
MHA: The Mightless

Izuku, quirkless and unloved in this world, with help from villains whom sympathize with him, sets out on a quest to take revenge on the very world who shunned him and save all who are suffering due to the discrimination of the quirkless. Like him.... **** Like it? then add it to your library and give a 5 star review and send power stone. Discord:- https://discord. gg/qxvX7Tvpqp (without space) **** I do not own anything all goes to its respective owner. fanfic owner:- 'The Mysterious Banana' link:- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12873025/0

Toji_Fushigoro · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 29

"WE DID IT! ERASER HEAD IS ERASED AND DEAD!" Toga cheered happily as she hugged Izuku.

"I gotta say, it was really cool seeing everything fall into place." Replied Kurogiri.

"Yeah, I mean, from hijacking the command room to leading Aizawa, alone into a death trap, I don't think the we have ever pulled such a successful assassination in the League." Irina cheered, high diving everyone, before grabbing Izuku by the collar, "Now where's my damn promotion?"

"Uhhh, the promotion can wait." Said Sachi with a concerned voice, "Look."

Izuku's eyes widened, looking through the screen. Somehow, in some way, defying all logic, Aizawa survived! But not only that, something was carrying him.

"Wait, isn't that the Nomu that was supposed to be watching the front door to hold off All Might in case he shows up?! What's he doing here?!" Toga asked.

Suddenly, Izuku's eyes filled with rage as he saw the man riding the Nomu, getting off it and walking to Aizawa.


Meanwhile, on the outside, Shigaraki looked down upon the unconscious Aizawa.

"I always sickens me when someone is doing my job! I hate it! All of it! Those who steal my thunder should burn in hell!" Shigaraki said, reaching out for Aizawa, "Especially when they try to steal my kill."

Touching Aiwaza's left forearm, his skin began to decay, exposing his muscle tissues.

"Did you really think you were going to die a quick and merciful death Eraser Head?! Even though you're unconscious, I'll make sure your death will be as painful as possible."

Suddenly, stream of ice came flying at Shigaraki and forced him to back off. Looking to his side, he saw Todoroki and Kirishima, slightly injured, with cuts and bruises, but mostly intact.

"Stay away from our teacher you creep." Ordered Kirishima, charging in.


Suddenly, the Nomu reacted, punching Kirishima with a rapid right jab. But thanks to his hardening, Kirishima withstood the hit, but was still sent flying.

"Ki-kirishima?" Aizawa started to regain consciousness.

"NONONONONO! MY PLAN! ITS FALLING APART!" Izuku yelled, banging the control panel.

everyone else in the control room went dead silent.

"So, uh, now what?" Asked Sachi nervously.

"Now, we switch to plan b." Izuku replied, dawning his signature mask and jacket and stepping out the door.

Back with Shigaraki, Todoroki and Kirishima tried their best to subdue the Nomu, but to no success, however, Shigaraki was Also forced to help his Nomu and provide him assist, unable to kill off Aizawa.

"Stay... stay away from them!" Aizawa uttered weakly.

Suddenly, Tsuyu dove in from behind, her tongue, latching onto Aizawa, Shigaraki, seeing this, ran to catch her, but ended up stepping onto something sticky.

Looking down, he saw that the ground was littered with purple balls.

Unable to free himself, Aizawa suddenly felt really light as Ochako was seen in the distance, removing his weight and making him easier for Tsuyu to carry.

"Damn you... one after another! You just had to ruin it didn't you?!" Shigaraki yelled out, before feeling a pulsing shock hit him from behind.

"Yeah! Nailed him!" Cheered Denki, along with Momo and Jiro.

Upon witnessing this, Shigaraki's eyes went bloodshot red with rage.

"Why?! Why is it that every time I try to do something, it has to be ruined?!" He yelled, punching the ground.

"Surrender villain, you're surrounded." Said Todoroki.

"Surrounded?! Who gives a crap?!" Shigaraki yelled out, walking forwards mechanically in rage, "Bring in all of U.A if you want! You won't be able to stop me as long as my Nomu is here!"

suddenly, a huge blast of wind blasted the door open, as the shockwave sent everyone flying back, even the Nomu.

And from the door, came the silhouette of a muscular, blond hero. The students smile with glee as they cheered his name.


Shigaraki gritted his teeth, violently scratching his neck till it bled.

"So you finally decided to show yourself, Symbol Of Peace!" He said with a hint of insanity.

As this event occurred, Izuku, now known as Mightless, sat by on the support beam of the room, observing everything from a distance.

"You've really fucked us over Shigaraki, I hope you're happy." He commented.

next to him was Sachi and Irina, looking down at the battlefield.

"So, Boss, what exactly is plan B? Just asking" asked Sachi.

