
MHA: The Green Blur

Izuku Midoriya just your ordinary run of the mill kid, until that is his life was completely turned upside down. After an accident caused him to suddenly gain powers, how will Izuku use his powers? Follow along as Izuku becomes imbued with the powers of super speed and how he became known as the fastest man alive! Aspects taken from DC's The Flash (Story by RSmallz on fanfiction.net)

drswagman · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

The Next Day, Sunrise

With last night's event still fresh in their minds Izuku and Hatsume got to figuring out what was happening to Izuku. The two were currently down by the shore line surrounded by trash, "So let's go through this one more time." Said Izuku. "From what happened last night, it seems like I somehow got the power to move my body at incredible speeds?"

Hatsume nodded, "Seems that way. Alright enough talk, let's see what's really going on." With a baby in hand Hatsume began to scan Izuku's body. "T-This is unbelievable."

"What is?" Asked Izuku.

"Your cells, they are somehow in a constant state of regrowth. I've never seen anything like this. Normally cells take hours to regrow, but you're doing it in seconds!" Putting the device away Hatsume suddenly reached for Izuku's shirt, lifting it up she took it off leaving Izuku shirtless.

Izuku's face turned red, "H-Hatsume! What are you doing?" He then felt her hand touch his abdomen, only causing further embarrassment.

"Amazing." Is all Hatsume could say before she began to inspect Izuku. "Wow, oh wow! This is simply amazing!"

"What are you saying?" Asked Izuku as he turned around. That's when he saw what Hatsume was talking about. Looking at himself in a broken mirror Izuku noticed that he had a six pack. "I have abs? Since when?"

"It seems like with your new speed powers, you burn through fat tissue at an incredible rate." Explained Hatsume. "Still though…'' She then began to pat down his sides and felt up the muscles on his chest. "You look alot more solid than last time."

Finally realizing what she was doing Hatsume quickly stopped as a small blush formed. "Anyway, let's see how fast you are now."

Izuku nodded as he began to stretch, "Wait a minute, how the heck do I even activate the speed?"

"That's a really good question... I have no idea. Just try focusing?" Suggested Hatsume.

"I can try." Getting ready Izuku closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and holding it for a second he finally exhaled. Opening his eyes Izuku sprinted forward, as he did green lightning began to jump off of his body.

Propelling his body forward Izuku took a step, he could feel it, something was coursing through his body. Was it adrenaline, or something else, whatever it was Izuku had never felt so alive!

But his amazing feeling was cut short when he found out that he couldn't control himself. A blast of wind hit Hatsume's face as Izuku took off, in the blink of an eye he was gone. However that's when she heard the sound of something crashing into a metal pile.

Looking over she found Izuku mangled in the metal just a few feet away. "Midoriya!" Hatsume quickly went to check on him. "You alright?"

Picking himself off the floor Izuku grabbed his arm, "I think so, my arm hurts a bit."

Removing his hand, Izuku's eyes widened when he saw blood dripping down a large cut on his arm. "Well that's not good."

"You're bleeding! Hold on, I'll go get the kit!" Hatsume quickly ran into the hut to get the first aid kit.

By Izuku's estimate she was gone for maybe 30 seconds. But in that time something amazing happened, the cut was already closing up. As Hatsume grabbed his arm to put rubbing alcohol on she noticed that the bleeding had stopped and the wound was closing, "Right, cells in a constant state of regrowth. That means accelerated healing too….interesting."

"This new super speed is something I can get used to." Said Izuku.

"As good as it is, it may have some drawbacks." Explained Hatsume.

"Really? Power like this having a drawback, like what?" Asked Izuku. However that's when he suddenly felt lightheaded.

Wobbling, Izuku fell back and onto the sand, "What's going on?'

"I was afraid of this, since everything about you is now sped up. That means your metabolism is too, which means you get hungry faster." Said Hatsume as her shadow fell over Izuku.

