
MHA: The Metal Eater

UA High home to many young students and from the outside looks like a normal school but inside it’s far from ordinary as the there students are born with super powers called “quirks” some students can make explosions with the sweat and others can punch with enough force to destroy a massive robot, some students however have more unique quirks such as phasing but for Kinzoku Shōjō his quirk was very different.

ChromiumVoid · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

UA’s Sports Festival


(Kinzoku's home)

Kinzoku wakes up and quickly sorts himself out before grabbing the purest metal chunks his dad could get then eats a small snack before sprinting off to school.

(UA High, Classroom)

Kinzoku enter the class and sits down and thinks to himself "I wonder who I'll be facing in the Festival" his thoughts are interrupted by Uraraka arriving and filling the room with her uncharacteristic spirit, Kinzoku notices this and thinks "What's got you this excited Uraraka?".

(UA, Hallway)

Kinzoku walks with Uraraka, Tenya and Izuku when Uraraka fidgets nervously "Hey guys, I Uh, have something to tell you" the three of them nod and Uraraka continues "I only want to be a hero for money...I know it's selfish of me-" Tenya Interrupts "It's not selfish at all as you need to make a living somehow, Kinzoku nods "True, but as long as you aren't motivated solely by that pay check" Tenya looks at him "There a problem?" Kinzoku shakes his head "No, I just believe that a hero saves others without reward because saving lives is reward enough but as people need to also make a living I have relaxed that belief, as long as you keep your drive and ideology, there're won't be any complaints from me". Tenya, Izuku and Uraraka nod in agreement.

(End of the day)

Kinzoku and the rest of Class 1A go to leave their home room only to find the other classes standing outside the door, Kinzoku stares at them and most of them move and let them past but one of them speak up "Don't try and embarrass us at the Festival!" Kinzoku turns and walks up to the student who gulps "If your worried about being shown up then grow a spine and prove your better with your actions rather then your words bud" Kinzoku then walks off shocking the other classes especially 1B.

(Kinzoku's home)

"Ok so the Festival is in two weeks, looks like I'll be training hard for this" he grins and goes to his training room to begin his two week regiment that he wrote in his diary.

(Two weeks later, UA)

Kinzoku arrives in the class 1A waiting room and finds Shoto talking to Izuku and hears him say something about being stronger then him, Kinzoku walks over "So your Shoto Todoroki" he extends and hand which Shoto doesn't shake which makes Kinzoku sigh in annoyance "I see you aren't keen on sportsmanship" Shoto nods "I'm only here to win" Kinzoku smiles and thinks "Good thing I kept the fact I can manually manipulate the temperature of the metal used in my quirk, his ice won't be effective if I fight him" he then leaves the two alone.

(Sports Festival Arena, stands)

Jaakuna and Hijiri watch from the stands as Kinzoku takes his place and the two wonder what his strategy is to win.

(Sports Festival Arena, Race Start)

Kinzoku grins and thinks to himself "Ok I know there are the robots from the entrance exam, so what I'll do is tear a chunk of one of them and make massive wall that cuts the arena in half and blocks everyone's path, I know Bakugo, Shoto and Izuku will easily climb over it but everyone else will have a difficult time climbing a completely smooth Steel wall" he takes his position and the start sound is sounded and Kinzoku immediately dashed forward with incredible speed and covers himself in the lightest metal armour he can make to allow him to mess with the robots, he sees Shoto and Bakugo quickly approaching and the robots appear and go to attack him, Kinzoku grins and jumps into the air and makes the two robots crumble away by crushing their cores with their own chest by forcing it to compact and he then rips a long and straight piece from the robot, he spots Shoto about to freeze everything and grins "Not today, Shoto" he superheats the metal and throws it into the floor sideways and it sticks into the ground and creates the wall while melting Shoto's ice and blasting everyone with a gust of high pressure steam, his parents grin and cheer as does everyone else, he then dashes off and sees what he predicted would happen Shoto, Bakugo and Izuku easily climbing over the wall he built. He grins more when he sees Izuku holding a piece of the robot, he continues dashing and jumping while making obstacles for the three of them to avoid which annoys Bakugo mostly, until he hears a loud bang and sees Izuku fly past him, Kinzoku grins and dashes forward to catch up, the two end up side by side and take the time to talk a little bit, Kinzoku smiles "You blow up a landmine?" Izuku nods "Yeah" Kinzoku laughs "You are one risk taker" he spots the finish line up ahead "Actually I want you to place first" he discreetly launches Izuku ahead of him and then dashes forward making Izuku cross the finish line first then Kinzoku second followed by Shoto being third and Bakugo coming fourth which sends him into a fit of rage.

(Cavalry Battle)

Kinzoku walks up to Izuku "I'm sticking with you" Izuku smiles "Thanks Kinzoku" Uraraka approaches the two "Hey, Kinzoku, (Kinzoku replaces Mei for this) Izuku wanna join my team" the two nod.

(15 minutes later)

The two teams which consist of Kinzoku, Izuku, Tokayami and Uraraka on one team and Shoto, Tenya, Momo and Denki, the two team discuss tactics, Kinzoku sighs "I can't really do much aside from defend and misdirect so Tokayami will be main wall, Izuku you need to be careful as your worth the most so you stay at the back and Uraraka you guard Tokayami I'll cover Izuku, the team agrees with Tokayami thinking "He's really thought this through that fast, I can see why he's well liked".


