
MHA: The Green Blur

Izuku Midoriya just your ordinary run of the mill kid, until that is his life was completely turned upside down. After an accident caused him to suddenly gain powers, how will Izuku use his powers? Follow along as Izuku becomes imbued with the powers of super speed and how he became known as the fastest man alive! Aspects taken from DC's The Flash (Story by RSmallz on fanfiction.net)

drswagman · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

There’s Always Consequences

Izuku bounced his leg in super speed as he sat in a chair, but this was no ordinary chair, this chair was sitting right in front of Nezu's desk. Currently Izuku was sitting in Nezu's office with Aizawa and All Might beside him. "Sooooo, how are you guys this fine morning?" asked Izuku.

Nezu gave a small smile, "We are doing just fine Midoriya."

"The sports festival was fun wasn't it. Everyone enjoyed themselves." Said Izuku.

"Yes, yes it was." Said Nezu, still with that smile on his face. "You know why you're here, right Midoriya?"

Izuku thought about it, "Not a clue."

Aizawa sighed, "Yes you do, now stop acting dumb. Why did you withdraw from the festival?"

"I had something to do." Explained Izuku.

"You had something to do. This thing you had to do, did it warrant the use of your quirk?" Asked Nezu.

Izuku nodded, "Yes."

"So let me get this straight, you illegally used your quirk, left school grounds, and won't tell us why you did it? That's cause for suspension Midoriya, even expulsion." Explained Nezu.

"So unless you want to stay in this school, I suggest you tell us why." Said All Might.

Izuku sighed, "You won't believe me even if I told you."

"Try us." Said Aizawa.

"Alright then, don't say I didn't warn you." Izuku then began to explain it all. He talked about his adventure in another timeline, how he went back to save his mom but ended up ruining everything. He even talked about how he stopped his past self and that somehow fixed the timeline. Furthermore, he talked about meeting a certain hero but conveniently left out the name.

After all that the two heroes looked at each other in disbelief. "You expect us to believe you time traveled?" Asked All Might.

"Believe me if you want, it really doesn't matter. What's done is done, so, what's my punishment going to be?" Asked Izuku, sitting back on the chair.

Nezu jumped out of his seat and walked around his desk. "We won't expel you, but instead you will be helping around UA after school until the start of your internships."

"Internships? Oh right, I remember something about that. Alright fine," said Izuku. "Just so you know, I don't regret leaving the sports festival. What I did before is another question."

Aizawa looked at Izuku and saw a hint of sadness behind a sense of guilt. 'What did he do before?'

The meeting ended and Izuku was allowed to leave, the two heroes stayed behind and talked about other unrelated stuff. Once done Aizawa walked out of the office, as he walked into the teachers lounge he suddenly felt a gust of wind pass by him. Looking behind him, Aizawa didn't see anything, "Strange."

He then looked at his desk only to find Izuku sitting in his chair, "Took you long enough, I was getting bored."

Aizawa sighed, "I hate speedsters. What are you doing here Midoriya, you're supposed to be in class right now."

Izuku spun around in the chair, "I know but there's something I need to talk to you about."

"Can't it wait until after school? I'm kind of busy right now." said Aizawa. "And get out of my chair."

Quickly getting off Izuku now stood beside the heroes desk, "It's kind of important."

Sitting down, Aizawa pulled out some papers, "Look, whatever it is, come back after school. I have to sort through all of these offers…"

That's when Izuku interrupted, "Does Shirakumo ring any bells?"

Aizawa stopped dead in his tracks, "How do you know that name?"

"You remember what I said in that meeting just now right? That I did something before that I kind of regretted. Well I'm going to tell you what I did, you may not believe me but know that what I did was what I thought, at the time, to be the right thing." said Izuku.

Aizawa turned to his student, "Let's hear it."

Izuku then got to work explaining everything to Aizawa, by the end of it the pro hero simply looked at his student with sorrow. "And that's everything. I changed the past by saving my mom, but in doing that I disrupted the timeline so much that I destroyed the world."

Aizawa placed a hand on Izuku, "Don't beat yourself too much. If I had the powers you had I probably would have done the same. And to be honest, I wouldn't have changed things back."

"There's just some things I don't get. If I really did make Melissa a living paradox, does that mean she'll come back?" asked Izuku.

Aizawa shrugged, "Honestly I don't know, if what she said was true then yes. She'll be back."

Izuku looked at his teacher, "And I'll be ready for her. Another thing, my memories are all different, I can remember my life before I changed the time. I can remember the time I spent with my mom, I remember dating Uraraka in that world, I shouldn't be able to remember. Maybe the timeline is still messed up?"

"That, or it seems the timeline gave you a reward," said Aizawa. "Take what you learned and keep moving forward. Shirakumo would want that."

Izuku nodded, "Yeah, I'll do that. But I also think you can do with forgiving yourself for Shirakumo's death." Getting up Izuku reached into his pocket and pulled out a small disc and placed it on Aizawa's desk.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow, "An entrance exam disc? Why do you have that?"

