
MHA: The Mightless

Izuku, quirkless and unloved in this world, with help from villains whom sympathize with him, sets out on a quest to take revenge on the very world who shunned him and save all who are suffering due to the discrimination of the quirkless. Like him.... **** Like it? then add it to your library and give a 5 star review and send power stone. Discord:- https://discord. gg/qxvX7Tvpqp (without space) **** I do not own anything all goes to its respective owner. fanfic owner:- 'The Mysterious Banana' link:- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12873025/0

Toji_Fushigoro · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 21


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"What the fuck Deku?!" Was the only thing Katsuki could muster out.

"You were such a bully back in the days, the mere thought of it pisses me off! I've been waiting for so long for payback! Everyday, I would lie in bed, imagining the shock on your face as the kid you though of was nothing more than a pebble in your path became the boulder that would crush you dead in your tracks. I couldn't bare it any longer." Izuku said ecstatically, with a hint of anger, murderous intent and... lust?

Upon hearing this, Katsuki took control of his anger, and clenched his fist. Ochaco could feel it, Katsuki wasn't any less angry than he was a few minutes earlier, but now, his anger felt more... controlled? Restrained?

"Ochaco, run to the top floor, the two of us have a score to settle." Katsuki Order at his companion.

"R-right..." Ochaco said, running past Izuku, who didn't even turn around to look at her.

With the two of them locked in a death stare, Katsuki finally got the courage to speak up.

"So I guess this is what you really thought of me huh? Not surprising, given what I've done to you." He said in a calm and serious tone.

"You had no consideration for my feelings, you just didn't care. You were always so stuck up, thinking of yourself as high and mighty. It pissed me off, but I couldn't do anything about it. So you know what I did? I persevered, training day and night while you dozed off on your pedestal you claim was higher than the clouds. This is what I always wanted, what I waited from for nearly a year! You, me, one on one, no holding back." Izuku said, blushing furiously.

Suddenly, in blinding speed, Izuku appeared right below Katsuki, delivering a vicious uppercut.

"SO HURRY UP AND HIT ME ALREADY!" Izuku yelled out.

Katsuki, recovering from the hit, spun around, swinging a vicious left hook at Izuku, who grabbed his arm.

Suddenly, an explosion came out of the palm, forcing Izuku to pull is head back to dodge it. Katsuki then tried to uppercut him with his free hand, but Izuku dodged that one as well.

Lifting Katsuki over his shoulders, he Threw him over his shoulder, slamming him into the cement floor.

Before Katsuki could get up however, Izuku took advantage of the opening and kicked him in the stomach, knocking him back down, coughing.

"Come on! Is that all you got?!" Izuku yelled at him.

Katsuki gritted his teeth, and let out a roar, as his explosion quirk ran wild, creating a huge explosion.

"Yeah! That's the spirit! Keep at it!" Izuku said as he looked upon the destruction Katsuki made.

"You were always below me, always inferior... But... despite all of that, you still try to help me. Your idiotic smile, clinging onto me like you think you're my equal, despite my numerous denials. IT PISSES ME OFF!" Katsuki yelled out, as a murderous smile appeared on his face, as explosions surrounded the area, blowing Izuku back.

Meanwhile, back on the roof, Iida stood by the bomb.

'Izuku is really into his villain role, so I guess it's only fitting to follow suit, right... in order to become a hero... I must cloak myself in darkness.' Thought Iida as he turned towards Ochaco.

"I am the ultimate evil!" Iida said, trying way to hard to sound menacing, making her chuckle.

"It would appear that you have come, no matter, my compatriot will have your friend taken care of any minute now. As for you, I enacted a counter strategy, and removed everything on the floor." Continued the acting villain, "You've miscalculated "Hero" Muhahahaha!"

"You're really committing to your role aren't you?"

Back downstairs, the two rivals were neck and neck, attempting to find an opening to attack, but everytime Izuku slowed down time, he found himself in an awkward position, soon he started to run out of breath, allowing Katsuki to deliver an explosive punch to his abdomen, burning his suit and revealing his bare chest.

"That's it Kacchan, show me the rage you feel when I ridiculed you! Come on! I'm still standing!" Izuku yelled out, despite coughing out blood.

Suddenly, Katsuki raised one of his hands,

"With pleasure."

Izuku's eyes widened as his analyst mind allowed him to peace things together.

Even the observers, including All Might figured out what was to come.

"Katsuki! Stop! Are you trying to kill him?!" All Might yelled at into the intercom.

