
Chapter 53

TITLE: Hero Work Studies (4) - Start

It was 5 in the morning, the streets which were usually boisterous were awfully quiet, and few people were out either running or heading to their workplace at this time but our focus wasn't the normal civilians but rather the group of 3 that were currently running, not jogging, I mean they were speeding through the city. These 3 were of course; Sora, Hana, and Mirko.

Mirko was at the forefront of the three as the two were struggling to keep up with her though it was mostly Sora as he was told to minimize the use of his quirk, he felt like fainting right now as he huffed and puffed. This guy was meant to be a shut-in if not for his curse and recent sense of responsibility but at this point, he didn't care as he just wanted to rest didn't matter if he died or somebody close to him died but that was false as we all know he's not that sort of guy.

Anyway, going back to the matter at hand, the three had finally started their work studies and Mirko said the best way to know the city is by running so while they were doing that, obviously this was a lie as I doubt anyone would care about their immediate surroundings while running a race or something like that, rather the focus will mostly be forward and downward to avoid hitting someone or any obstacles, the only case where are theory can be proven true is in a football field as most times players try not only be conscious of where they're going but also their teammates around them. Mirko's reason for doing this was mainly because of Sora since she wanted to make him more athletic especially since he was the type that relied too much on his quirk and she wanted to change this.


Hours passed and they stopped as they were currently around the outskirts of Hiroshima, Mirko had a satisfied smile on her face as she said

"Good job Hana and for you Sora... you've got a long way to go"

"...I hate you"

Sora cursed as he lie to the group but the latter didn't care as she said

"Okay head home and change into your hero costumes then meet me at the stadium"

The two nodded.



Izuku Midoriya had a smile on his face as he walked together with Mirio. He had been accepted by sir Nighteye's agency so him and Lemillion were surveiling the city as they strolled around.

As they continued on their walk, suddenly a small girl ran into Izuku causing her to stumble.

"I'm sorry" she apologized. Midoriya immediately went on a knee as he asked her

"Are you okay?"


"We shouldn't trouble the heroes" a man appeared cutting the girl off before he said "let's go back, Eri"

Immediately upon seeing his face, Izuku was able to recognize him, having brown hair and was wearing a crow mask, he was the leader of the Yakuza; Chisaki. The man didn't seem to care as he said

"I apologize on behalf of my daughter. Sometimes she gets carried away with her games and injurs herself. Such a troublemaker, this one."

"You expect me to believe that these are wounds gotten from fun and games?" Midoriya asked annoyed


"What if I don't?"

"Then that's none of my business, I'll be taking my daughter and going"

"Yes yes, we'll be on our merry way too, we have to keep surveiling the city so we should vambus" Mirio interjected before turning to Midoriya as he ordered him that they should go. The latter could only curse as he followed his senior behind but then the girl grabbed onto his leg as she cried saying

"Pwease don't go..."

This pricked the young hero's heart especially after seeing her frightened face, he couldn't help but bend down as he hugged her tightly as he whispered

"Mister, you will have to explain to me why this girl is so badly frightened"

"It's because I just scolded her"

"You must think I'm a joke, first you tell me she got her wounds from games and now your telling me, she's trembling because you scolded her. Hah, be serious man"

"*Sigh* okay, you're so perceptive" Chisaki sighed before he walked into the alley as he said

"It's an embarrassing topic so I won't like to talk about it in the open you see"

So they followed him into the alley as he began narrating how hard it is to parent a child and such but then a moment came where he arranged the gloves on his hand and immediately, shivers ran down all three's spine before Eri let go of Izuku as she rushed to him shocking Izuku.

"Are you done with your drama now?" He asked but the girl couldn't say a word, Midoriya looked dumbfounded but Chisaki didn't care as he said a few words and wished them good luck as he disappeared into the dark alley.

Midoriya wanted to chase after them but Mirio stopped as he explained that it'll only make their investigation harder so the young hero could only relent as he looked at the sky and wondered

'What's the use of being a hero if I can't even save one little girl before my eyes?'

With that, the two informed Night eye of their encounter with Chisaki, signalling the start of a deadly mission.


"Haaa... This is so boring" Hana complained as she was currently walking around the city together with Sora as they were tasked with surveiling the city.

"Stop complaining"

"Hah, the only reason you're not complaining is because you are not working"

"You know me too well" Sora had smug smile on his face causing Hana to pout, Sora saw this as an opportunity as he pinched her cheeks.

"Stwoooop" Hana cried but Soro didn't care as he continued and a few seconds later, he stopped as he had a satisfied smile on her meanwhile Hana was mad as she said

"You are dead when we get home"

"Well actually, I'd like for us to do something this night"

"Huh" Hana was surprised as she looked at him before asking "what do you mean?"

"Just dress up this night, cus I'll be taking you out"

"Are you serious?" Hana asked, stars in her eyes and Sora nodded.

"Yay" Hana squealed in joy as he jumped on Sora, thank goodness his quirk was so convenient as he was easily able to stop himself from falling but he couldn't help but think

'How's she so heavy'

Immediately Hana glared at him as she asked "did you just think something bad about me?"

"Not at all" Sora said as he averted her eyes, he was sweating profusely as he wondered 'can she read my thoughts now?'

Hana wasn't buying it but she couldn't do anything as she didn't have evidence, she was moving purely based on instinct.

But they soon had to stop their pleasantries as a citizen shouted

"My bagg!"

"Zero two!"

"On it"

Immediately Hana's eyes gleamed before she dashed forward, moving at great pace she caught up with the bag snatcher and using her legs, she hit him square on the chin knocking him out. She then took the bag and returned it to the woman meanwhile Sora apprehended the theif using wind before calling the police as they came moments later and carried the thief away.

"That was easy" Sora commented and Hana nodded as she said

"Yeah, it's nothing compared to what you have experienced I guess"

"Obviously, I was a magnet then... Don't know what I am now"

"Well it's better, at least I won't always be worried"

"You make it sound like we have been together since birth"

"We haven't but still, since we got together it's just been one trouble after the other, it's not been easy on me"

"Oh wow, you have feelings"

*POW* Hana punched Sora causing the latter to fall to his knees but she didn't care as she said "fuck you"

Before walking a way, Sora could only push himself to his feet as he followed behind her, begging for her forgiveness.


Evening came and the two heroes were back at home. Sora was currently standing in front of a window as he checked himself out.

He was wearing a white T-shirt with cream colored pants which he bent at the edge, and a jade green jacket due to the cold coupled with a small brown cross bag together with pure white sneakers.

"I guess I'm looking good?"

Sora wasn't too sure himself about his dressing but there was nothing he had that was casual but presentable enough.

"Only she can judge"

Sora thought as he decided to head to her room and see if she's ready.


"One sec" Hana shouted as Sora knocked the door, so he could only wait and a few minutes later, Hana opened the door and as soon as he saw her, he was stunned as he was at a lost of words.


Just how beautiful did she look or what did she wear? Find out in the next chapter

Please review the story and I don't want the guys who read auxiliary chapters to come and be reviewing my story, that'll be highly disrespectful.

power stones please

ImAGhostcreators' thoughts