Tapping it Izuku activated the disc and out appeared a holographic image of Shirakumo, "Hey Shota! Miss me!? I bet you did!" Aizawa's eyes widened when he saw his old friend's face once again. "Man you must be either grilling the kid or telling him to move on. That's so like you Shota." Shirakumo's expression then turned serious. "Don't blame the kid too much though. If I had his speed I would have done the same. You see in my world, you die while saving me from some villains. That day keeps playing over and over in my mind. But if the kid goes through with it this world won't even exist and that's okay too. That just means things went how they were supposed to. The kid told me, well I figured it out actually, your version of me must have died and I guess you blame yourself for me/his death. Well I'm here to tell you don't. If I died it's probably because I rushed into a fight without thinking. Something you told me multiple times not to do. I died because I chose wrong, not because you couldn't or didn't make it. So stop it, you hear me, stop it. Anyway I should go, an old friend told me I should go help the kid before I regret it. You know, he kind of reminds me of you in a way. Well, I guess I'll see you later Shota, take care now!" Giving a bright smile, Shirakumo slowly faded away as the image disappeared.

Aizawa stood up and grabbed the small disc, holding it in his hand. Tears suddenly began to fall on it. Turning, Aizawa looked at Izuku with tears in his eyes, "Thank you for this. Truly, thank you. You should go to class now, we both know how Midnight gets when you're late."

Izuku nodded, "I'll see you in homeroom Aizawa." With that Izuku was just about to walk out of the door when Aizawa stopped him.

"Wait, I forgot to tell you. Your father's new trial, it's set to start in two weeks. You'll be in your internship but you should be able to be there." explained Aizawa.

Izuku's eyes widened, "Thanks…"

Walking to class Izuku could hardly contain himself, this was it, his father was finally going to get out of jail. He could be with his dad once again. "Just hold on for a bit longer dad." However, right now Izuku was happy, it was after school that had him worried. He still had to explain everything he did to Mei.

Later that day Izuku stood outside UA's gates waiting for Mei, when it was apparent that she wasn't coming out Izuku went in to find her. Going towards the support department Izuku found her still working on something, "Come on, come on, I just need to align the compound and…." Just then a puff of black smoke rose up, completely covering Mei in it.

Coughing Mei fanned the smoke away, "Damn it, another failure."

"What are you working on?" asked Izuku standing next to her.

Startled Mei jumped, "Izuku! When the heck did you get here." Mei then looked around to find the lab empty. "Where did everyone go?"

"Mei, class ended 30 minutes ago. Your teacher is gone and so is most of the school." explained Izuku.

"Oh so that's why things got quiet. Guess I zoned out for a second and lost myself in my work." said Mei wiping the black smudges off of her face.

"You think. Come on, let's go or do you not want to hear what I did." said Izuku.

Mei nodded, "I do! Hold on, I'll clean up real quick and then we can…."

But before Mei could say go, a flash of green ran around the lab. "Go." looking down on her desk she found it clean. She then looked at Izuku who dusted off his hands. "Nevermind let's go."

The two talked about the sports festival on the way to the beach, Izuku was a bit disappointed to find out that Mei had withdrawn as well but not before showing off her babies. Still, Izuku was happy that Mei enjoyed her time. Making it down to the beach the two entered the hut, Izuku wanted to relax for a bit but Mei took a seat on an old couch they found. "Sit." she ordered.

Izuku sighed, "Fine."

Sitting down, Mei looked at Izuku with determined eyes, "So, go ahead. What did you do?"

Izuku turned to Mei, "Well, for starters I time traveled."

Mei's eyes widened, "Really!? So the papers were right! You must have opened a wormhole, oh but the energy needed to open a portal would have been greater than the energy given off by the sun. It would have to be blackhole energy level if not greater. Wait, when you run your body gives off some sort of energy. Maybe it has something to do with that?"

But as Mei was rambling Izuku hung his head, "I went back to save my mom."

Mei stopped, "W-What?"

"I saved mom from Melissa, but in doing so I completely changed the timeline. And not in a goodway, I was stuck in that world for a while until I got my powers again. But during that time I lived another life. Mom was alive, but dad and Bakugo were dead. You and I weren't as close, and apparently me and Uraraka got together."

Mei couldn't believe what she was hearing, but it was that last part that made her heart ache the most. "Izuku…"

Izuku looked at his hands, "Then a villain showed up and destroyed the world but before he could Melissa was killed. Just as the world was ending I ran back, back to when I decided to stop Melissa. I had to let my mom die...in order to set things right. What kind of a son am I that I let her die? I know she told me to do it, but still. I have all this speed, all this power, but what good is it if I can't save the ones I care about? I-I wish I never got these powers, they're nothing but a curse."

Mei reached out and grabbed Izuku's head, pulling him, she brought him to her chest. "Izuku, you have done nothing but good with those powers. You saved the class, saved All Might, and you even saved me. So don't you dare say that your speed is a curse. You're wrong, it's a blessing. We don't get to choose the quirks we were born with, but you, your powers chose you. So stop thinking that way, I won't let you have that mentality."

Izuku hugged Mei back, "Okay."

"Good, now I want you to promise me something." Izuku broke the hug and looked at Mei. "No matter what happens from now on, no matter who it happens to, promise me that you will never change the past again."

"Mei, I don't think…" but before Izuku finished that sentence Mei grabbed his face.

"Promise me." Said Mei, not as a demand but as a genuine request.

Izuku looked into Mei's eyes and nodded, "Okay, I promise you."

"Good. Good." Said Mei, as she leaned back on the sofa.

Izuku followed and then the two relaxed, "Traveling through time was pretty fun though. I even saw different versions of myself."

"Different Universes?" Asked Mei, curiously. "I wonder what makes them different from this one. So can I run some tests on you?"

Izuku sighed, "Fine, just don't hurt me please."

Mei smiled, "I'll try not to."