"Shush, I'm concentrating." Replied Izuku, "I anticipated failure as a possible outcome, but failure by betrayal? No one could have seen such a thing coming!"

"Yeah! Just what was Shigaraki thinking? Does he have some sort of vendetta against you?" Asked Irina.

"That's what we're going to find out."

The students cheered in joy at the appearance of All Might, who quickly ran to Aizawa, checking his wounds.

"Damn Aizawa, there messed you up really bad didn't they?" Asked All Might.

"Heh, guess you can say that I've seen better days." He weakly replied.

"So fast..." commented Mineta.

"Anyhow..." All Might said, turning to Shigaraki, "I have a villain to take care of."

"I'll help!" Exclaimed Kirishima, but he was stopped.

"No, you kids went through enough, rather, go find and evacuate the rest of the class, I'll take things from here."

Upon hearing this, Shigaraki started to chuckle.

"What's so funny?!" Asked All Might.

"Oh nothing, it's just the mere thought of you being able to defeat the Nomu, after all." Shigaraki said with a devilish glare, "You're getting weaker aren't you?"

Hearing those words seemed to trigger All Might.

"How? How did you know?" All Might asked.

"Let's just say I was informed by a certain somebody." Replied Shigaraki, "But that doesn't matter..."

Suddenly, the Nomu charged at him.


The Nomu landed a devastating hit, sending All Might flying back, smashing into a wall.

"So fast..." Todoroki exclaimed in shock.

"Not even I could track it!" Kirishima uttered," this is truly..."

'A fight beyond our league..'

As the dust settled, All Might was revealed, standing strong, with a heavily bruised arm.

'Barely a minute left... but I got no choice, I must finish this...' thought All Might.

Shigaraki saw that the students were distracted, and took advantage of the opportunity to charge at them.

"Why? Because..."

"Shit! He's coming right for us!" Yelled Mineta.


Suddenly, With blinding speed, All Might charged straight at the Nomu, clashing fists with the beast.

The shockwave from the clash was enough to repel Shigaraki, as he leapt back, catching his balance, unlike the students, who were struggling to stay balanced, some even falling over.

Izuku, watching the fight from a distance analysed the situation.

'A head on assault?!' Thought Izuku.

"It's useless, he's got shock absorption, haven't you noticed?" Asked Shigaraki.

"Yes, I have." All Might replied, not even looking at him.

As the two beast exchanged a barrage of fists, Izuku noticed something about his former hero.

'This bastard, he isn't just swinging randomly, every single hit...'

Nomu noticed that somehow, even though he was supposed to be practically immune to this sort of harm, he was sustaining damage.

'Is done with 100% of his strength.'

Slowly, All Might's wave of fists was overwhelming the Nomu, that was slowly getting pushed back.

"You claim he has shock 'absorption' right?! 'Absoption?' And not 'Nullification?!' Then that must mean it has a limit to how much it can take! Built to surpass me at my full power?! Then I'll just have to go beyond that!" All Might exclaimed, pounding the Nomu.

As the other students started cheering for him, All Might noticed the rest of class A, rooting for him of the balcony at the second floor. Next to them is an injured Thirteen.

"It was a pain getting through my own disasters, but damn was it rewarding." Commented Thirteen, wiping off some sweat on his forehead.

All Might smiled as the Nomu was slowly reaching his limit. With one strong punch, He was able to unbalance the Nomu, leaving him open for an attack.

"Tell me villain... have you ever heard these words?" All Might asked the dazed beast.


Suddenly, a silhouette was seen running into the fight, followed by another, much taller one.


Suddenly, a portal appeared right in the spot where All Might was supposed to punch, redirecting the punch into his own guts. Coughing out a carpet of blood, he was sent flying back.

"Right on time." Said Mightless.

"Mightless, I was wondering when you'd show up!" Shigaraki said in a salty tone, only to be ignored by the two reinforcements.

"Hey! Who's the new guy?!" Asked Todoroki.

"All Might just got sent flying and that's what you're worried about?!" Asked Kirishima.

"Don't worry! He's all might! He'll be fine, but now, let's finish off this Nomu.

"Yeah! It looks like it's nearly at its limit! We can do this!" Said Mineta.

"oh really? Near its limit? Kurogiri." Izuku ordered,

"Right Away," Kurogiri replied, passing him a syringe of black liquid.

"The trigger drug does wonders on quirk users, now lets see what it can do to a beast with multiple quirks!" Said Mightless, running towards the Nomu, that was on its knees, panting.

"Hey! That villain is doing something to the Nomu!" Ochako pointed out.

"Oh it!" Kirishima said, running in to try and stop him, followed by Todoroki, even some other students jumped in to help, but were too far away.


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