
MHA: The Precision Hero

A typical modern day young man is reincarnated as the assassin Bullseye from the Marvel Universe into My Hero Academia, what will he do, what will he change, or will he simply let events unfold as they will?

Wistful_Sam · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Growth and Game Plan

[1 Year Time Skip]

It has been one year since the incident at the convenience store, and I have been progressing marvelously with my quirk and my body. Firstly, I am now 4 feet tall, which is a little taller than the norm, and I am now not a stick as I was 1 year ago. I now have some muscle on my bones, and it honestly feels great.

Not only because I feel that I can do more but because it shows that all of my hard work over this past year has been working and getting obvious results. I can now run a mile in 7 minutes but in the best part is that I'm not completely on the ground praying for air at the end. I can also now comfortably perform 50+ pushups in a single session without my arms feeling like their going to fall off.

One of the most important developments however is that my Zenchigan sight has increased to 8 times better than normal humans and with that comes growth in my 'safe-zone', it has now grown to cover 8 meters and due to my constant use of it, I can now perceive details on objects fairly well.

I can also now comfortably also say that it truly is my safe-zone, after all, when I was about to get shot almost a year ago I was able to sense that large bullet coming my way, yet the issue that I discovered is that even though I saw the bullet coming I could not do anything about it as my body was not even able to react to the speed.

That is why the most important development is with my Zenchigans ability to use Ryujo. I can now utilize the Ryujo that is coating my hands, it was difficult but after 4 months of trying every day I was finally able to make it grow into a thicker layer, and when I touched it I could actually feel it.

Its texture is similar to that of coarse sand yet at the same time each grain feels unmoving and sharp, it appears that the energy is always bound together and this makes me feel happy, because if I can pack each grain tightly together and maybe harden it I should be able to create strong armor and weapons in the future.

The only thing that is still unreachable for me is seperating this energy and molding it into shapes. I was merely only able to push it out. Yet now I know that it is a reachable goal, if I'm unable to separate the energy I should still be able to create things like spears or sharp tentacles with the energy to use as weapons.

Secondly, now that I am six years old it's about time to go to school like everyone else. I am planning on staying in the school for about 1 week in order to see if I can use the time in any way which is beneficial to me and failing that I plan to take a test which allows me to skip that year and move on to the next. This should be simple enough.

I am not sure what will happen afterwards, but I gather that I would either have to be homeschooled or sent off somewhere where I can receive advanced teachings.

Once I am in that position, I plan to then wait one or two years in order to learn anything I have forgotten from my past life as well as learn the rich history of this world with all of its intricacies and quirks, which there are countless of, and the thing that bothers me is that I know of none of them.

The anime showed very little of this world's history, only the things that had to do with the uprising of quirks and All Might himself. An example of this is the fact that All Might, as I have recently learned is not the only supreme existence on this planet, in other countries like the USA and Russia there are people that should be able to last and possible win against All Might in a head-to-head battle.

One of these heroes and the one that has interested me the most is the American hero Omega Man or better known as Orion, or as I have realized, the son of Darkseid from the DC universe. He looks very similar to the character in the comics, but instead of a sun symbol printed on his helmet he has an American flag. He apparently has an extremely strong quirk that provides him with both extreme physical prowess and an ability to use some sort of energy that is known as the Astro force.

Another interesting hero that caught my attention is the Russian hero Grim Hunter or better known as Kraven it appears that he is in the top 10 for the country and he is often found near the vicinity of the most dangerous and wild quirk users and villains found throughout the country.

The information gathered states that he has access to a powerful yet somewhat vague quirk which he named Calypsos Gift for some reason no one knows. It is not on the level of One-for-All, but it is still extremely strong not only can he lift and move tons of weight, but the strongest quality of the gift is extreme enhanced senses, extreme superhuman agility and reflexes.

He is apparently the 4th ranked hero in Russia not due to his constant cases solved or anything but because of his fame with the populous and for the cases he has solved which usually involve extremely dangerous and strong villains.

What this all means to me is that not only is this universe based off of My Hero Academia but it also has characteristics of both Marvel and the DC universe… which is a very scary thought to be honest. Whichever god created this universe is seriously out of his mind. I just hope that no galactic threats show up any time soon or were all fucked.

Not only are quirks usually less powerful than their counterparts from other universes, but this planet has not progressed much when it comes to space travel or technology. The only exception that I know of to this is I-Island and to be honest its not even close enough to what the technology could have been like if quirks did not appear 200 years ago.

Anyways back to the issue at hand: school. The thing is that I don't really want to go to school all that much, firstly I have already gone to school, and I really don't feel like repeating it, after all it was not exciting and very boring; and I don't think it will be much different here.

The second issue is that I plan on using these years in order to grow myself in body and mind and also economically, and if I constantly have to go to school, I will not have enough time to do what I want to do.

Due to this world being a quirk connected society there are cases were children as young as 7 or 8 years old have already moved out of their parents' homes and begun their lives as a semi-adults.

Obviously, these are rare cases such as when a quirk gives you super understanding, maturity, and intelligence, yet at the end of the day there are still plenty of these cases. I plan on being one of these cases, and I have a plan to get out of this orphanage, as even though it's an amazing place and well-funded by the government I still want to move onto greater things.

The plan is to firstly invest plenty of my time in writing novels and drawing some manga from my previous world. To be honest this worlds media is extremely boring and repetitive, everywhere you go there are books on heroes saving the day or shows about heroes saving the day, or manga on heroes saving the day.

You get it, its not a very interesting environment. Sure, there are a few more creative and 'out of the norm,' entertainment yet they are rare and not of the best quality.

Therefore, I'm planning on beginning with Naruto, only slightly altered to fit into this world, like bloodlines can be genetical quirks and so on.

The reason why I plan to begin with manga is because I am an amazing artist, not only was I already mediocre at drawing in the previous world but now that I have 100% accuracy in whatever I want to do I can literally imagine the drawing and my hands will move to create that image – Yes, I have found that if I concentrate on what I want to do my accuracy increases dramatically. It appears that my psionic powers are slowly growing and still subconsciously active.

Anyways that should get me some money so I can start other things, and if the story grows as large as it did in my previous world then I should eventually become filthy rich.

Now that my future is a little more clearer to me its time to go to school; and the best part of all of this is? Its Aldera Elementary School.