With his stomach growling Izuku raised an arm, "Food, please... anything."

Hatsume smiled, "Hold on, I think I have some chocolate in the hut." After returning she gave Izuku the chocolate bar, she then watched as he devoured it in a second.

"Much better, so what now?'" asked Izuku as he got up. "Are you up for staying here until I get a grasp on this new power?"

Hatsume nodded, "Of course! I'll run more tests on you. Oh I can even test some of my babies on you!"

Izuku's eyes widened, "Oh no, please don't."

But it was too late, Hatsume walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Sorry but you can't escape me today, me and my babies are going to take real good care of you."

Hours later the sun was now setting, Izuku and Hatsume had spent the whole day trying to understand Izuku's new powers, unfortunately, they didn't, not fully. They still had no idea how he got them, their main theory was it had something to do with the chemicals and the electrical current of the lightning bolt.

Izuku now had some control over himself, and well, he was fast, really fast. So much so that he cleared a massive portion of the trashed beach within seconds. However they did run into a bit of trouble when Izuku ran across the sand, thanks to his speed he was kicking up a massive amount of sand into the air. It looked like a sand storm had hit the beach, after their little fiasco they decided to not do anymore tests on the sand. They did however move on to test Izuku's brain, and there too they found out he was fast. Izuku learned complicated math equations in seconds just by reading a textbook.

"You learn fast Midoriya, plus you already look like you have some grasp over your power." said Hatsume as she put down a notebook.

Izuku slumped over on a broken piece of furniture, "Thanks, strangely enough I don't feel tired at all. So what now?"

"Now you sign up for the hero course at UA. Today is the last day to sign up." Said Hatsume, nonchilantly.

"What really!? Oh no I have to get back." Running into the hut, Izuku quickly grabbed his stuff. Hatsume quickly followed suit as they ran towards the train station.

Now home, Izuku and Hatsume quickly found Mitsuki and had her sign all the necessary documents online. "Thanks for this auntie."

Mitsuki nodded, "Of course, but are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, there's no harm in trying right? Besides, if I don't try then I would have failed my dad." Explained Izuku.

"Very well then, just try not to get hurt again. If something were to happen to you again Inko would never forgive me." Izuku nodded, "Good, now go wash up, dinner is almost ready. I assume Hatsume you'll be staying?"

Hatsume nodded, "Nothing beats your homemade cooking, there's no way I'm missing out."

As the three chatted Bakugo was seen around the corner standing there in silence.

After an amazing dinner and promising Mitsuki a new baby that would wash dishes, it was now time for Hatsume to go home.

Since it was late at night, Izuku offered to walk Hatsume to the station. As they waited for the train Izuku turned to Hatsume, "Hey, don't tell anyone about my powers yet. I want to get a better grasp on them before I go around telling people. Can you do that?"

"Sure! Your secret is safe with me! Under one condition." said Hatsume, raising a finger.

Izuku sighed, "Let's hear it."

Hatsume smiled, "If you do get into UA, I want to be the one to make your costume. I got some crazy ideas that I want to test out."

"Fine, just don't go too crazy. I don't want to come out looking like the terminator." Said Izuku as a train pulled up to the station.

"I only promise to try. I'll be seeing you tomorrow Midoriya. We still have to work on that baby!" With that Hatsume got on the train.

But just before the doors closed Izuku smiled, "Hey Hatsume…." she turned. "It's good to see you smile again." With that the doors closed and the train pulled out of the station.

Hatsume sat down on one of the benches and twirled one of her dreadlocks around with her finger. "That was sly Midoriya."

Now walking home Izuku decided to take the long way home, this would give him time to think about stuff. The route he would normally take him through the main road, but with this one he was cutting through alleys and making wild turns.

As he was walking Izuku looked at his hands, "I wonder what other cool stuff I can do." However that's when he heard something, a yell, coming down a poorly lit alley.

