
Chapter 6: More training

"Shoot to kill… Shinsō"

As soon I said Shinsō name my whole spear glowed in green light and extended at a speed barely visible by the human eye. Not only the speed was terrifying the power behind it was outstanding. The distance it could extend was at least 60 meters (It's equivalent to 196.85 feet). The weight of the spear only changed a bit, quite weird considering that the increase of length should increase the mass and the weight of the spear, but most likely since the increase of the length is because of the use of Reiryoku, change that much the weight of my spear.

The use of a Shikai felt kind of weird, I away even if this was the first time, I was using it I knew what I could do and how to do it, but obviously, it could do it perfectly, most likely I wasted more energy than I should, and it feels stiff the process of extending and retracting. With practice, I could make it faster and make more complex movements instead of just stabbing.

"So, the name of your first Shikai is Shinsō, quite fitting for you since it means 'God's Spear' "Said Genryūsai-san. "Also, Shinsō's ability helps you to get more ranged attacks. For the rest of the day just practice using your Shikai, and…" Then Genryūsai-san clapped his hands and everything around us changed, now we were in some kind of shooting range, with a lot of mannequins at different ranges and with a lot of obstacles.

"Amazing Genryūsai-san!!! Is this the power of your Shikai or your Bankai? If so, how did you do it? Can you create anything or there is a limitation? I heard about some Quirks that can create things, but this is on a whole different level! I assume that you need to have some understanding of the things you create, like what are they are made of and how they are made, I noticed that the Reishi of environment moved when you created all of this, so it all made of Reishi? "I said excitedly trying to figure out how Genryūsai-san's ability work.

"Hahaha you are something else young Izuku, yes everything is made of Reishi, there are worlds made only of Reishi and all the things on it, also yes I need to somehow know how and what they are made, but don't get confused this is not my ability it's the dimension ability. Since you are also connected with it you can also do it, but you cannot take anything made here to your world because it would disappear, but you can use outside materials and tools made of Reishi. Let's say that you want to make a meal and you have the ingredients, but not the tools like knives, oven, saucepan, etc., you can create them so make the meal and take it outside with no problem, but if you add something like pepper, the moment you take it outside it would l the taste of pepper. "

I was dumbfounded with the implications of this, this means that as long I get the blueprints and the materials, I could potentially make a lab with state of art equipment to make Hero costumes and some useful things, he had theoretical knowledge of how to make many things and some practice on that, but the only problem would be to get the materials, but he could use some of his contacts to get them.

"Well young Izuku, I know that you must want to try something, but the training comes first, in your spare time you can do whatever you want." Said Genryūsai-san

For the rest of the day, I continue to practice with Shinsō, the first thing that I realized is that he needed a constant influx of Reiatsu, and I could keep it for almost an hour, it's a good time but if I used other techniques the time would be shorter, this is most likely for my poor control over my Reiatsu. So as long my control gets better and my reserves of Reiryoku grow, the time that I could use it would increase.

Genryūsai-san recommends me eat three times a day even if I don't feel hunger, the reason is that when I leave this place my sense of hunger will come back, and it would be strange if I keep forgetting to eat in the outside world.

The next day, if I could call it like that since the time here, doesn't change, but Genryūsai-san makes the sky change according to a clock that he has.

"Well young Izuku today you will practice Kido, these techniques are based on spells. These spells are produced with strong Reiryoku and fall into two categories: Hadō for direct attacks, and Bakudō for battle support. Kidō spells are triggered by an incantation. Experienced users can trigger them without an incantation, though the effectiveness of the spell may be diminished. The power of a spell relies on the power of the user, as even a low-level spell can be utterly devastating when utilized by a high-class Shinigami."

"Wow! I thought magic was something from fiction, do I need to have a wand to use them?"

"Hahahaha well you could say it's like magic, but no you don't have to use a wand, you only need no canalize your Reiryoku in your hands. Like the one, I used in our practice yesterday"

"Lord keep them away, don't let the heretic near, show how you push them. Hadō #1. Shō "After that a small amount of dispelled from Genryūsai-san finger and push the mannequin several meters away.

"This is the easiest Hadō spell, most spells are graded on a scale from 1 to 99, spells of the latter being the most powerful and the most difficult to perform."

"So, you will practice this one until you make it perfect and chant less, so you can have a solid foundation. "Said Genryusai-san

I recited the incantation and must say that it kinda cringe, I feel like I have 8th-grade syndrome but also, it's kind of fun since it's like using magic in those pre-Quirk RPG games. I could make the mannequin move a little but it's a little bit difficult to aim.

I trained for 3 hours then I rested for an hour and flighted Genryūsai-san. Even if he uses the same amount of strength to fight with me, he is more skilled and has more experience than any Pro. So, it's not surprising that the training ground now looked like a horror movie set. Thank God, that Kaidō cures my wounds without leaving scars, to be honest, I don't care about them, but it would be hard to explain to mom how I got the scars.

During my break, I talked a bit with Shinsō, and I must say that he is quite funny, he uses a lot of sarcasm and mocking politeness, but the most notable thing is that he likes to tease people a lot, I think we are going to be very good companions since I like to do the same, I just can pray for the poor souls that will suffer in the future.

After that, I practiced Hakuda that it's the close-quarter combat style of the Shinigami, it kind of reminds me of Krav Maga since both of their attacks are aimed at the most vulnerable parts of the body and simultaneously use defense and attack. Even if my spear it's my main weapon I never slack training martial arts since there is the possibility that in a moment would not be convenient using it.

I also practiced Hohō that is footwork techniques that are far superior to anything I practice before. This incorporates speed and agility to the movements, Shunpo it's the greatest expression of Hohō, although I used it doesn't mean that I'm an expert, it simply because I had many years of training my footwork that somehow I could do it, but I still need a lot of work.

The rest of the day I practiced how to create things in this dimension, for the moment I only could make simple things, the weird thing is that I can easily make food, but Genryūsai-san said that it's because my brain unconsciously stored all information of the things I ate. It will take a long time before a can make complex things but since time it's not a problem, let's not rush things.

Hadō, it's a wonderful thing, Genryūsai-san told me that there are many spells of all types of attributes, at the start, it's somehow tedious to use in battle because it could take several seconds to chant them so it's better for surprise attacks, but when used chant less it's a powerful weapon to surprise opponents in the middle of the fight. Bakudō is also wonderful, the spells restrain the opponents for an amount of time, which would be helpful to quickly end a battle or to give support to allies. I can learn Kaidō for the moment since I need absolute control of my Reiatsu.

The next day my focus was on Hadō and Shinsō. The Hadō intrigued me a lot since I didn't understand how the incantation helped to move the Reiryoku and make the spell, I wanted to know how the incantation moved the Reiryoku if I discover how, this potentially could help me to create my own spells.

And my training with Shinsō this time was mostly to control the distance and speed in what he expanded. It's very powerful, but at the same time very dangerous, if I don't use it carefully, I could potentially kill innocent people by mistake. Maybe with enough control not only I could expand my spear but also make it smaller to use it in closed places, there are so many potentials uses with enough practice I could use them all.

I am also curious about my other's Zanpakutō abilities, if Shinsō alone could make my power increase by several folds, I can't imagine how many times my power and techniques would increase if I had the seven of them. But since they see that it's not time, I only need to wait and keep training for the moment that we can talk.

Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed the chapter. So the dimension can be used to the perfect lab, endless suplies and dont care about the budget. Who do you think would love this place?

Se you tomorrow with a new chapter

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