
MHA : The New Spider

For New Readers of this Story, this story Already has 1.2 million views, 48 reviews and an average rating of 4.2 stars. I ReUploaded this because WN had some issues. SYNOPSIS : Story of a guy who got reincarnation into MHA world with powers, one of them being of spiderman. Disclaimer : I don't own MHA franchise, all the characters displayed are imaginary. Along with the cover of the story, the picture is download from internet. Warning : This Story will contain Mature themes like [Strong Violence], [Strong Language], [Graphic Violence] & [Strong Sexual Content]

Your_Drug_Supplier · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter-21 : Why

Warning : CRINGE

### 3rd person POV ###

While Kira was devouring his chocolates, someone else woke up too.

"Heyy, You're finally up!!" he said as he waved his chocolate stained hands in the direction of Momo's bed.

She was finally awake.

She woke up as she analysed her surrounding, calming down after seeing that she was in a hospital.

She slowly remembered everything, the training at USJ, attack of villains, the fight of that bird like creature with Cementos and Kira, number 2 hero and Endeavor coming to save them.

She remembered how powerless she felt seeing so many villains, especially that bird faced man, she wasn't sure she could even take one punch from him, she remember how her body shivered when that creature revealed in intent with that deafening shriek, on the other hand there was Kira.

Who not only stood up to that creature which was supposed to kill all might, but even fought it on even grounds for a length of time, almost defeating it.

A feeling emerged in her heart, It wasn't love, nor was it infatuation, Respect. She only felt Respect for him to risk his life in such a way. This was what a true hero was like.

Her bubble of security and being a rich kid broke as she was faced by hardcore reality, if Kira wasn't there, they all might have very well died that day.

Despite being 3rd most in the whole year, the difference between her and him was immeasurable, she felt how insignificant her powers were when faced against a powerful enemy.

Not only her, every student who witnessed him fighting Nomu had these thoughts in their mind, some were excited to face new challenges, some were determined to overcome them and defeat Kira while Explosion head was the only one that felt angry for not getting a chance to face Nomu, even though deep within his heart he knew he would have been defeated much easily.

She looked towards Kira who waved his hands towards her, saying something with his chocolate filled face.

"Hey, weren't you fine?? How did you end up here??" He asked with a curious face.

The last time he saw her, she was still standing scratch less.

She remembered how she got injured as her face turned a light shade of red.

# Flashback #

Endeavor took care of Nomu as he started hoarding small time villains by the dozen.

Kira too was tying up villains left and right in his webs.

She loaded another battery she created just now in her blaster as she shot the last villain in her vicinity.

This blaster was a special invention from I-Island, though not much usable for anyone, but for users if creation type quirks, it was a great weapon.

This was a blaster that fired different types of blasts, from electric shocks to energy blast to melting rounds, the only problem was that it's battery were very hard and expensive to create by normal method, and were quite bulky too, not feasible for practical use by normal people, but for people like her, with creation type quirks, they could create one anytime anywhere, making it a perfect match for them.

As she blasted away the villian, Kira came up as he wrapped the villain who was still mid air from the blast in his webs, hanging him to the ceiling.

She suddenly felt something coming towards her as she saw upwards, it was Kira who looked unconscious and was falling with great speed, alas, she could only take a step as he fell on her in his whole entirety, still in his 7 foot bulked up form.

Her shoulder dislocated as she could feel her hand which was broken.

His size reduced and reduced as he became normal, his symbiot back into his body, his clothes all torn up from places.

But what made things more awkward was that his head was resting on her bosom and his whole body was on top of him, and to make it much worse, she could feel his whole body, from his muscles to his sculpted body, even his 'length'.

She awkwardly turned him off her as he fell to her side, his unconscious face towards her, his hand still touching the side of her stomach area.

She lodged her shoulder back into the place as she created a mold around her hand to keep it in place all while laying down on the ground, exhaustion took toll on her as she passed out.

# Flashback End #

She looked towards him awkwardly as she said "Well, you remember packing up villains after Endeavor tool care of Nomu?"

Kira nodded at that.

"Well, you fell unconscious mid air and collided into me, breaking my hand and dislodging my shoulder." She said.

Kira had the perfect "Nani?!?!!" face as he looked towards her again to confirm.