They begin moving through and avoid Shoto and Bakugo's team with Bakugo thankfully being distracted by Neito leaving them free to focus on Shoto's team, Kinzoku sends small pieces of his metal into the earth to try and discreetly take one of the teams headbands unaware, while he's doing that Tokayami begins blocking Shoto's teams attack, with Bakugo preoccupied with Neito, Kinzoku fires a tendril and manages to cut Momo's head band but she quickly grabs it with Shoto realising that Kinzoku could turn the tide on him if he gets the chance, after a few back and fourths Shoto manages to grab Izuku's headband which makes Izuku panic until Kinzoku takes Shoto's headband in return, accidentally triggering Shoto to use his left side and start shooting flames which he protects the team from with a massive metal hand that's wrapped in Tokayami's dark shadow, the team charge at each other again with Bakugo also coming to join in until the time runs out and the team qualifiers are announced Izuku looks at everyone "Sorry guys I screwed up" Kinzoku shakes his head and he and Tokayami reveal two head bands with Tokayami's being the 615 point headband keeping them in the Festival.

(Noonday break)

Kinzoku takes the time to refresh himself and looks at his last metal chunk a chunk of very impure gold, he sighs and eats it and warms up a bit to prepare for the next stage of the Festival.

(Kinzoku is replacing Tetsutetsu)

(Next stage)

Kinzoku walks up to Kirishima and extends a hand, may the best man win Kirishima" Kirishima shakes his head and nods "Same to you Kinzoku" they then separate while Kinzoku realises something "Kiri can't even hurt me if I use my full armour at the start but he could throw out of bounds, I'll keep the armour weight medium and save it for when I need it"

(Tournament Floor)

Midnight introduces Kinzoku and as he walks out he hears the applause and thinks "Ignore them, they don't matter right now, what matters is doing my best" he walks out to meet Kiri and the two take their stances and Midnight starts the fight.


The two immediately activate their quirks with Kinzoku covering body up to his neck in metal and Kiri using his hardest skin level, Kiri goes to punch Kinzoku who grabs his hand and quickly elbows him in the chest before then driving a knee then spin kicking him away earning applause and praise from Midnight while he's being watched by the other pros. Particularly Kamui Woods who notices Kinzoku's unique quirk and the way he uses it, meanwhile his parents cheer him on all the way.

(Back to the fight)

Kiri gets back up and manages to punch Kinzoku in the head and but soon after Kinzoku sweeps his leg then brings his metal coated foot down into Kiri's chest which severely damages him and causes him to gasp in shock and pain. Kinzoku then grabs Kiri and throws him out of bounds by using his metal tendrils making him the winner and his parents and the crowd to cheer and Kamui Woods to become interested in him.

(Later that day)

Kinzoku watches all the other fights and congratulates both Izuku and Uraraka as well as Tenya and Kirishima before heading out to fight Bakugo to determine who's going into the final phase of the tournament.


The two walk out and Kinzoku immediately covers himself in his full armour and dashes at Bakugo who is caught off guard by Kinzoku's aggressive tactic and receives a knee to his stomach, Bakugo attempts to hit Kinzoku with an explosion but the armour tanks it with no difficulty shocking Bakugo. Kinzoku then quickly uppercuts Bakugo before spin kicking him away, and grabbing him with his tendrils before throwing Bakugo out of bonds, the crowd roar in approval his parents in particular, Kamui Woods becomes more interested and notes that Kinzoku realised that Bakugo would pose a threat the longer the fight lasted and so made aggressive moves to make sure the battle ended quickly.


Kinzoku meets up with Tenya and Uraraka who congratulate him on his advancement to the final but he just laughs "I'm not that strong really if

You have the right quirk I can be easily overwhelmed" Tenya's phone goes off and he excuses himself while Kinzoku gives Izuku a token of his friendship a small gold band with the words "The Next All Might" on it Izuku hugs Kinzoku who hugs back before leaving to fight Shoto.


Kinzoku walks out at stares down Shoto who gets slightly worried as he saw Kinzoku's quirk and noticed the steam and puts two and two together "He can control the temperature of his metal, I need to be careful then otherwise he'll quickly overwhelm me like he did Bakugo, the two take their stances and Kinzoku sends a sizeable amount of metal into the ground below to use to take to Shoto unaware. He then smiles and charges at Shoto who quickly uses his ice and makes a massive pillar of it but he then feels something wrap around his legs and realises that Kinzoku hid metal under the ground he then sees Kinzoku break through the ice with a spear made of superheated steel, he then dashes at Shoto who try's to attack him again with his fire side but the metal around his legs quickly restrains his arms and Shoto is quickly dispatched as Kinzoku kicks him full force in the chest and sends him flying out of bounds. He then walks off and earns the eye of Endeavour who is in shock that he was able to beat Shoto so easily.

(Award Ceremony)

Kinzoku stands on the 1st pedestal with a unreadable expression on his face after the ceremony is over and a brief scuffle with Bakugo over his unfair win because Shoto wasn't going all out, All Might appears and gives Kinzoku the 1st place medal and smiles "You are really shaping up to be a true hero Kinzoku" he smiles "Thanks, All Might but I'm not really concerned with being the best, I just want to be able to protect those that matter most and save innocent people" All Might's smile widens "Your very humble Kinzoku despite your potential" Kinzoku nods and shocks the class by laughing "Yep, cause I don't want this to go to my head and to avoid that I simply push away my vices" he stuns everyone and the Festival comes to a close.

(Kinzoku's home)

The family arrive back home after his dad and mom dragged him out to eat at a restaurant, he gets in and immediately sprints upstairs to write his notes and reinforce his mindset "Never be overly prideful or arrogant, merely do as best you can" he then goes to train immediately and looks down and notices his now chiseled physique but brushes it off and merely continues training long into the night.