
MHA: The Green Blur

Izuku Midoriya just your ordinary run of the mill kid, until that is his life was completely turned upside down. After an accident caused him to suddenly gain powers, how will Izuku use his powers? Follow along as Izuku becomes imbued with the powers of super speed and how he became known as the fastest man alive! Aspects taken from DC's The Flash (Story by RSmallz on fanfiction.net)

drswagman · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs


After all the classes had been introduced they then found themselves in front of a small stage. Izuku looked over to the support course and found Mei, he waved and she waved back, "Now let's get UA's sports festival going. And who else to be your referee on the ground then the one and only MIDNIGHT!"

On the stage the 18+ hero known as Midnight walked onto the stage wearing her hero costume that left little to the imagination. "I do hope you kids are ready. Cause this is one festival where you have to give it your all."

The boys all blushed at the sight of the hero, the girls all stared at her. Izuku blushed but soon looked away, "Now that everyone is ready let's kick things off with the ceremonial speech by none other than class 1A's class president Izuku Midoriya!"

Izuku was stunned, "What!? When was this a thing?" Looking around Izuku saw everyone looking at him. But that's when Bakugo pushed him forward, "You should be helping me!"

"I could, but seeing you panic is a lot more entertaining. Now get your ass up there." said Bakugo.

With no other option Izuku walked onto the stage and now stood in front of everyone in the stadium. Taking a deep breath Izuku readied himself, "Time, it's a valuable thing. But it can very easily fly by us if we aren't careful. No one is immortal, heroes come and go, but the memory of them lives on. It's what we do with the time we have that gives our lives meaning. So that's why I want everyone, every student, civilian, hero, and anyone else hearing this to know that it's not too late. Go out there and do what you love. But always remember time gives and takes, but it's up to us to do what we want with the time we are given."

The stadium fell silent, Izuku thought he messed up but his worry soon was broken when the entire stadium cheered. Seeing that the people liked it, Izuku stepped off the stage, as he went back to his class he looked over at Mei who had a worried look on her face.

"Thank you for that Midoriya, now let's find out what event you students will be competing in first shall we!?" Midnight cracked her whip and pointed up towards the jumbotron. Appearing on the screen was a wheel with all of the different events, soon it spun rapidly before stopping suddenly on an event. "Looks like the first up is the obstacle race!"

Izuku smiled, "Oh this should be easy." Class 1A all simultaneously sighed, they all knew there was no beating Izuku in a race. However, one boy in class 1B that had blue hair and glasses looked at Izuku.

"However this won't be an ordinary obstacle race, we had added a few surprises so watch out for them. You are allowed to use your quirks so go crazy. But keep in mind only the first 42 students who cross the finish line move on." said Midnight. "Now go to the starting line and get ready!"

The classes all walked over to a tunnel where they were all pushed up against each other. Izuku was in the middle of the pack, while Todoroki was in the front. Izuku yawned as he waited for the signal to go out.

"Alright! If everyone is ready? Then let's get this show on the road!" Yelled Present Mic as a loud buzzer sound was heard. The entire first year class took off but was soon stopped when a wall of ice blocked their path.

It was Todoroki, using his quirk he managed to temporarily slow everyone down. As he ran forward however robots, like the ones in the entrance exam appeared including the massive zero pointers.

But Todoroki wasn't worried, throwing his arm up he froze over the entire wave of robots in front of him. Running past them he looked back to see them falling. However at that same time the other students had already broken free of his ice and were running him down.

"And look at them go! Todoroki has a firm lead as of this moment but will that last!?" Announced Mic.

"Hey Mic, I think you're forgetting someone." Said Aizawa.

"Huh? Who?' asked Mic as the camera panned towards the starting line. "What the hell! Is he doing it again?"

Aizawa nodded, "Yeah he is. This is why I hate speed type quirk users. They always think they could slack off."

Down on the field Izuku was laying down on the ground, just waiting. "Hmmm, maybe I should get some snacks while I wait." Getting up Izuku dusted himself off and in a streak of green lightning he disappeared.

The crowd was surprised, the camera looked around for him but couldn't find him. "Where did he go?" Asked Mic.

Aizawa sighed, "I have no idea, but I get the feeling we'll find out soon enough."

With everyone else they were giving it their all. Once they got past the robots the students were faced with another challenge. This one included a pitfall. A large section of the ground was hollowed out leaving only pillars that had ropes attached to them.

Todoroki used his ice to freeze the rope and glide over them. While Bakugo used his explosions to fly over. But others had to think things through, "How the heck are we going to make it across?" Asked Mina, as herself, Uraraka, and Tsu all stopped at the edge of the fall.

"Ha ha! That's where you have to think outside the box!" Said Mei appearing beside them. "This will be the perfect chance to show off what my babies can do!" Mei has a strange metal backpack attached to her back and special boots.

Jumping from the ledge Mei activated her baby which shot out a spike and attached to a pillar. Using the momentum Mei swung herself from pillar to pillar.

"Is that even allowed?" Asked Uraraka.

"Maybe? Midnight would have said something by now right?" Questioned Mina.

That's when Tsu jumped onto the rope, "Come on we can't fall behind."

The others quickly rallied themselves and began to cross the second obstacle. Elsewhere Izuku patiently waited at a table with a receipt in his hands.

Back with the others they were now on the third and final challenge. "And it looks like Todoroki is still in the lead and is just a few hundred meters away from winning! But first he has to get by the minefield!"

In front of him Todoroki saw that the ground had weird circles. "Those must be the mines. I'll need to be careful."

With Izuku, "order for Izuku!" A man wearing a white and red uniform called out.

Standing up Izuku walked over to the counter, "That's me!" He said in English.

"Here you are sir. Please enjoy." Said the man handing over a bag of food.

Grabbing the bag, Izuku nodded, "Thanks." Once again Izuku took off.