
MHA: The Metal Eater

UA High home to many young students and from the outside looks like a normal school but inside it’s far from ordinary as the there students are born with super powers called “quirks” some students can make explosions with the sweat and others can punch with enough force to destroy a massive robot, some students however have more unique quirks such as phasing but for Kinzoku Shōjō his quirk was very different.

ChromiumVoid · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

A Blast From The Past And A New Villain Appears

(This whole chapter is a look at Kinzoku's past he is about 8 years old)

(If you would like to assist in the writing process think about joining my discord https://discord.gg/kfbQju9)

(Flashback, Kinzoku's home)

Kinzoku shivers in his room, "Why, what did I do, I know I attacked him but I didn't, I didn't mean to kill him" he thinks back on the events that just transpired.

(Earlier that day)

Kinzoku smiles and plays by himself, minding his own business while drawing something, until he feels something hit his back and knock him over, he gets up only to see a kid slightly taller then he is, "Hey look it's the metal freak" Kinzoku growls and stares at the kid "I'm not a freak, I'm unique!" The kid laughs "No, your a freak" a few of the other kids join while some leave, "Your a freak" another of them says "Why don't you go eat rocks freak" and another of them laughs "Does it hurt when you eat normal food or something freak" Kinzoku's arm starts growing metal and the kids get a little angsty especially the lead kid, just then a girl appears about 2 years older then him "Hey leave him alone, you big bully go pick on someone your own size, the kid grabs her and throws her to the side and continues bullying Kinzoku "Oh look he got mad and made his hand look like metal how cute...freak!" Kinzoku gasps before punching him square in the nose and increase the temperature so it burns the kid and the kids head lands on the concrete with a loud thud, the kid doesn't get back up or even move, and the other kids look at Kinzoku before screaming and running away in fear while Kinzoku shivers and goes to check on the kid while the girl try's to calm him down, Kinzoku looks at her "Who are you and why did you help me?" The girl smiles "I'm Shōhisha nice to see you and you are". Kinzoku smiles "Kinzoku" the girl smiles "Well Kinzoku, don't let that kid get to you, he's just a coward who can't handle his own weight in life, you ignore all the people who would call you a freak and prove them wrong...ok" Kinzoku smiles "Yeah, thanks for the help and advice" Shōhisha smiles "Anytime Kinzoku, I hope to see you again" she leaves and Kinzoku continues checking on the kid he punched. After a while the paramedics take the kid away while Kinzoku is given a stern talking to by his mother "Kinzoku, why did you do that?" Kinzoku shivers "He...called me a freak and pushed me over, I told him to stop but he didn't listen" his mother's tone and face soften and she hugs him "Oh then don't worry baby, it was an accident, you didn't mean to hurt him did you" Kinzoku goes to reply but his mother's eyes glow "Did you baby?" Kinzoku nods quickly "No I didn't mean to hit him so hard, I should have kept my cool like my dad taught me" his mother nods "Yes you should have" Kinzoku then learned that kid he punched had died but due to his age and the circumstances he was held not responsible for the incident but was given therapy to try and help him control himself and his quirk which is mother then had to have examined as she believed he was quirk less due to not having any signs, which Kinzoku was happy to know he had one but felt betrayed when his mother revealed she thought he was quirk less.

(Kinzoku's home)

His father takes him upstairs and shows him the training room, "Kinzoku this is where you can practice and train and remember it is important for a hero not to just be fit and healthy but also train their quirks" Kinzoku nods "So I can use my quirk here but no where else?" His father nods and Kinzoku smiles "Thanks dad" he hugs him while shivering.


Kinzoku again goes to play alone when he runs into Shōhisha again, she smiles and sits with him "Hello again, Kinzoku" Kinzoku smiles "You too Shōhisha" the two begin playing together for a while until Shōhisha suddenly kisses him, Kinzoku blushes uncontrollably while Shōhisha smiles and hugs him "Aww, your so cute" Kinzoku blushes more "Y-you think-so?" She nods and kisses him again "Yes, you are the most beautiful thing ever, if someone ever hurt you I don't know what Id do" she stays for a while before leaving and blowing Kinzoku and kiss which makes him bright red.

(Later, Kinzoku's Home)

Kinzoku heads home and goes to his room after eating with his parents, they make sure he's gone before talking to each other. "Jaakuna I thought you agreed to stop using your quirk on him" Jaakuna plays with her fingers nervously "Yes but, he was on the verge of tears and crying, I only wanted to keep him calm" Hijari sighs "You can't go round deleting his bad memories. He needs them so he can learn from them." Jaakuna nods "I know but at the same time I don't want him to be upset" they hear a shuffle and just catch a glimpse of Kinzoku peeking out before he dashes away, Hijari goes to comfort him but Jaakuna stops "I'll calm him down, just sit down" her eyes glow and his father does as told" she walks up the stairs and gently opens Kinzoku's room door "Kinzoku dear" she spots Kinzoku hiding under his covers and gently sits next to him and strokes his back "Hey, hey it's ok, mummy's hear to help you" Kinzoku flinches from her touch "Leave me alone!" Jaakuna is taken aback by the sudden outburst but continues "Honey I'm not going to hurt you I promise just please listen to me" Kinzoku shakily lifts up the covers to reveal himself with tears flowing down his face "Why did you do it to me?" His mother hugs him "Because I didn't want to see you upset, I want you to be happy" Kinzoku smiles softly "Thank you mother but can you not do it again...please" Jaakuna breathes deeply before responding softly "Ok honey I won't do it anymore I promise just be careful ok" Kinzoku smiles and his mother helps him fall asleep before she gently shuts the door and heads back down stairs.

(His parents Bio)

Mother: Jaakuna Shōjo

Quirk: Hardwired, allows her to subtly control people by making eye contact with them at that point her eyes glow and she can make people forget things like memories, objectives and even who they are.

Eye Colour: Dark Blue

Hair Colour: Black

Father: Hijari Shōjō

Quirk: Shadow Phase, allows him to control and manipulate darkness itself and create clones, monsters and tendrils out of nearby shadows and also teleport a short distance (quirk only effective during the night)

(New villain bio)

MHA Villan OC

Name: Unknown, alias: Consumer

Age: 18

Eye Colour: Red

Hair colour: Black

Appearance: Consumer appears to be a normal human girl, but her actual appearance is unknown due to her quirk.

Quirk: Consume, allows her to control her flesh and turn it into sharp blades, shields, throwing weapons, whips and all manners of other weapons and also allows her to completely consume a person and gain their memories, thoughts, appearance and voice. Along with their quirks and she has a healing factor (that can be stopped if her head is cut off)

Backstory: Unknown.

(End of chapter)