your seniors if they need a... live punching bag? Do you need a referral for a psychologist?"

"What? I don't see how training my body to take damage requires my mental process to be questioned." Confusion was evident on Leo's face.

"Uhuh." That was all the examiner said and continued, "Well, back to our earlier topic. When I increased the heat while you were being scanned, your body showed signs of adaptability in negating the damage. Especially when I struck you with a hammer, your body naturally absorbed the impact, and your muscles didn't flinch." The examiner explained.

"Sooo, you're saying my body can now adapt?"

"Yes, but I would like to point out that your body was able to adapt to physical blows better. This new aspect of your quirk may allow your body to adapt depending on how frequently you place yourself under that type of stress. And considering you trained more on the physical aspect, your body absorbed blows better than it did for the heat wave your body was placed under earlier ago."

"And if your understanding of your quirk is correct, you can further enhance yourself with the energy inside of you, yes?" Leo nodded at this, a grin slowly forming on his face at the realization forming in his mind.

"Then you could theoretically empower this adaptation ability once it has matured. Right now, it only gives you minor things, like not needing a jacket in an air-conditioned room. Conclusion, keep up the good work. I have high hopes for you, Mr. Morningstar. And with that, everything is done; you may go."

The examiner stopped him as Leo was about to leave through the doors. "Oh, and Mr. Morningstar." Halting the teen's steps. "Do try and find a support buddy. All your classmates have found one themselves, leaving only you. And if you will get one, try one that compliments you, don't base everything on their respective rank."

At that, Leo nodded, accepting the advice, and left with an unremovable grin on his face.




