
MHA: The Green Blur

Izuku Midoriya just your ordinary run of the mill kid, until that is his life was completely turned upside down. After an accident caused him to suddenly gain powers, how will Izuku use his powers? Follow along as Izuku becomes imbued with the powers of super speed and how he became known as the fastest man alive! Aspects taken from DC's The Flash (Story by RSmallz on fanfiction.net)

drswagman · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Another Chance

Izuku stood stunned at the suggestion, "You can't be serious."

"I am." Said Aizawa. "It's the only way you can save people now."

"No, it's too dangerous. You already know what happened when I changed the past." Izuku said, turning away. "I can't."

"Can't or won't?" Questioned Aizawa. "This is the only answer Midoriya, you have to do this."

Izuku clenched his fist, "I can't do it. I promised Mei after I changed the past that I would never do it again, no matter what happened."

Aizawa raised an eyebrow, "A promise? That's why you won't do it? Look around you Midoriya, this world is in shambles. Countless heroes are dead, civilians…all gone. Think about it."

"I have thought about it!" Izuku yelled. "Ever since Mei died in my arms I thought about doing it. I want her back, I want to say things to her that I couldn't before. But if I change the past, I won't know what or how our futures will be. It could be worse than this. Maybe we can still save people, save who we can and go from there." Sitting down on a broken piece of concrete Izuku pulled back his tattered and blood stained mask, the green from his suit so faded that it was barely still able to be called green.

"Midoriya…" Aizawa walked over to Izuku and took a knee. "I can't save anyone anymore, but you, you still can. You've sacrificed, suffered, and endured so much. You've done your fair share, and no one has the right to ask you for anything. But I'm asking anyway. Midoriya, please, save this world."

Izuku hung his head, "Even if I did do it, there's a chance I'll make things worse. I already watched one world being destroyed, and now I'm watching this one. My choices caused this, I won't risk doing it again."

"I see, so you really are still human." Aizawa said as he stood up, Izuku looked at his teacher confused. "Ever since you told us about your time travel adventure I asked myself, is this kid still human? You run faster than anything on this planet, and can manipulate time and space as you please. Those are things only a higher power can do, yet here you are, making bad choices and regretting it. You're not afraid of changing the past, you're afraid of making the wrong choice."

Izuku stayed silent for a few seconds before answering, "Can you blame me? Melissa was right, everything is my fault. What if I screw it up again? What if I just make people suffer again?"

"You might." Aizawa said. "You might end up taking over the planet, or something even worse. But you could also make it into a world where it's peaceful. That's just something that we'll have to figure out by ourselves."

Izuku looked at his teacher and thought long and hard about it. He thought back to when he first met Mei, the time he spent with Bakugo, when he took the entrance exam, meeting class 1A, fighting villains, anything and everything. Sighing Izuku stood up and nodded, "Alright Aizawa, you win."

Aizawa then reached out his hand, "In case this is the last time we speak I just want to say thank you, for everything. You were one hell of a student."

Izuku smiled as he took Aizawa's hand and shook it, "Thanks Aizawa, and for what it's worth, I enjoyed learning from the best."

Letting go of each other Izuku pulled down his mask, "I'll be seeing you soon Midoriya." Aizawa said.

Getting into a sprinter's stance Izuku looked ahead. With green lightning sparking from his body Izuku took off leaving behind a small dust cloud. Running past the destroyed cities Izuku made it to the water and kicked it up a notch. His body started to generate more lightning as he vibrated his body at the just the right frequency to force open the source of his power.

Pushing through the pain Izuku appeared before the realm between time. Seeing another version of himself pass him by, Izuku took a deep breath, "Mom, Dad, Bakugo, Mitsuki, Masaru, I do this for you and your futures. Mei, I love you and I'm sorry. I won't be able to keep my promise to you. But a future without you in it is no future at all."

Outside Aizawa fell to his knees exhausted, he looked towards the east and saw a glow of green light shining. It was blinding and looked as if the sun fell from the sky. It got closer and soon began to engulf all of Japan. Aizawa smiled as the light drew closer, "T-This is amazing, the light it's almost calling to me. Is this what you saw Shirakumo?" Aizawa laughed, "I wonder what kind of future awaits us?" The light swallowed up Aizawa and left nothing but emptiness in its place.

Mei laid on the ground motionless but with a smile on her face as the light swallowed her too. Next was UA, the students that survived were all huddled in the basement trying to keep themselves safe as the light came in. Eventually the entire world was engulfed in a blinding white light.