"SHUT UP YOU OLD FART! I DONT GIVE A SHIT ANYMORE IF I WIN OR NOT! GO TO HELL DEKUUU!" Katsuki yelled as he pulled the pin, launching a huge amount of nitroglycerin at him. Izuku, witnessing the initial blast, quickly ducked under cover as a massive chunk of the building was blown away.

Even Iida and Ochaco felt it on the top floor.

"That blast was aimed directly at me. He really WAS trying to kill me." Izuku said to himself, comping back to his senses as a nostalgic rage returned to him.

"That's it! For attempting murder, Team D is disqualified!" All Might Called out.

"I DON'T GIVE A CRAP!" Katsuki yelled, loading up another shot.

"DEKU! YOU'RE ALL MINE!" Katsuki yelled out, ignoring All Might's calls.

"That's it, I'm calling this off." All Might said, until a different voice was heard.

"Don't, I got this." The voice said.

"Izuku? You need to get out of there! Katsuki's going to..."

"Kill me? Yeah, I knew... And thus, this will be a much, much more realistic training Exercise." Replied Izuku.

"Izuku wai..." Was all All Might could get out before the feed was cut.

"I'm surprised you're not pissing yourself." Said Katsuki, reloading a second round.

"Of course not, in fact, since life and death doesn't matter between us anymore." Izuku said in a far more composed manner, "Mind if I bent the rules a bit?"

Suddenly, reaching into his robe, he pulled out the syringe, which caught Katsuki's eye, who launched the second round directly at Izuku.

A loud explosion was heard as the cameras on the inside were destroyed.

All Might, after seeing this, got off his chair and hurried to the site, where the two were fighting.

As the smoke cleared, Katsuki regained his senses, not seeing any signs of life, he called out.


No response.

"Alright Katsuki, keep calm. This is not happening you hear me? This didn't just happen..." Katsuki said to himself, trying to keep calm.

Suddenly, he heard something coming out of the rumbles, and he, for a brief moment, felt a sense of relief.


Suddenly, his pupils dilated as the 'Thing' that crawled out of the rumbles vanished, and in the blink of an eye, he looked down to see a sharp claw lodged in his abdomen.

The 'thing' still had the same facial features as the student, but it's skin was a light purple and his body much more muscular.

His eyes were pitch black with red pupils and his tongue hung out, blackened at the tip.



"What was in the syringe you're gonna give me boss?" Izuku asked All For One.

"It's not complete yet, but it still works fine. I modified the trigger drug that buffs quirks by mixing it with my All For One's ability to give other quirks, effectively creating a Quirk Injection/Steroid hybrid." Replied the Boss.

"Is it permanent?" Asked Toga, concerned about Izuku's safety.

"No, only temporary, but when injected, for a brief period of time, the user will become so powerful that they lose their more human aspects." Replied All For One.

"So they kinda turn into Nomus?" Asked Toga.

"If that was the case, then I wouldn't have given it to you. You see, unlike trigger, the user of this new drug is still conscious, but it does have a said list of drawbacks. Heavy Strain on your body, memory blanks but it's most important weakness..."


'It burns out my quirk after use... looks like the whole time slow thing was fun while it lasted.' Izuku thought.

Katsuki was still in shock.

"What... are you?!" Katsuki Uttered as blood poured out of his wound.

Izuku said nothing, and only gave him a grin, causing Katsuki to get angrier.

"TELL ME YOU MONSTER!" Katsuki yelled as he shot 'Izuku' with a barrage of explosion. But as the smoke cleared, he saw not a body, but what appeared to be a turtle.

Hard Shell!

This was only one of the new quirks Izuku received with the injection. His left hand started to contort as he raised his arm and pointed it at Katsuki.

By the time he was pointing at him, his arm had morphed into a metallic amalgamation of guns, missile launchers and blades.

This was his second quirk: Mechanization.

Arsenal Mayhem!

Izuku fired a barrage of scrap metal bullets, blades and other metallic bits, as Katsuki scrambled to avoid the upcoming barrage.

Sadly, he tripped due to the amount of rubbles lying nearby and fell, allowing the metal storm to catch up and consume his entire body.

"That should do it." Izuku said to himself.

Suddenly, his eyes dilated as the man he thought was dead came charging out of the debris, bloody with metallic bits lodged in his flesh as he regained the murderous smile he had earlier. Izuku, seeing this, smiled back.

"HAHA! YES! COME AT ME! WE WILL FINISH THIS GUNS BLAZING! LET'S END THIS TOGETHER! IN A HAIL MARY OF GLORY AND DEATH!" Izuku yelled out as his size and muscles practically doubled.




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