
MHA: The Green Flash(Izukuxharem)

What if Naruto Uzumaki interferes with Izuku's life? What if Izuku met someone from future earlier? What if Izuku can use Chakra? Find the answers to all these what if's in my fic.

HarshaJirou · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 21: It's the first day!



3rd person POV.


Izuku is finally back from his trip, he met up with the Himejima family on the way back too and found out about Akeno's quirk too, her quirk is Lightning magic. She can create, shoot and control the lightning which she makes with the help of her stamina, Izuku was in awe about the quirk because it was a very useful one too.

Izuku recommended Akeno to learn how to use staff as a weapon too which after seeing some merits, she agreed.

(Home sweet home.), thought Izuku as he arrived in front of the main security gates. Flashing his card, the gates opened as he went directly to meet his mom first cause he missed her quite a bit.

He rang the bell, footsteps were heard as Inko opened the door. Inko made a wide smile seeing Izuku as she said " Welcome back son, how was your trip!". Izuku made a smile as he hugged his mom and said " It was very fun mom, I even made a new friend and their quirk is soo awesome!".

Inko chuckled glad that Izuku still had his geekiness for quirks. Izuku let go as he asked " What's for lunch then mom?". Inko quickly answered " Well, I will start making it and call Momo's family to eat with us too, I am sure they have missed you too.". Izuku nodded as he pulled out his phone and searched up Athena's contact. Izuku then tapped on call as the phone rang a few times till Athena answered.

Athena: AH! Izuku, how is you trip going?.

Izuku: It went really well aunt, I just got back.

Athena: You didn't stop by to greet us? I am hurt!.

Izuku: Sorry aunt but I missed mom so I came here first.

Athena: I was just joking, So why did you call?.

Izuku: Mom asked me to invite you 3 to lunch she is preparing.

Athena: OH! INKO'S COOKING! count me in, I will call the rest too, See you in a bit Izu-chan!

Izuku: See you in a bit too Aunt.

Izuku hung up as he informed his mom that they agreed to arrive for lunch and went to place his luggage back in his room. Izuku finished placing his stuff back and dumping the used clothes in the laundry bucket. He then heard the door bell ring as he heard " IZUKU, GET THE DOOR PLEASE, I AM COOKING". From Inko as he went to the main door and opened it.

Izuku first saw Momo as she said " Welcome back Izu-kun! How was your trip alone?". Izuku smiled hidden by his mask as he answered " It was a joyful one for me Momo, What did you do these past days.". Momo just gave another beaming smile as she said " I took this time to hang-out with Kyouka and Tatsuma-san!".

Athena then gave Izuku a hug as she said " Ah, Izu-chan! I missed you soo much these days, you should have taken me and Momo with you too.". Athena was side-glancing at Momo who was glaring at her mother as Akira laughed and said " Now dear, enough teasing, Tell me Izuku. Which places did you go.".

Izuku guided them into the hall as they all sat in sofa's as Izuku recounted his trip to them. Momo then gave a whine as she said " MOU! That sounds soo fun! You are never again taking a trip without me Izu-kun!". Everyone laughed as Inko arrived with the dishes as everyone pounced on the food.


Time skip- next day morning.


Izuku is seen in front of the mirror checking his U.A outfit as he thought ( Not bad, a bit tight but that's fine for me.). He then put on his mask and took his car keys too as he went down. Izuku already applied for the vehicle permission with the school and got the sticker which should be on the front window of the car so that the security scanner will allow him in.

Izuku then got down as Inko spotted him and said " You look really good in the uniform Izu-chan!", Izuku gave a eye-smile as he said '' Thanks Mom, I need to pick up Momo and go now, Bye!". Inko waved bye as she watched Izuku take his biggest step towards his dream.

Izuku saw that the skies were blue and clear, ( Perfect day for the first day of high-school) He thought as he unlocked the door with a button and got into the driver seat. He pressed the start button as the engine started and Izuku drove towards Momo's house. Momo heard the car horn and turned her head as she saw the crimson car stop beside her, She got in and strapped on the seatbelt.

Izuku started driving again as Momo turned to him and said " Good morning Izu-kun! Looking forward to today?". Izuku nods his head as he said " yep, We got Kyouka in our class too as well as the girl I told you I met in my trip.". Momo then gave a little pout which Izuku didn't notice as she thought ( Mou Izu-kun, I am glad you are making friends but why are all your new friend female!?!).

Izuku then flashed the card as the gates opened up and he drives onto the road leading to U.A. Izuku was planning on using the car everyday. He didn't care much about the fuel prices since some people with fuel creation related quirks are in the fuel business and the number of people owning vehicles decreased too so the fuel prices were not costly at all.

Momo then asked " Do you think the our classmates will be good?". Momo having no experience with school stuff was obviously nervous as Izuku chuckled and said " No need to worry Momo, I am sure U.A does full background check before selecting their hero-course students.", Momo nodded as her worries were lessened to a degree as she then talked to Izuku on how she should introduce herself.

30 minutes later, both arrived at the gate, Izuku saw his watch and saw that they were 20 minutes early, no wonder there weren't many students at all. The gate had a screen which gave a green light as Izuku drove in and parked the car at the parking spot near the entrance ways.