"Yes thats what happened" She said as she took the Energy bar kept at her side and took a bite of it.

Kira looked shocked as he thought 'Damn... I missed the second chance to feel that too...'

He awkwardly lowered his head as he apologised to her.

"Don't worry, it's already taken care of by recovery girl, I just need to recover some energy" she said, taking another bite off her energy bar.

He chatted with her about how his condition was, how he thought they could have done better to reduce injuries, how the class did at handling the situation and other academic stuff.

While they were talking, a man in Aristocratic clothes entered the ward, following him were two men, dressed in full black suits with energy blasters in their hands.

The man in lead went towards Momo's bed, she practically jumped up and went into his arms, hugging him tightly.

You got it right, he was her father, Matsuda Yaoyorozu, arguably the richest man on planet earth.

He patted her back as he told her about how worried he was for her.

"Recovery girl has already given the green light, let's go, you can rest at home, your mom is also worried."

Then he looked towards Kira as he said "Thank you for saving all the people yesterday" with a little bow.

While he did this, his bodyguards did an almost 90 bow as they too said "Thank you for saving young mitress!!"

Kira scratched the back of the head as he said "Don't mention it, it was my duty to do that, any hero in my position would have done the same" giving him a bow of respect too.

He was after all, the leader of Yaoyorozu Estate.

Momo too said goodbye as they left with her.

### POV - MC ###

Holy shit!!, he really was her father.

Anyone who didn't live under a rock knew about Yaoyorozu family, especially when he was one of the richest man in the world, only rivaled by Europe's 'Mechanic' in wealth.

This started when Momo's grandfather awakened his quirk, creation by transmutation.

He could change arrangement of electrons, protons and neutrons in any object with relative ease.

He created his empire by first churning out high tech weapons like flour from a mill, then in high destruction weapons which required restricted materials, like uranium, plutonium and caesium.

One could say he was the one who worked with Japanese high command and leaders to take it to where it stood now, next to all superpowers like America, China, Russia and India

He boosted the economy of Japan singlehandedly, taking it out of economic Turmoil that was caused by daily destruction caused by villains.

Next in line was His son, Momo's father, who inherited his quirk and could create any non living thing through his own body mass and through transmutation.

He expanded the kingdom his father created into an empire all over the world, from weapons to everyday items, most of the things came from their run businesses.

Entertainment, weapons, technology, food, fashion they had their hands in mostly everything.

More than 40% of the weapons used by top heroes were created by him, that in itself was a huge monopoly in the pro hero market.

How do I know all this?? Simple, America.

The expansion of Japanese influence throughout the world due to Yaoyorozu estate and powers caused a huge turmoil in both east and west.

America, like the country it was, couldn't dugest Japan to become an equal once again, they tried to politically pressure Japanese Govt to force Yaoyorozu out and declare him as an international asset.

And sure enough, the Third World War almost broke out due to their arrogance.

The NATO countries and China, they both opposed this increase in power Japan had due to a single person.

While on the Other hand, Russia and India were happy to have Japan in the Ranks of world leaders, they saw the potential of this expansion and supported Japan, they knew they won't be able to stop this growth in power, opposing would only create unnecessary tensions to both sides, thus saw chance benefiting from this situation and helping Japan out for almost a decade.

Giving Japan a buffer time to consolidate their strength and be equal to others.

Decades passed since then as now they had 6 superpowers.

US, Russia, China, EU, India and Japan.

This not only made Yaoyorozus famous throughout the world, but even more powerful.

The assets they controlled, their political and personal strength, the power of their word, they stood right next to president in power.

But with their fame, came assassins, they had almost 50 assassination attempts on them in the last decade.

Don't take those bodyguards lightly, each one of them was equal to a top 20 in Japan.

That's why this shocked me so much, it seemed he was a humble guy, but only future will reveal the truth.

Since I was also feeling well, I filled out my discharge form, completed formalities and went back home.

I was about 2 days away of recuperation to my full strength.


Author Note :

I don't know why, but WebNovel had some issues, thats why I am re-uploading all the chaps here.

PS. Those who support me at Pàtreon get upto 7 extra chaps, for this and my other stories, I would be now regularly uploading, and by regularly I mean 2-4 times a week.


PPS. For every 1000 power stones, I'll be uploading an extra chapter, so let them power stones be flying towards me.