Looking down it , Izuku could see the faint silhouette of three people. One of them was surrounded by the other two. The person yelled again, but this time it was a cry for help. "Someone! Anyone help!"

Izuku pulled out his phone to call the cops but stopped, 'They won't make it here on time, that person needs help now. But I still don't have full control of my speed.' He then heard a loud slap, and one of the figures fell to the ground. 'Damn it Izuku! Just go already!' With green lightning sparking off of his body Izuku zoomed towards the people down the alley.

The girl that was in the alley was pushed to the ground as the two men took her purse and began to run away. But before they could even get 3 feet away green lightning sparked around them, "What is going on? A hero?"

"Let's go! Before they get here!" said one of the men.

"I am already here." said a deep voice from the lightning. There standing in front of them was Izuku, the street was poorly lit and the only light was the green lightning jumping off of him which helped cover his face.

"Kill this kid!" one of the men yelled out. But as he threw his fist forward Izuku was gone in a streak of green lightning. "W-What, where did he go?"

"Over here." Turning around, the men saw that Izuku got behind them.

"How did you? Stay still!" the man yelled out as he tried to punch Izuku again, only to have him dodge out of the way just as he was about to land the hit.

Seeing that his friend couldn't hit him the second guy joined in and started to throw punches but to their surprise none were landing. "What is up with this guy! Why can't we hit him!?"

After a while the two men got tired, "Simple, I'm just faster." dashing towards the two men Izuku managed to punch both of them hard enough to send them flying upward.

Now in mid air Izuku narrowed his eyes and once again used his super speed to get a running start, aiming for a pole he jumped up, grabbed the phone line, wanked it off and wrapped it around the two thugs before they hit the ground.

The two men were now tied up against the pole about 10 feet into the air, "Let us go!"

Stopping in front of them, Izuku smiled, "That was easier than I thought." He then turned to the girl, "I believe these are yours" Izuku then handed the girl her wallet and phone that the thugs snatched.

The girl nodded as she got up, "Y-Yeah thanks."

"Good, call the police and have them take them down. Anyway I'm glad you're safe. I'll be going now." said Izuku as he turned to leave.

However, before he could, the girl stopped him, "Wait, aren't you going to wait for the police?"

"Well I can't, I was heading somewhere else right now." explained Izuku.

The girl nodded, "Oh okay...thank you for saving me"

Izuku turned away, "Yeah, so sorry but I can't stick around bye!"

"Wait, who are you?" the girl asked.

Without turning around Izuku responded, "Just someone who wants to help."

With that Izuku took off and was gone leaving nothing but a trail of green lightning behind him.

A few minutes later the police and a few heroes arrived and took the two men away. "So you're saying he was really fast?" asked a man wearing a trench coat and hat.

The girl nodded, "Yeah! Green lightning and everything!"

"I see," said the man as he wrote down everything that the girl said.

"There were no reports of a hero in the area at the time," said a man wearing all black. He had a very tired look on his face. "All of them were out of the city or dealing with other emergencies. However this is just vigilantism; they weren't a hero."

Naomasa nodded, "Eraserhead, yes I already contacted their surrounding hero agencies. We have no idea who took these guys down. There was one witness, who just so happens to be the one who this individual saved, unfortunately she couldn't get a good look at them thanks to it being dark and the speed at which he was moving."

Eraserhead stopped, "I see, that's unfortunate."

"Indeed, anyway Miss Uraraka an officer will take you home now. If there's anything else that comes up we'll contact you." With that Uraraka was taken away.

Eraserhead then turned to the pole where the thugs were tied up, "To be able to tie up the villains and save the girl, it's impressive."

"Impressive yes, but still it should have been left to the heroes," said Naomasa. "Still though, if this person does it again…"

"Then I'll deal with him," said Eraserhead. That's when he noticed something, kneeling down he noticed that the ground was scorched. "Was he really moving that fast?"