Izuku and Momo got out and the car did catch attention of a students who were there as they murmured to themselves. Izuku told Momo to ignore the murmurs as they both walked into the building hallway to the map. Momo memorized the way quickly as they both started walking again.

A few minutes of walking later as they both came in front of the huge doors Momo commented " Must be for some students who were really tall due to mutation quirks.". Izuku nodded opting to stay silent for now as they both pushed the doors open and walked in.

Izuku saw 2 students there. One being the blue-haired tall guy with specs who he remembered from the entrance exams and the other being a average tall teen with half-red and half-white hair which Izuku guessed might be related to his quirk. Izuku and Momo walked to their seats which were number 19 and 20.

Momo had a internal cheer, happy that Izuku's seat was right behind her. Izuku sat on the 20 number seat as Momo sat in front of him as they both just conversed to themselves till others arrive. A few minutes later, students started arriving in as a few of the cheery people started to get to know the person behind them.

Then came in Akeno, her seat number was 15, she looked around as she saw Izuku, her face gained a smile as she walked towards them. Akeno then sat at her desk and turned to Izuku and said " Hello Midoriya! glad to see we are next to each other!". Izuku gave a eye-smile as he said " Hello Himejima-san, I hope you have moved into your new apartment comfortably. This here is Momo Yaoyorozu, I told you about.".

Akeno then turned to Momo as she offered her hand and said " Ah! so you are Yaoyorozu-san, Izuku told me a lot about you, Its nice to make your acquaintance!.". Momo gave a smile as she shook Akeno's hand and said " Its nice to meet you too Himejima-san! Please call me Momo, my last name is rather long.". Akeno then said " Alright Momo-san, please call me by my first name too, it is only fair.". Momo nodded.

Izuku smiled seeing both get along. He did notice both had the same hair color too. Izuku then sensed someone go over to the teacher podium slowly, He peaked and a yellow sleeping bag crawling like caterpillar and thought ( Might be our teacher, I am surprised no one noticed that bright sleeping bag.).

Izuku then said " Momo, Akeno-san, our teacher is here. Let's pay attention.". Izuku pointed at the direction as both girls saw the sleeping bag and then sat at attention. Aizawa who saw the this through a little gap smirked a bit to himself as he thought ( That green-haired kid sure is perceptive of his surroundings, those girls were also quick to commands and saw me too.).

Aizawa then stood up, still in his sleeping bag as he said " Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends.". Everyone except our 3 were shocked as they stared at their presumably homeroom teacher as Aizawa said " This is the hero course. No one even noticed me when I came in except for Izuku Midroiya, the green haired boy.".

Instantly the attention was on Izuku as everyone scrambled to their seats. Aizawa then came out of his sleeping bag and pulled out ton of clothes with same design as he said " Pick the one with your names and come to the field in 5 minutes, I discourage wasting time.". Everyone hurried as they grabbed the gym clothes with their names and zoomed to the changing rooms.

A few minutes later, Izuku and Bakugou were the first ones to arrive, Aizawa looked at them and said " Good, you two know the value of time.". Izuku nodded at the praise along with Bakugou. A few seconds later, stomping sounds were heard as everyone else arrived. Jirou and Momo stood together as Akeno joined with Izuku. Izuku had to admit, the clothes fit Akeno quite well, they weren't tight on her breasts unlike the school uniform.

Akeno was openly checking out Izuku as she thought ( My! I knew Midoriya-kun is fit but I didn't expect this. His muscles look ready to tear through those clothes.). Akeno's views were only a bit correct, the gym clothes were indeed tight on Izuku but since they were made with special material, they wont rip off easily.

Momo on the side noticed Akeno's expression and vision as she glared a bit at her. Akeno who noticed Momo's glare had a small smile as she thought ( Ara, Seems like Momo-san is quite jealous at me. How cute.). Aizawa then said " Alright, since everyone has gathered. I am your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa and Its time for the quirk assessment test.".

Murmurs arose between the students as a girl with Brown bob-hair raised her hand and said " But sir, aren't we supposed to attend the orientation first?". Aizawa then looked at her and said " Teachers In U.A are given permission to run their classes however they like and I personally see orientation as a waste of time, Now the tests are same as your physical tests in your middle schools but you are allowed to use yours quirks here.".

"YES, finally we are allowed to use our quirks freely." " I always wondered how my scores would be with quirks.". " Sweet, this will be a lot of fun!.". Aizawa then glared a bit at the female student with pink hair who said the last line as he said " Fun, you say? Alright then, whoever gets last place in this test will be expelled.".

Many disagreements about it being not fair were voiced by few of the students while the others were silent to themselves preparing for the tests. Aizawa rose his voice as he said " being a hero is a lot of hardship and you will have 'n' number of obstacles in your way, our job is to prepare you properly for them, there is no such thing as fair in this career. Understood?".

The students shut-up and nodded their heads as Aizawa said " Good, you will have be tested in ball-throw, standing long jump, 50-meter dash, Long-distance run, Grip strength, Repeated side-steps, seated toe-touch and sit-ups. As I mentioned, you are allowed to use your quirks.".
